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About Me

A young woman dressed all in white sits alone on a park bench near the Bell Isle Coast Guard Station. In the background, a dark and threatening young man approaches from along the river. LUKE is dressed entirely in black. As he nears ANGELA, we see that she is crying. A voice urges her to be strong, and she composes herself.Their greeting is strained, but afterward they begin to walk...and talk. Angela accuses Luke of not wanting forgiveness, of manipulating any situation but his own, which he stays far away from. Luke accuses her of spying on him. Angela heatedly denies it, adding, "Do I have to show you how I suffer because of your plans... and your rage?" She reaches toward Luke, and two fingers burst into blue flame. Luke recoils. "Nothing has been complete without you," Angela insists, "and I am the only one who will admit it." She begins to walk away.Luke cries, "I see you understand now!" Angela admits she understands the conflict, but keeps walking. Luke shouts after her, "You will not join me? You know I am right!" But Angela isn't arguing any more; she says only that the next they meet, they will both die. "So this is the end!" Luke shouts. "No," says Angela, crying hard, "it's the beginning." Then she turns her face to the sky and says quietly, "Now."Create or get your
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who make films...and those who enjoy them. Here are some of the Cast and Crew. Without these great ladies and gentlemen, I could not even think about doing this short. They have been outstandingly helpful and willing to work their butts off to make this project good enough to go to the film festival circuit. The show includes the main and supporting cast. The fight director from Rising Dragon and Theatrical Combat Network. The Co-writer, assistant director and some guy that just takes all the credit. Thanks to Critical Moves for Providing the Green Screen for Divided! Here are some pictures of the studio we will be using. Check out more information about Critical moves at; http://www.myspace.com/zayin01 I also went and got some images of some of the locations we are using in Divided.

My Blog

Paul D Von Schadd

Paul D Von Schadd's film Divided has gotten a review. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/235292/divided_the_ review_of_a_short_film.html   Chech it out ...
Posted by Divided on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 05:50:00 PST

More Press!

http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/235292/divided_the_ review_of_a_short_film.html  ...
Posted by Divided on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:38:00 PST

We made Page 9 in color!

..> My Short Divided, http://www.thepointer.us/documents/0507.pdf..>...
Posted by Divided on Tue, 08 May 2007 06:21:00 PST

Luke Speaks

There is hollowness within me.  I have felt it since the day I questioned my purpose  questioned the destiny set before my by my father.    When I first was seated at my father's sid...
Posted by Divided on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 06:23:00 PST

The first day of production.

This was one of the best and most productive movie sets I have ever been on. I started my day at 6 30 am.  I got to the Critical moves studio and things just got better. Everyone was on time if n...
Posted by Divided on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 01:52:00 PST

Angela Speaks

I've always loved my family. My older brother Luke and I were so close for so long - until the day he left home. He and Father had a fight. A disagreement over something silly. A small conflict that t...
Posted by Divided on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 01:19:00 PST