About Autism:
Some signs of autism spectrum may include:
* Extreme difficulty in learning language.
* Inappropriate response to people. A child with autism may avoid eye contact, resist being picked up or cuddled, and seem to tune out the world.
* Inability or reduced ability to play cooperatively with other children or to make friends.
* Inability to understand other people's feelings.
* Need for a rigid, highly structured routine -- and being very distressed by changes in routines.
* Extreme hyperactivity or unusual passivity.
* Repetitive body movements including pacing, hand flicking, twisting, spinning, rocking or hitting oneself.
* Insensitivity to pain or lack of response to cold or heat.
* Impulsive behavior and no real fear of dangers.
* An unusual attachment to inanimate objects such as toys, strings or spinning objects.
* Frequent crying and tantrums for no apparent reason.
* Peculiar speech patterns. An autistic child may use words without understanding their meanings.
* Abnormal responses to sensations such as light, sound and touch. At times an autistic child may appear deaf. At other times the child may be extremely distressed by everyday noises.
* Some of these symptoms occur in children with other disabilities. Symptoms can change as the child grows older.
Children with autism may have problems with social, emotional, and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their daily activities. Many people with autism also have different ways of learning, paying attention, or reacting to things. Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) begin during early childhood and last throughout a person's life.
Shaken Baby Syndrome Statistics
*One shaken baby in four dies.
*Some studies estimate that 15% of children's deaths are
due to battering or shaking, and an additional 15% are
possible cases of shaking.
*Of the 37 children that died in Florida in 1995-96 13 died
from a combination of Shaken Baby Syndrome/ Head Trauma.
*Of the thousands that survive death, serious injury
usually occurs.
*"SBS" victims range in age from a few days to a few months old; the average is six months.
*More than 60% of the victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome are male.
*Almost 80% of the perpetrators of Shaken Baby Syndrome are male
~These Shaken Baby Syndrome Statistics are scarry, at best. Please help us spread the word about Shaken Baby Syndrome.
~~~~~Prayers and Justice needed for this family~~~~
Pray for baby Kaleb.
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