Giovanni Vindigni (1972) started to play guitar at the age of 14.
He was supported by some friends and two guitar-teachers.
When he was 16 he was blown away by some star-guitarists like Yngwie Malmsteen, Michael Lee Firkins, Vinnie Moore, Richie
Kotzen, Marty Friedman, Greg Howe, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai, Frank Gambale, Shawn Lane, Gary Moore, etc.
After schooltimes he studied Theology (with M.Th.-, Ph.D.- [Biblical Studies], and D.Th.-Degree [NT]), E-Guitar (with Dipl.-Degree) and Contempory Music (Film Music & Composition with postgrad. Degree). In his sideline Giovanni leads an emerging church project and since 2001 he is also honorary lecturer in the New Testament Studies and Biblical Theology at the Theologisch-Missionswissenschaftlichen Akademie, a partner of the New Covenant International University, since 2007 in collaboration with the University Wales, Lampeter. Furthermore, he is a member of the Gesellschaft für freikirchliche Theologie und Publizistik e.V. He is married since 1992 to Christina (a dentist) and has one daughter, Tabita.
1992 Giovanni started to record some instrumental-demos on a 4-track-tape-recorder (Fostex 260) and other equipments, i.e. Boss DR-660, Korg M1R, Yamaha SY-35, Ibanez RG-550, Marshall Valvestate, Shure SM57, ProCo Rat, Ibanez Delay & Stereo-Chorus. Later, he audioproduced his own music with a Tascam TSR-8, Alesis DM-5, Marshall JMP-1, Marshall MR 9100, Digitech GSP 2101, Alesis QSR, Yamaha Nathan-Bass.
Two years ago, Giovanni worked final dato as a studioguitarist for many German and Italian stars and productions.
So, the German Guitar & Bass-Magazine wrote about Giovanni: "Giovanni Vindigni zeigt sich als vielseitiger Gitarrist, der Steve Vai, Joe Satriani & Co. reichlich konsumiert und studiert haben dürfte. Er selbst sieht sich geprägt von Saitenkünstlern wie Vinnie Moore, Joey Tafolla und Frank Gambale – und auch das passt. Amtliche Metal-Riffs, funky Rhythmusarbeit, fette Lead-Linien: Vindigni hat eine Menge drauf, technisch sehr versiert, ganz wie die Shredding-Stars der 80er Jahre. Neben diversen Studiojobs, u. a. für die italienischen Schlagerstars Ricchi e Poveri und Toto Cotugno, realisierte er auch die Musik des PC-Spiels „Desperados". Neben der Sechssaitigen spielt Vindigni auch Keyboards. Hier empfiehlt sich ein vielseitiger Musiker für die verschiedensten Studio- und Live-Projekte."
Some years later he begun to play in some bands and extern music projects and builded his own prof. audio- & recordstudio.
He audioproduces and audioproduced for many international top-pc-games, big tv-series (i.e. the German adaption of Veggietales), TV-Dokus, internat. TV- & Cinema-Commercials, Movies and Brandingsounds music, sounddesign and voice-overs.
At the moment he prepoduces his new instrumental-guitar-shredding-album, will release two Bible-Audiobooks (Klagepsalmen erleben/Vertrauenspsalmen erleben) with orchestral Scores, Sounddesigns and Voice-Overs and will work for some interesting Prog.-Heavy-Rock-CD-Productions in 2007/2008.Furthermore he is Endorser by Line6, Schloffguitars, SPL, Steinberg, Pyramid Strings.
Giovannis Guitar-Equipment :
Amps and SwitchingsystemCabinets Diezel 4x12", frontloaded Vintage 30 Marshall 4x12", Vintage 30, 16 Ohm Marshall 4x12", Greenbacks 25, 16 Ohm Marshall 4x12", 1960 Celestion G75 Randall Isolation 12 Cabinet, Celestion Vintage30 Speaker Harley Benton 2x12", G-212
Guitars Ibanez S 1540 Prestige, modif. with two Seymour Duncan Jeff-Beck-Pickups, SH-2 & SH-4 Ibanez S 540 QSTK-Custom, modif. with new Custom-Pickup (neckposition) by Schloff Guitar and Dimarzio Tone Zone Ibanez RG 620 Special-Custom-Version Ibanez RG 770 DX Ibanez Roadstar II Ibanez RG 550 desert yellow with Jem-modfi. (Dimarzio Paf JEM 777 and Ibanez Universe Neon-Knobs Starfield by Ibanez Custom USA Series Altair Classic Amercican P7 (pink) with Seymour Duncan Classic Stacks & DiMarzio Starfield by Ibanez Custom USA Series Altair Classic Amercican P7 (orange) with Seymour Duncan Classic Stacks Starfield by Ibanez Custom Japan Series Altair SJ Trad Gibson Les Paul Tak Matsumoto Limited Edition Modell (custom made in USA) ESP LTD Horizon H-250 Line 6 Variax Acoustic 700 Natural Red Hill JG 20 EQ Nature
Effects and more studiogear look here
PC-Games-Audioproductions - look here
Commercial- & TV-Spots - look here
Dicography - look here
Some Interviews and Articles with Giovanni Vindigni
Fotos & Videos with Giovanni under his website. Some further jamtrackvideos you can find here . here