Kris profile picture


Cobo Hall rocks, bring more shows to cobo!!

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I'm a mom and truly enjoy it, my son is two and a half and a dream come true! I'm married and love my husband very much! I LOVE loud rock & roll and seedy Detroit bars that play it. Live music is an addiction. Going downtown and checking out a live band, getting dressed up and having a few cocktails is my dream date. I'm hooked on dancing to old disco music and i'm currently enjoying "flashback weekends" on WNIC, of all stations. Who'd have thunk it? I absolutely must see The Rolling Stones and the Black Crowes every single time they come to Detroit. I'm a groupie and love to be backstage no matter how small the venue. Skinny rock musicians do it for me. I like to be a part of music, the people, the scene, the performances. I also like to watch Detroit sports teams of all kinds, mostly Red Wings hockey and U of M football. The Tigers rocked this year, i may have to add them to my lineup. I'm a shopaholic, tried and true. And i'm a girly girl. that's about it...
The MC5 says everything that i feel about music in these wonderful lyrics.
Kick out the jams motherfuckers !
Yeah! I, I, I, I, I'm gonna
I'm gonna kick 'em out ! Yeah !
Well i feel pretty good
And i guess that i could get crazy now baby
Cause we all got in tune
And when the dressing room got hazy now baby
I know how you want it child
Hot, quick and tight
The girls can't stand it
When you're doin'it right
Let me up on the stand
And let me kick out the jam
Yes, kick out the jams
I want to kick'em out !
Yes i'm starting to sweat
You know my shirt's all wet
What a feeling
In the sound that abounds
And resounds and rebounds off the ceiling
You gotta have it baby
You can't do without
When you get that feeling
You gotta sock'em out
Put that mike in my hand
And let me kick out the jam
Yes ! Kick out the jams
I want to kick'em out
So you got to give it up
You know you can't get enough Miss Mackenzie
Cause it gets in your brain
It drives you insane
With the frenzy
The wigglin guitars girl
The crash of the drums
Make you wanna keep-a-rockin'
Till the morning comes
Let me be who i am
And let me kick out the jam
Yes, kick out the jams
I done kicked em out !!!

My Interests

MUSIC!!! travel, painting my toenails, anything purple or treble clef
My 2 year old Brendan Jude

my man, photo by Michael Spleef.

a picture of me i actually like, tommy always looks good.

My Very Favorite Albums of all time...

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with similar interests in music, motherhood & travel. Local bands for show info and anyone that likes to chat & pass the day. and these guys:


Led Zeppelin, The Black Crowes, The Rolling Stones, Beatles, The Kingsnakes!!!, Frank Zappa & the Mothers, Old AC/DC i'm talking Bon Scott days, any kind of DISCO, Velvet Revolver, Soundgarden or Audioslave (anything Chris Cornel is singing on) Guns & Roses, Queen, Lenny Kravitz, Humble Pie, STP, Buckcherry, The Doors, old Aerosmith, Cream, The White Stripes, George Clinton & P-Funk, Small Faces, old Rod Stewart, old Bob Seger, like Mongrel era, Iggy Pop, The MC5, The Ramones....pretty much all rock. CANT do, techno, country (except patsy cline) or Rap

The Greatest Rock & Roll Band in the World!


my newest fav and others
Animal House, Office Space, Mall Rats, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Slapshot, Fletch, Caddy Shack, Lords of Dogtown, All the Terminator Movies, Pulp Fiction, The Decline of the Western Civilazation, Hedwig And the Angry Inch, The Matrix, Blow (most johnny depp movies) Any movie with a good soundtrack. Bram Stokers Dracula, Shadow of a Vampire, The Lost Boys, Blade....really any vamp movie. Mobster movies, The Cotton Club, Casino, A Bronx Tale, Goodfellas. yes, i like musicals, Oh Brother, Sweet Charity, Chicago, Cabaret, Grease,


Any book about rock and roll stars or music...Pamela DeBarres books! or anything by my fav. author Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown mystery novels.


great performers, singers, songwriters! Some of my all time favs are

Mick Jagger Jim Morrison Steven Tyler Robert Plant Ian AstburyFreddy Mercury Chris Robinson Chris Cornell Josh Todd

My Blog

SURVEY SAYS??? kris is bored.

..> ..> A random survey Body: Survey ~ 40 things rarely asked.1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?nope2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?yes, sometimes, while screaming but i love ...
Posted by Kris on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 10:38:00 PST


I consider myself a mascara connoisseur and this stuff is the BEST! i love it! it really DOES make your lashes super long and separates them! great brush! Had to share my find!!!   ...
Posted by Kris on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 01:39:00 PST

call me a romantic...

What is the problem with celebrating a day dedicated to love?  I'm sooooo sick of hearing "it's a hallmark holiday".  Valentines day dates back to around 700 AD.  i'm pretty sure Hallma...
Posted by Kris on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:14:00 PST

You're too old for a concert when,

So, my sister bought me a ticket to see Rod Stewart at the Palace.  I didn't really want to spend the money when tickets went on sale so i said no.  Dont get me wrong, i love Rod Stewart.&nb...
Posted by Kris on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 07:36:00 PST

tagged by my sweet kelley

7 weird things about me.  i guess i'm pretty plain jane cuz i'm running out of weirdness!  LOL! 1.  I love skinny rocker dudes with long hair 2.  i'm pro choice even tho i wanted t...
Posted by Kris on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:27:00 PST

cuz i'm so damn bored & myspace is sucking

64 Things About Me....1.) Where were you when the ball dropped for 2007?at home with my family2.) How did you get the idea for your myspace name?it's my first name. 3.) Do you love anyone?i love 2 peo...
Posted by Kris on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 10:35:00 PST

love this song so much

felt the need to blog the lyrics.  sometimes songs move me.  this one is one of them.   The Robinson brothers write lyrics like no ones business.  Cursed Diamond by The Black...
Posted by Kris on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 12:56:00 PST

What 60's band are you?

this was fun, thank you Bridget! seems we have a few things in common! :-) what totally cool sixties band are you? congratulations! you are the ultra-stylish mod-garage band the small faces...
Posted by Kris on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 09:30:00 PST

thank you to Rachel May

for doing this awesome little write up on me & the hubby in the Detroit Free press! Click here for article...
Posted by Kris on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 07:26:00 PST

Pix of my sisters 50th surprise b-day party!

It was a damn good time and man was my sister surprised! It was worth the hassle!! she does so much for me it was nice to make her birthday something special! thank you to all her lifelong friends ...
Posted by Kris on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 01:14:00 PST