Rich profile picture


If your mind is prehensile, you'll put down that pencil and have yourself a squat on the cosmic uten

About Me

You have been marked on my profile map! Click to make your own visitor map. MyGen Profile GeneratorMarried, college graduate--Archeology and Paleoanthropology, now I have 5 kidz. "Are you having any more?" I'm often asked. "It is my goal to extract every viable ova from my wife, my venus of villendorf, my fertile wellspring of life." Something like that usually leaves the asker a little stunned and they leave me alone. Sometimes, very rarely, I have to hear about how my irresponsibility is contributing to the world overpopulation problem. I'm a scientist, I can do my own math.I am a Taurus, an earth sign, and I revel in that. I love to garden; to grow things, to sow, grow and reap. I do have a problem pruning, so this past summer I suffered from an over abundance of tomatos. I'd have a lot of paste to show for it if I didn't burn my largest batch. OOPS!I am very passionate, I can't hide my emotions. I'm easily overwhelmed by my surroundings, quick to love, quick to forgive, slow to hate, but also slow to admit defeat.I am an introvert who longs for extroversion; a shadow artist, a vessal of potential energy. I love to read, love to write, love to paint, love to draw, love to make video and film (when I have the resources) and I love to use my imagination.My wife and I homeschool our kids. It is amazing how fast they learn when they are ready to learn. I am very proud of them. Yes, they drive me nuts sometimes; our house is chaos 90% of the time, but Que Sera.I love Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, and the associated mythology that they have contributed to the world. I've recently "discovered" Zoroastrianism and the Rig Veda; very interesting. I also love reading the bible, especially the old testement.Love is:
Honesty: Being free from deception, including self deception.
Humility: Being authentic without pretense or arrogance.
Respectful: Treating other people as Important.
Kindness: giving others attention, appreciation and encouragement.
Selflessness: Meeting the needs of others (not neccesarily their wants).
Forgiveness: Giving up resentment when Wronged.
Patience: Showing self control in the face of adversity.
Commitment: Declaring your intentions, sticking to your choices, and being responsible for the results.

My Interests

Ancient prehistory and history, and the moment the one became the other. I have a BA in Anthropology with a concentration in Physical Anthro and Archeology. I love the sekeletal structure, musculature, genetics, culture process and its discards, and the transmission of ideas over millenia.
Learning "new" ancient and dead languages. I'm working on Latin and Hebrew right now. I a have aspirations to study Aramaic, coptic/ancient Egyptian, Koine and Attic Greek and the like. I'd love to read cuneiform, but it looks like a bunch of squished clay to me right now (which is essentially what it is).
Unified Theory: I'm not just talking about the search for the link between chemistry, physics, biology, etc., but also the connection between religion and science, magic and math, reason and emotion; I seek the fusion of the left and right brain and its connection to the universe as a whole. I hope this isn't too pretentious, but it really occupies a lot of my thoughts. Of late, I have been focusing on Black Holes, Xeno's Paradox, Chaos and Gnosis.
I love reading; both fiction and non-fiction. I also love film and video, and have aspirations/dreams of making a full length feature film (after I publish a book or two). I think reading writing, watching and making, are so intertwined I couldn't do one without the other.
In the past I have worked with clay, watercolor, pencil, wood, soapstone, and the pen. Although I let my artistic aspirations fester on a back burner for many years, I have recently returned to watercolors, and you will soon see my recent work in my picture profile.
My current fascination is helping my children grow, learn, and discover. They are homeschooled, and since I am at work for 40 hours a week, I treasure every moment I have with them. I read to them, let them paint with watercolors, and last summer I bought a block of clay and tried to help them make pinch pots. We ended up with a mask and an attempt at making an Ocarina.Jarigole The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful) High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Low
Level 7 (Violent) Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Low
Take the Dante's Inferno Test

I'd like to meet:

Old Friends whom I have lost touch with, and anyone who can provide me with a pair of comfy J.J. Casuals--Shoes that look like feet!


For some reason, this is always a difficult question to answer. Call me weird, but It feels personal and makes me self conscious when someone asks "What kind of music do you like?" I feel compelled to have a pre-thought list of bands that might help the other person to define and limit me in their mind. Often I say things like "Oh...I don't listen to music much" which isn't true. Or I say "My interests are rather odd. I'll listen to just about anything." which is sort of true, but not really either.
I like to listen to music that forces me to hear it. Does that make sense? Well, here goes my list. Please don't confine me to it. If you find me playing something on my profile that isn't in my list, just go with it. 'kay?
Some of the musicians/albums/soundtracks who speak to my heart: Jewel, Coldplay, Ruth Mackenzie's Kalevala , Jesus Christ Superstar, Danny Elfman, Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera, Grateful Dead (especially American Beauty), Beatles, Led Zep, Pink Floyd (when I want to brood), Mozart, Modest Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition and Night on Bald Mountain, The William Tell Overture, The legend of Zelda Soundtrack, David Bowie, Black Sabbath, Dido, Metallica, Ween, Parliament, Led Zep and Pink Floyd,
Stuff I'd like to track down: Tibeten Bhuddist chants, ISKON music, modern interpretations of ancient songs and poems, other types of world music.
I think this list will do for now.
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.. width="425" height="350" ..I love special effects and fantasy. so....George Romero's Living Dead series, and the remakes, LOTR, Chronicles of Narnia, Naked Lunch, Barton Fink, The Big Lebowski (especially the dream sequences), Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness, Spider Man, X-men and X2 (and probably X3--Kelsey Grammer as the Beast?!? I can't wait ) Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, The Shining, the 40 Year old Virgin, Demons, Phenomenon (I love bugs and Jennifer Connolly, and poorly written screenplays ), Jesus Christ Superstar, and the remake (with Rik Mayal as Herod) Ooo! that reminds me! An American Werewolf in London (Rik was a Chess Player in the scottish backwater. by the way, he was the Anarchist on "The Young Ones") , Anything with Christian Bale (Empire of the sun, Swing Kids, American Psycho, Batman Begins), Just about anything Tim Burton has made or thought of making, and anything Johnny Depp shows up in (please don't question my sexuality...Christian Bale, Johnny Depp...They are good Actors!) Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Meet the Fockers, Star Wars IV--VI, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Jaws and Jaws 2, Psycho (the first one), Nosferatu and the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ("he is a somnambulator!") Interview with the Vampire, Blade Runner, Alien and Aliens, Predator, Friday the 13th series, Nightmare On Elmstreet I and III, Halloween I and II, The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in the West, Desperado, El Mariachi, Spy Kids I--III, From Dusk Till Dawn, Innocent Blood, Vamp, Fright Night, Salem's Lot, The Stand, The Dead Zone, Jurrasic Park III, Oh gosh...My mind is turning to mush...


Saturday: the first half hour of MAD TV, then SNL. Sunday: Desparate Housewifes and Grey's Anatomy. Mondays: Medium. Tuesdays: American Idol, House M.D., Law and Order SVU, Boston Legal (another show that conflicts with SVU. I try to catch the reruns).
Thursday: My Name is Earl, The Office, ER (Yes, it's still on the air and I still watch it!),
Friday: and on the last day he rested. (although I will admit to a few Nanny 911's, Conviction, and Trading Spouses or Wifeswap or whatever horrible reality show comes on on that day).
The following shows were cancelled before their time and have left me sad and upset: Wonderfalls (only 3-4 episodes ever aired, but the box set has the full first season). Another was Joan of Arcadia. X-files ended well but I wasn't emotionally prepared for it to leave the air and it left a gap that wasn't filled until LOST... Anyway, as the networks do their juggling, i'm sure this blurb will change. My God; I watch TV to much.


the Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, The Chronicles of Narnia, ANY Stephen King, but Especially The Dark Tower series, the Stand and Pet Semetary, Suetonius's 12 Caesers, Petronius's Satyricon, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Innanna (he is lettuce planted by the water), The Bible, Old and New Testament, Apocrypha, Pseudoepigraphia, Historical textbooks that many would find to be Snore-fests, Lucy (Donald Johanson's story of the finding of the Lucy Hominid), A Midsummer Nights Dream, A Tale of Two Cities, 1984, Lord of the Flies, Brave New World, 2001, Enders Game, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, The Autobiography of Blackhawk, Woman at Point Zero (Nawal al Saadawi), Israel Regardie, Elaine Pagels, Liber Null by Peter Carroll, Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson, Language textbooks, Chemistry, Biochem, and Physics textbooks (I mean the major ones; those hardcovers that send you to the chiropractor if you carry them in your backpack) okay. I have GOT to take a break. More later.


Claudius, (as in Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus, the 5th Caeser of Rome If you count Julius), Jesus Christ, Joseph the Dreamer, Imhotep, Zarathushtra, George Washington and all the Signers of the Declaration of Independance, Blackhawk of the Sac tribe, Stephen King, Stanley Kubrick, George Romero, Frodo, my Dad.

My Blog

I've started painting again.

After an approximately 8 year Hiatus that I blame on drowning in the mundane 40 hour/40 year plan, I have returned to watercolor painting.My  latest is  just a scoche shy of completion. ...
Posted by Rich on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 07:43:00 PST

Soft Paws Debaucle

Our family adopted a couple of cats a few months ago. Instead of opting to de-claw, we purchased something called "Soft Paws".  Soft Paws consist of small molded rubber sheaths that, when glued o...
Posted by Rich on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:30:00 PST

Input Deprivation Experiment

"For most artists, words are like tiny tranquilizers.  We have a daily quota of media chat that we swallow up.  Like greasy food, it clogs our system.  Too much of it and we feel, yes, ...
Posted by Rich on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 09:18:00 PST

Time To Meditate

I'm an anxious guy.  I always have been.  I'm high strung, distracted, and can get to be short tempered.  For the most part, I keep it under control.  I was diagnosed several years...
Posted by Rich on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 01:58:00 PST

Wish you Were Here, Syd!

Syd Barrett has died. For those of you who don't know him, he was one of the founding members of Pink Floyd.  He was, in my opinion, the spearhead of the group in their early music.  Most of...
Posted by Rich on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 02:07:00 PST

The Wayward Traveller in the Lair of the Beast

Today I want to write about my fairy tale experience.  My old haunts on the West Side of Madison; Hoyt neighborhood; Hoyt Park, Reservoir Park, Quarry Park, Forrest Hill and Resurrection Cemeteri...
Posted by Rich on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 09:06:00 PST

Killing Dandelions.

How do you get rid of Dandelions, Organically, when your yard has more dandelions than grass? We refuse to spray roundup.  Monsanto is evil.  I've got some gardens here and there, and kids t...
Posted by Rich on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 04:15:00 PST

Enjoy Coca Cola!

The ingredients of Coke:  Carbonated WaterHigh Fructose Corn SyrupCaramel ColorPhosphoric AcidNatural FlavorsCaffeine Wouldn't it be nice if Ingredients were displayed by side effects rather tha...
Posted by Rich on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 08:27:00 PST

The Left and Right Brain Tug of War

Wake up Right Brain! You've been dominated by the left for far too long.  All that Science and logic is good for keeping sane and getting by from day to day, but don't let it stomp you to a pulp!...
Posted by Rich on Wed, 31 May 2006 09:52:00 PST

Synchronicity and Art

I Finally got a copy of "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron (thank you Kayt, for the inspiration, and thank you Mindy, for the birthday Present).  I started the morning journal today, although I r...
Posted by Rich on Sat, 27 May 2006 05:33:00 PST