Animal Rights~Get Informed! profile picture

Animal Rights~Get Informed!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi! I am a mother, and animal lover. I have always grown up with, and around animals, and have a deep love and respect for them. I am active in animal rights issues and am a member of numerous organizations of dedicated to the cause. I wanted to start this site, because aside from the people who "just don't care", there are many who "just don't know". This site is a collaberation of information relating to various issues on the suffering of all animals, as well as information on how you can help. The information, pictures and videos contained in this site are shocking and disturbing, but unfortunatly are also a reality. My hope is to spread the word about these issues, inform the uninformed, and to bring together those who care and would like to make a differance in these animals lives, while making a differance in your own and others. So please, spread the word. Educate yourself and others, and be a voice for those who do not have their own.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hello! I am an school teacher, working on my MA, and active in animal rights issues. I too, belong to various organizations. I independently embraced vegetarianism at the tender age of 8, as I was the child of a hunter. I share similar hopes that the two of us can help spread the word to those that either "do not care" or simply "do not know". I encourage you to also help keep us informed and do what you can to make a difference.

My Interests

We can get all the nutrients we need from soy-based proteins...Animal testing at its finestAn animal that has been bought or bred takes the place of one that could have been savedShelters do not have room for all the animals and must put many to sleep. When you adopt an animal from a shelter, you could very well be saving its life.This is a puppy mill, where dogs are "mass produced", and sent to your local pet stores. Every time you buy a puppy from the pet store, you help the puppy mill industry.




adopt your own virtual pet!

My Blog

Bunny tid bits...

strange facts you may not know about bunniesbunnies are wonderful animals, but they're a lot stranger than you know: bunnies aren't rodents. they're lagomorphs. bunnies are crepuscular: not diurnal...
Posted by Animal Rights~Get Informed! on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 08:44:00 PST

Help Stop the Bloody Seal Massacre!

Canada's annual seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth. Last year, the world looked on in horror as the Canadian government permitted the slaughter of more than 330,000 harp sea...
Posted by Animal Rights~Get Informed! on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 12:28:00 PST

Circuses: Three Rings of Abuse

Although some children dream of running away to join the circus, it is a safe bet that most animals forced to perform in circuses dream of running away from the circus. Colorful pageantry disguises th...
Posted by Animal Rights~Get Informed! on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 11:32:00 PST

IAMS: Recipe for cruelty

Menu Foods reportedly knew of this potentially deadly food as early as February 20, 2007. When reports surfaced that its dog and cat food might have caused severe illness in customers' animal companio...
Posted by Animal Rights~Get Informed! on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 12:22:00 PST

Animal Testing~Alternatives

Based upon the traditional assumption that animals respond the same way that humans do when exposed to certain products, animals are continually used to test safety and/or effectiveness of human and v...
Posted by Animal Rights~Get Informed! on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 05:08:00 PST

PetSmart's Big Suffering for Small Animals

Learn More at PETA.orgFor years, PetSmart has assured PETA that sick and injured animals in its stores are provided with veterinary care when they need it. We didn't take their w...
Posted by Animal Rights~Get Informed! on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:18:00 PST