Painting, Sculpture, Pottery, Printmaking, Carpentry, Girls, anarcho-communism, Photography, Film, Femmes ...
"The Tragedy" ~1903
"Les Noces de Pierrette"
beatiful women, mujeres, frauen, donne, femmes, ???a??e?, ragazze,
muchachas,filles, Mädchen, mulheres, vrouwen......
girls from all over the world...
Thin or fat,
happy or sad,
blond or brunette,
especially red heads,
tall girls, short girls,
mothers, sisters, or daughters,
a lady or a lady of the night...
it does not matter...
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907. The Museum of Modern Art
THE MYSTERY OF PICASSO (LE MYSTÈRE PICASSO)1956 My favorite as I was IN THIS FILM...and..."SURVIVING PICASSO"a movie about me made in 1996:as seen through the eyes of my ex-wife; Françoise Gilot.Anthony Hopkins played ME in the movie!!! Pretty sweet~ HUH?
An illustrated book that I wrote with a few people including Matisse...
Henri Matisse
I hope to not be monotonous in my art...
So I will not break up my paintings into periods...
Enjoy the blue with the rose periods,
and the synthetic cubism
with the African-influenced periods.