HakatRe profile picture


The Law of Attraction is Real...

About Me

Hi, I'm HakatRe, (pronounced Hawk-ott-ray). As you probably can see from the look of my profile, I am quite absorbed in Ancient Egypt. It's many cultural, technological and spiritual influences, as well as it's romantic poetry, literature and the fact that they loved life more than perhaps any other people of antiquity. The incredible legacy they left us (and learning of it) is like fuel for my existance. To go as far as they did to preserve one's soul and their appearance (for eternity) is quite remarkable to say the least and has fascinated me ever since I was little. I honestly feel connected to this ancient civilization. How many of you can relate to this? My passion and love for these poeple, their innovative spirit and passion for life and love is within me and (I feel) has always been... Since I've been here I have met some wonderful people here on MySpace. Your friendship is greatly appreciated...
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My Interests

Intelligent, meaningful conversation which inspires the heart and enlightens the mind. My general interests include: the study of ancient history, of course (laughs) with emphasis on Egypt's 18th dynasty "Amarna" period, narration and voiceover work, acting, traveling, motorcycling, flying/piloting, classic/muscle car collection/restoration, concerts, museums and listening to timeless music with ancient themes... Also, a well written, produced and directed film is always of interest!

I'd like to meet:

People who as I do, feel connected in some way to the timeless glories of the ancient past. Those who have a passion for expressing themselves and their ideas through art, film, music and literature is a plus. Also, those with a good heart and an open mind who seeks to further their Spiritual and Historical knowledge for the betterment of themselves and humanity can only be successful in establishing true and genuine friendships, wherever they may be...


Movie scores, contemporary "smooth jazz", new age, trance, ancient African and Arabian themes, classic rock and 70's - present metal, some classical and "modern" country. CURRENTLY PLAYING: Conjure One - "Make a Wish"


Too many to list here... I'll have to narrow it down one day.


If I think of anything, I'll let you know...


(Not in any particular order)The founding rulers of Upper and Lower Kmt, Also Djeser, Imhetep, Seneferu, Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, of course Seqenenre, Kamoses and Ahmoses (the liberators), Hatshepsut, Thutmoses III, Maiherpri, Amenhetep III and his Queen Tiye, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, their six daughters (especially) MeritAten, AnkhesenAmen and Neferneferuaten, Tutankhamen, Martin Luther (revolutionary theologist), Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (civil rights leader), Frederick Douglas and countless others who had the courage to stand up for what they believed, regardless of the outcome...

Make A Wish.Conjur...

My Blog

Akhenaten and the Art of Amarna

As one can clearly see in the recently updated photo section of my group at http://groups.myspace.com/ancientegypt, Akhenaten was a normal man and not some freak with Fröhlich's disease or some other ...
Posted by HakatRe on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:35:00 PST

What does the heart represent to you??

The Ancient Egyptians viewed the heart as the center of one's being and the center of one's thoughs.  How beautiful is that!?  They basically disregarded the brain as they did not know ...
Posted by HakatRe on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 10:57:00 PST