Pigeon Killer: Was given name, after several long, frustrating trips to Brighton to find a house and job... 3 weeks of travelling to and fro, pretending to be a gay couple with co-musician Richard Legg aka 'poule del diavlo' (whom i play with in the acoustic trio- The rhythm technique.) At the pinacle point of frustration with those awful estate agents, I was attacked head on by a king pigeon, newspaper in hand I was forced to defend myself and have been at war with the blighters (who still carry a chip on their shoulder, among other rubbish) ever since! The Pigeons represent all those boring buisness men out there suited up in grey swarming around bits of bread trying to get their little piece of it. Occasionally, you may catch sight of a white pigeon, a thing of beauty that was almost meant to be a dove. But through bad circumstance has been condemmed to the life of a pigeon.
Bio: Pigeon Killer has been playing guitar for 14 years now. He has played with many live bands before with an eclectric range of music. Since his interest in production and recording he came to admire many of the electronic genres - particularly hiphop and downbeat and this is his main interest at the moment. Though, his love of melody and jazz would never budge for just well produced beats and MC chatter and it is this that has helped create his original style you hear today. He is now about to embark on a new jouney into the realms of video (Just updated to Ableton 6) and you can see one of his initial projects below made with just a digital camera and some poor software. With this in mind, who knows what this masterful artist will be capeable of. Filming starts in June and expect to see something tasty on this space before August... for now, enjoy the Melodies of Spring!