Lux Concert Photography profile picture

Lux Concert Photography

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

LUX- Pronunciation[luhks] Brilliance, Optics. a unit of illumination, equivalent to 0.0929 foot-candle and equal to the illumination produced by luminous flux of one lumen falling perpendicularly on a surface one meter square. Symbol: lx

My names Karen most people on Myspace know me as Tricky.
I love going to see live shows and meeting new people.
I'm passionate about photography and it shows in my photos.
Especially Live Band/Concert Photography.
In the next few days I'll be adding albums featuring the bands I have photographed.

My Interests

Please Pass This Along Peace & Love, K

I'd like to meet:

Bands that want some fantastic pictures taken.
I'm Cheap! :) Contact me for prices.
That will get you a CD with around 100 high res photos.
I shoot all my photos in RAW format.
You will be able to use them for fliers, web pages, posters etc....
Contact me for more info.
Peace, Karen


Click the Pics to find out about these Amazing Detroit Area Bands!


My Blog

Filthy Life Video!

Vic Wayne Coup Sauvage Video Filthy Life.I was hired to photograph this video shoot. The photos are in albums.Sinderella looks Super Hot!They used my Corvette in it also! It's famous now! I Love that ...
Posted by Lux Concert Photography on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:51:00 PST

Artist Credit...

If anyone knows who the artist is that made the sacred heart I now use for my Logo, please let him/her know I am trying to find him/her to get permission for the use of it.Just covering all bases.Peac...
Posted by Lux Concert Photography on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 01:43:00 PST

Band Testimonials

If You're a Band I've shot..(Tricky/LUX) I have an offer for you!Leave a testimonial in the blog comments for LUX Concert Photography and I will feature an album of shots I've taken of your band,...
Posted by Lux Concert Photography on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:55:00 PST