Christian Comments
Our Testimonies...(note: we each have our home my space and we are in the top list)
I'm Leah, one of the Founders of this Ministry, and I have been married and divorced 3 times. I started this ministry for us here on myspace who are standing for marriages to stay together and families to be healed and restored. I was standing for my third marriage to be restored; now 2 years later God is giving me the chance to be restored to my first husband, my covenant husband. A little over 28 years ago I gave up on standing for my marriage with lack of understanding as a new christian....I only stood for 3 years because I went by all the rules. I didn't understand a close deep walk with God back then. I didn't have other standers to stand with me and encourage me and pray with me (1982-1985) like I have in the past 5 years. Standing for my third marriage gave me the knowledge and insight to be able to stand for the best first marriage.
My first husband also has interest in me. I've learned in standing that God is who I trust. God is in control and this will work out according to God's time. I just know He has used 25 years of many bad choices that will become my best testimonies!
Because of my divorces and a death of a child, I became a broken mom....and because of Broken Mom's Ministry I am a recovering broken mom.
Even though I am divorced I believe God is against divorce. My personal belief in Women who are abused in any way in marriage is that they have the right to "separate with the intent to reconcile" according to 1 Corinthians chapter 7. I believe we should protect ourselves and our Children and be in a safe place... it is there that we pray and seek God's way and deliverance and restoration and DO NOT return to a Husband that has not received help or deliverance from his abusive ways. I also believe that if you know your Husband is "cheating" on you that you have the right to "separate with the intent to reconcile". A cheating Husband can bring you STD's and you are to protect your body! I believe God can restore and change and do anything, but, we are to be safe from abuse. I am not advocating divorce, I am advocating being safe and protecting yourself and your Children. We have many Sites here on our Friend's List that speak out and teach about domestic violence. Many Women have been killed by their Husbands, so let's not pretend and stick our heads in the sand. I advocate to "separate with the intent to reconcile", get to a safe place and pray, pray, pray! God can do anything and He can restore.
Hello... I am Lisa, the newest Member of this Ministry.
I have never been married and am in fact still a Virgin at almost 42yrs old... something I am very proud of.
I have the most wonderful Mother that God ever created... and I have some precious, beautiful memories of my Childhood... however, I had an abusive Stepfather who made our lives Hell-on-Earth. He tormented us until the day he died, at times physically abusing my Mom and I, sexually abusing her, and always always ALWAYS verbally and emotionally abusing us. If it weren't for her I never would have survived.
Mama wasn't able to leave him the way we wished she could have, he threatened her life if she even considered it... and after he had killed at least one man that we know of we knew he meant business. So, we were forced to stay until God mercifully removed him by death from our lives. Had He not done this we very likely would never have gotten saved. My Stepfather didn't believe in God, and didn't mind who knew it. Many many nights that was the topic at the dinner table... and we weren't allowed to attend Church, tho Mama tried several times throughout the years, coming home to beatings and cussings afterwards. Mama and I thought we had been saved but we learned not long after he died and we were FINALLY able to attend Church and sit under the Gospel Message that we were NOT. God IS good however, and He miraculously saved us both within a few months of each other.
I truly want to serve Him as many ways as I can, helping others, doing whatever I can for His Kingdom. He has helped me to maintain my virginity although it hasn't always been easy... and I know that He has a reason, that He has someone very very special who is waiting just for me. I know too that He brought me thru the abuse as a Child for a purpose... to help others.
Are you having problems living a pure life sexually before Him? Is it a struggle for you to abstain? Write to me... let me help you.
Have you been, or are you now in an abusive relationship, or the victim of parental abuse? Write to me... let me help you.
Gregg's Testimony......
Hello, my name is Gregg! I am currently married to my God given angel,Jody. I have struggled all my life keeping my vows of marriage and being faithful in previous relationships. I felt everything was about me, I never understood or wanted to understand the pain that my actions placed on others who actually loved me. I was a drunk a drug addict and a sex addict, very self-seeking and self-destructive.
After my second marriage ended in divorce, I sought help for these addictions, through counseling, Doctors and programs such as A.A. and N.A. and sought moral help from my pastor at church. About a year later I met Jody at an A.A. meeting and we became friends.That word "friend ' was new to me as well, as before, all I wanted was sex. No investment, just sex, no love, just sex.I had'nt a clue what intimacy was, nor how to feel it,but when I talked to Jody,I felt a different way. I remember telling her that I did not know how to love and that I did not want to ruin her life. Little did I know that through her love, she was, through Christ going to banish my old life and teach me a new one, not only of love for others but for love for myself. It all started with God first. She was, and is a God loving woman who would do anything for anybody, so meek, yet so strong. We became inseparable and as time went on our hearts bonded as one in the Lord.She was my soul mate and we were married.
I can honestly say that I have never been unfaithful in our marriage. Between her and the love of Jesus Christ I have not a need ,nor a want for anything. The Devil has been extracted and pureness of heart has taken his place, Glory to God. Jody and I pray together worship together,cry together and are together completely.
I have made atonement for my past with God and with my ex-wives and my children. They see Christ working in my life and my children want to be a part of that life today.They have taught me that it is easy to father a child,but it takes dedication and work to be a Dad. I am a Dad today and I thank God every day for the chance he gave me to make things right. I have a family.
Char's Testimony......
I want to share my HOPE! There is freedom from METH/Drugs and a life of despair.. I am living proof. When there is nothing left but God that is when you find out that God is all you need! Let him turn your test into a Testimony and your mess into a Message!
I am a spirit filled believer. I love God and I love life! I am excited to share what his love has done for my life. I am the bad girl gone good, well, atleast trying to be! "smile" In 2005, I discovered firsthand, it's not about religion, it's about a personal relationship with GOD and I became a Christian in more than name only. He transformed me a gave me a new life. I was at the bottom, and now he's taking me to the top. Thank you Jesus!!!GOD is making miracles out of the messes I made. (which were/are too many to count) I have found an awesome church, wonderful friends, and a life I'd never known was possible. God was always in my heart, but I can truly say I did not know Gods love. Now I do!I have been freed from addictions that controlled my life for over 20yrs, starting at the age of 12. In my early 20's I discovered METH, ICE, Speed, Coke, etc. For over 10yrs off and on I hid an all day every day, sell your soul to the devil Meth/drug addiction. I almost lost everything, including myself, my soul. By the grace of GOD, drugs no longer control me and my life. God's in control now.Over the past 10yrs especially, because of my drug addiction & my lost ways I lived a life of unhappiness & dysfunction and darkness. A broken marriage & family life, relationships with my two teenage daughters, my friendships, they were all falling apart or gone. I was a lost soul inside and I felt there was nothing left for me but to die. I felt I had no hope.At my lowest, I laid my head down sobbing, thinking this must be how people feel right before they commit suicide. I wasn't going to kill myself, but I felt as if dying was the only way out of the hell that I'd created and I prayed to God, please let me die and I surrendered my life. That was so scary because I didn't know where I would be going if he took me. But, By the grace of GOD, instead he saved me and gave me a new life.Now I'm finding my way back. Relationships and friendships are being restored. I had lived in darkness for so long, now I can see light at the end of the tunnel!I have always turned to outside sources to numb the pain that has lived inside me my whole life. Pain from things like rejection from my birth father, childhood sexual abuse, suicide attempts in my youth, self-injury, domestic violence, addictions and much more. Now God is healing that pain, and slowly I am being free'd from all of it!Life as a Christian is not perfect, nor will it ever be, and being the bad girl for so long, well lets just say I'm a work in progress! ;o) But life now is filled with more joy than I ever knew or thought possible. And, when I fall, I can get back up again, unlike before when I just stayed down. God is taking me places on my own I could have never gone, and He is using me in ways I never dreamed possible. He has blessed me with so many wonderful new friends to share the journey with too, and recovery. I encourage anyone struggling with addictions, or lost ways, to find support, get help, you are not alone. I am trusting in Gods plan for my life, not my own this time around. He never lets me down either. I never really knew what unconditional love meant, now I do, and it's for anyone who wants it, just ask Jesus into your heart, to be your Lord & Savior, and find out for yourself! .....When I die I hope to have nothing left - that way when I meet my creator I can say ...I’ve used everything you’ve given me!!
(Matthew 5:16) Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven!
Love Ya!
Kadi' Testimony......
Hello…I’m Kadi, and I am a “baby Christian.†I became born again in the summer of 2007, which may sound odd to friends and family who know me well because I was raised Catholic. I attended Catholic schools elementary through high school which entails, (for those who are not familiar) attending mass every Wednesday and Sunday and having religion as a course. I had my first communion, reconciliation, and confirmation not fully understanding what I was doing.
As a child I took school as more of a social event rather than a place of learning. I didn’t listen much during class and was more concerned with making people laugh and having fun with friends. I cheated on my homework, tests, and even used someone else’s sin to confess to the priest for my first reconciliation!
Around the time of my sophomore year I moved to a new town with my family. I fell in with the “wrong crowd,†began drinking, smoking, and using drugs every day. I became very depressed, had participated in self-mutilation, and threatened to kill myself. I’ve been in several rehabilitation and mental hospitals to overcome my addictions and depression. I have also been in relationships where I lived with my boyfriends, been abused verbally, mentally, and emotionally. I was involved sexually with all of them and have suffered the consequence of becoming pregnant at the age of 18.
At that time in my life I was not saved and chose to have an abortion. I have suffered, felt deep guilt and remorse because of the choices I have made and have since been forgiven for my sins. I have overcome many obstacles and have made many accomplishments since then, I decided to go to college at age 22 and have recently graduated in the spring of 2007 with a BA in psychology. I am now 28 and just applied to UNI to earn a masters degree in school counseling.
Throughout these school years and still today, I have worked with people who suffer from mild to moderate mental retardation, and have found them to be a blessing to me just as much as I am to them. I attribute my new life in Christ to my mother and to Joyce Meyer. My mother gave me a book by Joyce Meyer called “Managing Your Emotions,†this book changed my life because she interprets the bible in a way that anyone can understand and tells you how to apply it to your life. Since then I have been addicted to her teachings, I read her books everyday, and strive to better myself. I may not be where I need to be today, but thank God I’m not where I used to be!! Everyday I am making progress towards a better life and will never give up, because I now know Jesus will never give up on me. I’ve been through a lot, and as part of my own healing, want to help others and possibly keep them from making the same mistakes as I did. Write to me and let me be a support for you. <3
Becky's Testimony.....My name is Becky and I am one of the newest members of this ministry. I have been married for 22 years and have 2 wonderful children who I love with every breath I take and a beautiful grandson who is the light of my life...can I get a big amen from all the grandparents out there...
I am currently seperated and standing for my marriage...a true covenant marriage...God has called me to stand and stand I will... God is a restorer and will restore all things...his plans for us are good... we must take back what the enemy has stolen...
In last few weeks God has really been dealing with me about my part of the breakdown of my marriage.... and that I was a contentious woman...God is really workin on me to make me the woman he has called me to be...a woman with a quiet and gentle spirit...
God has taught me sooo much about unconditional love through my stand...And I love my husband unconditionally...AS a stander I must show those around me that the Marriage Covenant is a lasting covenant...And that death is the only thing that can break it...Ecclesiastes 5:5 Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay
Everyday he gives me divine appointments to show me that he is with me and that I am on the right path...I can't even say all the times that I have heard stories of restoration from total strangers...God is just so awesome that he sends people to me that keep encouraging me in this walk...and I tell you these things to encourage you...Don't give up and don't quit on your stand...Look with your spiritual eyes and not your natural...and see how God will work on your behalf...2 Corinthians 4:18
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Orkut Graphics
Kathy's Testimony...
Hi I'm Kathy, Leah has honored me with a request to help out on the page ( the marriage part)while she deals with the trials in her life. I hope I can live up to the confidence she has in me, and I pray I can be one tenth of an encouragement to someone here that she has been to me.
I'm 53 married 29 years to a man that was truly a husband sent from God. His name is David, and I love him with a heart so filled with love that I pray always for that love to be there.
At this moment David is not letting me stand beside him but I am standing for him. And God is standing beside me all the way. We have a son David Jr. He is 28 and a real blessing. He is a special needs child so he will always live with me, no I take that back with US.
There is nor never will be just me because on the day we wed we became in God's eyes forever one flesh no longer two.
I would like to close with 2 scriptures very close to my heart
Eph6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything,to stand. STAND FIRM!!!!!!!!!
And the one that has kept me going
Hosea 3:1 The Lord said to me, "Go, show love to your wife ( husband) again, though they are loved by another and is in adultry.
You see some use adultry as an excape clause I see it as ultimate proof of forgiveness and unconditional love.
Always have Faith!!!!!! God bless.
I'd like to meet:
People in need of encouragement, of prayer... people seeking God's help for the restoration of their Marriage... people who want to turn from bad addictions and habits to a more peaceful life in Christ... people like you, and me who just want to serve Jesus without all the baggage of abusive relationships, sexual immorality, drug addictions, etc.
Christian MySpace Graphics
"Sexy" Fashions?...What Do Men Think?
How do women's "sexy" clothes really affect men? As a man, I'd like to explain. So often, I see women in tight jeans, form-fitting dresses and mini-skirts. Some are wearing "painted-on" pants, low-cut blouses and tight sweaters, while others show parts of their bras here or there. Women are wearing "sexy" fashions just about everywhere - to school, work, even church.
Are these women striving to be honored and respected by men? Sometimes I wonder what their motives are deep down inside. Are they trying to be attractive and fashionable - or are they seeking something more? Do they know what signals they're sending men? Are they looking for attention - or are they trying to find a good husband and permanent love? Are they trying to attract a date - or trying to boost self-confidence?
It may be these reasons or others, but the bottom line is that dressing in "sexy" clothes will not cause men to honor or respect women. In fact, it's actually guaranteed to cause men to dishonor and disrespect them. If you want a man to respect you, and perhaps eventually fall in love with you, then you must show him that you respect yourself and that you recognize your dignity before God. The best way to show this is through modesty in dress, words, thoughts and actions.
What Triggers Sexual Thoughts in Men?
It's natural to want to dress attractively. But without always being aware of it, women who wear "sexy" clothes are "dressing for sex," - that is, dressing in ways that set off sexual thoughts in men. Why do men react this way, and why don't women always realize it? Because men and women are "wired" differently when it comes to the human body. The fact is, it doesn't take much visual stimulus at all for guys to become sexually aroused. The sight of the female body, even just a little bit and even if it's a complete stranger, can trigger sexual thoughts instantly. This might be difficult for women to understand, but it's absolutely true.
How about women? My female friends tell me that sure, women appreciate handsome, well-built men - but women are not affected visually in the same intense way that men are. Women, for example, find words of love, tenderness and sincere appreciation much more meaningful than physical images of men.
Given these differences, there's no question that "sexy" clothes will get a man's attention. For some women this may seem flattering or fun at first, but ultimately, it's not fulfilling because it won't attract the kind of attention - or man - a woman really wants. Why? Because it causes men to want to "use" women sexually rather than love them for who they are.
Remember, the sight of a woman's body is so powerful for men, that unless they're well-trained and highly disciplined, they'll have a difficult time refraining from sexual thoughts. And once these thoughts begin, they frequently turn to impure thoughts like, "If only we were alone. . ." or "I'd sure like to. . ." That's called lust, and the clothes women wear can actually trigger these thoughts in a split second. Yes, men are guilty if they entertain lustful thoughts. But decent guys want to avoid these thoughts and we hope women will help us by exercising virtue and wearing modest clothes that don't present strong temptations.
What Makes Men See Women as Sex Objects?
Whether you know it or not, if you dress in revealing clothes, many men will see you as a "sex object." Not only that, but the way you dress can affect how men view other women as well. When men are prompted to see women in lustful ways, men tend to develop a warped vision of all women, causing them to view and treat other women they encounter later as sex objects.
Whether it's conscious or unconscious, if you present yourself in a way that is sexually revealing, even in the slightest of ways, many men will want your body for pleasure without regard for you as a person. Many men will see you as sexually loose. Other men will be constantly distracted with sexual temptations and find it hard to get to know you as a person.
Some will verbally harass you. Some will tell you anything you want to hear just to get into bed with you. Still others will try to grope you or even rape you.
Now, let me be clear: no matter how a woman is dressed, that's never an excuse for rape, or for sexual aggression of any kind. Men who commit these acts have committed a monstrous sin and a heinous crime. Nothing I'm saying gives any man any excuse or rationalization for rape or any other crime.
And by the way, don't be misled by women's magazines that make it look like every guy is after sex and you've got to dress "sexy" to get a good man. That's not true. Only guys who want to take advantage of you sexually will encourage you to dress that way. You don't have to show off your body to meet a good guy.
Get Him to Love the "You" Inside!
So what kind of attention do you really want? Most women want to be loved and respected for who they are inside, not for their looks. Isn't that what you want? Don't you want to be loved by a sincere, pure, virtuous man who is confident, disciplined and committed to your relationship? I know you don't want to be used by men, and that you don't want to find yourself in a relationship or married to a man without self-control - a man who looks for quick flings or who lusts after every cute girl he sees.
Katherine Kersten, commentator on National Public Radio and chairman of the Center of the American Experiment, writes, "But modesty is about something more: simple fairness. We women demand respect from men, insisting that they value us not for our looks, but for 'who we are.' It is hypocritical to do this, and then dress and act immodestly - intentionally provoking sexual desire, and signaling our easy openness to it. To act this way is to undermine our own dignity, to treat ourselves as 'sex objects.' Moreover, it is patently unfair, for it means that we are holding men to a higher standard than we hold ourselves."
Prepare for Lasting Love
If you are seeking lasting love and a lifelong marriage that unites mind, soul and body, the best way to achieve this is by being the kind of person you want your future spouse to be. Think of yourself and your future mate as someone with integrity, a vital personality and strong character. If you develop these qualities and demonstrate them through words, actions and appearance, it will help you attract the same in a spouse. Many good men are out there: men with wonderful personalities, men who are respectful, intelligent, and looking for a long-term relationship - men who will be faithful and committed to one wife for life. To find a truly honorable man like this, remember that he'll be attracted to a woman who dresses modestly as a sign of purity, to someone who recognizes that each person is created in the image and likeness of God.
By dressing modestly, a woman also shows that she knows we were made to love and be loved as unique, unrepeatable individuals. She also shows that she has reverence for her body and her immortal soul - two sacred gifts to be treated with dignity and respect.
As a man, let me close by saying I sincerely appreciate women who make the extra effort to dress modestly. I know several attractive women who always dress in beautiful fabrics and modest styles. What makes these women even more attractive than their physical beauty and the fashionable clothes they wear is their modesty. It's a virtue that makes them glow in a beautiful way. It shows thoughtfulness, inner strength and high self-esteem. Modesty also shows a pure heart and the generous desire to save oneself for a future spouse. Think for a moment - what do your clothes say about you?
P.S. Modesty is a beautiful virtue! Men also benefit from modesty when they practice it in their thoughts, words and actions.
Q=Question beliefs about God that are contrary to the Scriptures.
U=Understand what you believe about God and why you believe it.
E=Enter into dialogue with mature believers who can help you grow.
S=Study and search the Scriptures daily.
T=Talk with others about Jesus and His unique qualifications as Savior.
I=Investigate the beliefs of those to whom you are trying to witness.
O=Observe what the culture around you believes about spiritual matters.
N=Nail down the fact that all roads do not lead to heaven; only one does!
S=Stand firm for the claims of Christ.
Put the abortion ticker on your site.
If you are an unmarried Woman or Teen please consider all your options... Write to us, let us pray for and with you, it doesn't have to end in abortion.
Please read and consider this very carefully if you are considering an abortion or know someone who is... it may mean the difference in the life of death of a Child...
Month one:Hi Mommy!
I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two:
Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me you could definitely tell that I am a Baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three:
You know what Mommy... I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.
Month Four:
Mommy... my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month Five:
You went to the Doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a Baby.
I am a Baby Mommy, your Baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what's abortion?
Month Six:
I can hear that Doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The Doctor called it a needle.
Mommy, what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!
Mommy! HELP me!
Month Seven:
I am okay.
I am in Jesus's arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me, Mommy?
Every Abortion Is Just . . .
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.
Here is another very fine Poem written by Anna and shown here by her permission. (Thank You, Anna!!)
*I wrote this poem with a Prayer to God for help writing one for help from a Daughter to her Mom and from a Mom to her Daughter.* Anna
Please, Don't do it! Don't take my life now!
It's not too late, we'll make it somehow.
I'll help you, I'll love you, I'll be your friend.
Please, this is not the way it should end.
Unwanted? A Burden? Then why didn't you wait?
If you keep me Mommy, things will be great!
I'll pick you flowers, and breakfast in bed.
But I can't do these Mommy if I am dead!
So please again Mommy please let me live.
Let me show you Mommy, the joy I can give.
My sweet little baby Girl, my dear little One.
I almost killed you my Precious, it won't be done!
I'll keep you, I'll love you and I'll be your friend.
A life I will give you, that's how it will end.
With you beside me, we'll make, a fresh start.
I'll nourish you, love you with all of my heart.
So don't worry Darling your Mommy is near.
And inside my body you need no longer fear.
With God as our Helper we'll see it through.
So Thank-You again, I'm waiting for you!
Love, Mommy
Visit the MySpace Page dedicated to helping Teens STAY TEEN. Click HERE.
Also visit the link below for more info.
Some facts on Teen Pregnancy in America...
* 1 out of every 3 Girls has had sex by the time she reaches 16yrs old, it jumps to 2 out of 3 by the time they reach 18yrs old. 2 out of 3 Boys have had sex by the time they reach 18yrs old. 2 out of 3 that have had sex WISH THEY HAD WAITED LONGER.
* 78% of Girls report that the reason they became pregnant was a lack of communication between them and their Parents.
* The US has the highest rate of Teen pregnancy in the Western industrialized world costing some $9BILLION annually.
* 31% of young Women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20. 8 in 10 are accidental with 81% occuring to unmarried Teens. Some 750,000 Teen Girls become pregnant EVERY year.
* Teen Mothers are less likely to complete High School with only an average of ONE THIRD receiving a Diploma and only 1.5% receiving a College Degree by the age of 30.
* 8 out of 10 Teen Dads do NOT marry the Teen Mother.
* Nearly 80% of Teen Mothers wind up on Welfare.
* The Children of Teen Mothers have lower birth weights, are more likely to perform poorly in School and are at a greater risk of abuse and neglect.
* The Sons of Teen Mothers are 13% more likely to end up in Prison while their Daughters are 22% more likely to become Teen Mothers themselves.
Worship Music Connect
This section is dedicated to parents who have suffered the traumatic death of a child and the surviving siblings
**My Own Personal Experience** by Lisa
While I have never had a Child of my own, I can't totally identify with losing a Child... however... both my Mom and my Sissy have lost Children.
My Mom had me when she was only 17yrs old. Things were tough for her in so many ways but she overcame the obstacles and landed a wonderful job and began raising me on her own. Thru a set of circumstances she became involved with someone and ultimately became pregnant again as an unmarried Woman. The Nurse at her Doctor's office would "coach" her that she needed to consider giving up this new Child for adoption as she would never be able to care for both of us and "... besides ...", she would say, "What happens if Lisa gets a terrible illness and becomes sick...". As time wore on my Mom decided that she truly should give up her new Child for adoption to a set of Parents that could raise him or her and provide all the necessities, etc... so, as "luck" would have it, the Nurse had a Sister who was childless and in desperate want of a Baby. My Mom allowed the Sister and her Husband to adopt what turned out to be a Boy... and for almost 10yrs she never knew anything more about her Son.
One Day while reading the newspaper my Mom happened up on a story about a young Boy who had just died from Kidney disease and other problems. She recognized him as her Son immediately, even tho she had no proof and nowhere to turn for answers. More years went by, then it "just so happened" that one Day the Nurse was crossing paths with my Mom and it gave Mama the perfect opportunity to ask her if that was indeed her Son and what had happened. In the coming Days Mama had a chance to sit and talk with the Nurse as well as receive a few pictures and hear stories of her Son, named Michael. What we all found