Who it John on stage Feb. 08'
Tony, Paul and Brad on stage Ionia!
Pieces of Calico on stage Feb.08'
Sid Rogers and Cy Misner jamming in the hall at the Ionia theatre.
Picking in the Green Room, in Ionia!
Besides our monthly shows, we have put together some special contcerts! Rhonda Vincent & the Rage, Larry Cordell, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver, and few others have taken the stage in Ionia. We have held some pretty fun concerts, Showcases and Fundraisers here too! Check out the slide show below!
I have met a lot of fun people in my lifetime!
I guess I would like to meet George W. Bush!
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Here is something new!
Please sign our guestbook.
It only takes a sec!
Pretty intresting to see how far Bluegrass style music has spread throughout the world!....
My favorite books are,
"The Traveler's Gift" by Andy Andrews.
"A Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren
A book that has helped with my anxiety disorder is, "From Panic to Power" by Lucinda Bassett.
Crystal and Brad in the Lobby in Ionia!
Paul Pope banjo-ing it up!
Cy & Sandy (Mom & Dad)
My Heros are my Parents(even when we disagree)...my children (for puting up with me), my Aunt Mickey(who passed away), and my friend Jeannie(always listening to me ramble)! But above all the others, Jesus(my Savior)!
Out of the Blue~Michigan Band
Some Hallway Picking in Ionia
Some Backroom Picking in Ionia!
Cedar Ridge on stage picking in Ionia!
Polly, Doyle Lawson, Mark Salgren, & Ellen Beam after a Quicksilver concert in Ionia.