Chris profile picture


One moment that last's a lifetime...

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
Get Your Own Ribbon!I am a complicated person, a person of many facets and or "eclecticism". Warrior,lover,poet,peace maker.A Knight of the Order of Saint John- ( I was Knighted 4 years ago )a Rogue,a trusted and loyal friend. There are those amoung those that I know who don't like me for a few reasons, some of those being the fact I see through thier game's, I stand up for myself and others… I have a tendancy to speak up + I refuse to lower myself to be thier "Toddy"! I have my Honor and integrity so go screw someone else with your games I say!I'm a friend to those whom I admire and who have "EARNED" and "KEPT" my trust and I theirs as well as a friend to those in need.I hold Honor and loyalty very high on my list and will fight for what is right ,just and true and those that I honor as "Family" - "friends" as well as those who are strangers in need and they will always know where I stand regardless. I do not persume to say that I am perfect, far from it for like anyone else in this vast world, I to have my flaws. Something I learned along the way " You care for your friends;but you love them for thier flaws". For the past 7 years now I have been on a road of self discovery and have learned many things about myself and gone through many changes;many for the best & betterment of self. For the first time in my life, I love myself but still find things that I may improve apoun just the same for what is life without growth? Stagnation !( More to be written later for I am a blank book to be added to along the way )John Bernard Books (The Shootist; John Wayne): "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them." These words have a personnel meaning for me for along the way of a hard journey I have learned from my mistakes toward others and have walked in their shoes to see what my actions over the years created. As I look back on those years I find I was out of control and reckless when I should have known better.I have no regrets except toward those I hurt with my actions as I look back, but I look on the years after up to now as improving my flaws;self.

My Interests

Very Eclectic : Horse back riding , riding my Honda Shadow , Reading , Gardening , Cooking / Enertaining , Animal rights , Psychology , Special FX , Stage , People , Life , The Sea , History ,( Adult Subjects ) , Wolves , Religion , .....

I'd like to meet:

Bono- mans the greatest for his efforts for world peace. Bruce Lee- a man of many talents that was taken way before his time. Robin williams - a Man of vision and someone that has given this world a plethera of humor and happiness. Tenzin Gyatso - His Holiness The Dalai Lama: A Great and Noble man of Peace and great compasstion...his words touch my soul. The General's of the Civil war- thier tactics and the chance to study them firsthand.


Big band Swing, Frank Sinatra, Irish and Scotish folk as well as world folk, Rock'a Billy,Country-Old stuff / New, Classical, Retro,Rock, Metal / Rammstein, Old Sea Chantys, Pipes and drum, Pow Wow, Gregorian chants Eclectic veiw on all areas.


Casanova, Gladiator, Don Juan De Marco,The Star wars Tril,The Star Trek Tril,Lilo and Stich,Triple XXX,Hocus Pocus,V for Vendeta,Shogun,Saving Priv. Ryan,Big fat greek wedding,Ice age,P. of the Carribian 1,2,&3.The Abyss,Dangerous beauty,UNDERWORLD,Bram Stoker's Dracula, Interview with the vampire,GOONIES, Witches of Eastwick,THE COWBOY WAY , Like Water for Chocolate, Chocolat, Kama Sutra a tale of love, Ghost, Breakfast Club, Kill Bill, 1 & 2, Nightmare before Christmas, The Matrix, Lilo and Stich, Practical Magic, Last Samurai, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Signs, Labyrinth,The Wickerman-Euro version, To name few...and not excluding a little porn now and then..(Blushing)


CSI-New york / Las Vages / Educational net./ Law and Order-crimminal intent- Svu,ETC.Sci Fi / Wrestling / History Channel / History Internationel / Home Network-(Gardening Home improvement Cooking/Martha Stewart) / Cooking Network / BBC.


To many to list at this time but I will as time goes by...


United States Marine Corps
.. Marine Corps Silent Drill Team
Visit The Fergus Dargle MySpace Profile! "

My Blog

A dear friends passing

My Friends & Family, it is with a saddened heart that I pass this on from those that knew the gentelman in question, a dear friend-Scott Milbrandtaka Capt Scott of the Pryates Consortium...
Posted by Chris on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 05:39:00 PST


Well friend's' Here's the latest update on the little guy, Rowan is growing into a strapping 13-14 boy with all the wonderment spilling forth from his eyes at the world around him..from the bright col...
Posted by Chris on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 02:56:00 PST

Update on Rowan

Update: Well folks since I've been away raising my son the last few weeks things are starting to settle into place ...a little here, a little there. Rowan is growing and is a very happy baby, smiling ...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 04:32:00 PST

To all my Fiends

To all my Fiends, I realize of late I have not really been posting much ,what with the birth of my son and the time it takes along with many other tasks I can barely find the time to sleep and let me ...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 01:17:00 PST

My Son

And without further addew I give you Rowan Alexander . At 1:44 pm Thur. 11/ 29/ 07 My Son was born, a healthy whopping 8 lbs 8 ounces, 20 inchs long. As soon as I am able I will post pics of him for a...
Posted by Chris on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 06:42:00 PST

To all my online friends...

..>   To all my online friends,Right now I'm stealing a few moments on the lap top to post this to one & all.As you have seen over the last few days I have not been posting nor answering ...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:01:00 PST

New page construction

alright folks, the new page is under construction so bare with me a few days... It's going to take awhile to get tit just right... ~Chris
Posted by Chris on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 01:39:00 PST

News on Baby

Well, folks, we went in to Cindy's apointment this morning and the Doc. says she's doing just fine, the baby's fine and being stuborn but all is well. Doc says that he wants her in on Mon. and if she'...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:50:00 PST

News on Baby

Well, folks, we went in to Cindy's apointment this morning and the Doc. says she's doing just fine, the baby's fine and being stuborn, but all is well. Doc says that he wants her in on Mon. and if she...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:51:00 PST

Rework of my page

           It appears to be time for a revamp of the old page...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> While I await ...
Posted by Chris on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:12:00 PST