I lived in AkhetAten, (Amarna) Egypt and ruled with my husband in what is now considered 1345 b.c. That would make me 3350 years old by today's standards (laughs). There is much confusion about my life, how I ruled as queen and of course, my husband AkhenAten. Perhaps it is better to leave the many rumors and theories alone, it is quite amusing to watch scholars quarrel over that which they do not know. Besides, no one would believe the truth even if I told you all from my own two lips.What I will tell you is that my husband was very courageous to follow his dreams and stand by his beliefs, as controversial as they may have been. Many forget that my husband and I succeeded in establishing great Aten as The One and absolute diety for our nation. As you know, there were many gods in our country before Aten was acknowledged (mere personifications of Aten's countenance). This was confusing to the masses. My husband and I illiminated this confusion and offered everyone in our country the privilege of worshipping God in His true living form... and we worship Aten's presence to this very day yet, in other "forms."AkhetAten, was one of the most beautiful cities in our country. The heat of course was unbearable, however watching Aten rise and set made up for this. My life was filled with many pleasures and much sadness and distress.Many people welcomed us and the change we brought forth. They believed it to be a sign from God (for things to come). Yet, there were those in high places, even royals, top officials who despised us, especially the priests of Amun further South. The priests and even our own army conspired against us and this was the beginning of the end. Perhaps what is most sad about our rule is that future kings would erase the names of my husband at Karnak and at Abdju (Abydos). Nearly all traces of our existance were removed and the old gods were reinstilled. But, not all was lost...In ancient Egypt, we strongly believed that as long as your name was spoken, your soul would continue to live. I live today because of this and I believe my family does also. For this I am thankful... To say one's name once they are gone is the best compliment anyone can give. I truly appreciate those who have kept me in their thoughts.I am thankful also to my friends who are helping me to develope my profile at this site, as I am not willing to do such labor (Ha! writing this is enough work). Soon there will be photos of my country, although not nearly as beautiful as when I ruled along side my husband. Artwork of me and music to help bring the mood of "home" here. I look forward to sharing this with you. Remember to say my name, Nefertiti-Nefer-Neferu-Aten... and I shall continue to exist. May God's peace and blessings be with all who are reading this...