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_____________________QUICK LESSON __________________TYPES OF VEGETARIANS..........Lacto-ovo-vegetarian: Eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the most common type of vegetarian diet. But you shouldnt eat eggs..........Lacto-vegetarian: Eats dairy products but not eggs..........Ovo-vegetarian: Eats eggs but not dairy products..........Vegan: Does not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other animal product..........Fruitarian: A type of vegan diet where very few processed or cooked foods are eaten. Consists mainly of raw fruit, grains and nuts. Fruitarians believe only plant foods that can be harvested without killing the plant should be eaten..........Macrobiotic: A diet followed for spiritual and philosophical reasons. Aims to maintain a balance between foods seen as ying (positive) or yang (negative). The diet progresses through ten levels, becoming increasingly restrictive. Not all levels are vegetarian, though each level gradually eliminates animal products. The highest levels eliminate fruit and vegetables, eventually reaching the level of a brown rice diet..........Raw- Foodists: People who only eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds that have not been heated over 118 degrees Fahrenheit