I am here for Friends

About Me

I believe we should protect the delicate balance of our earth. We live our lives with blinders on to what is happening to the creatures of the world. Whatever your beliefs, we all must agree in the Circle Of Life.From the smallest Insect to the great Whales, one is able to live because of the other.It is much easier to squash a spider than to tote it outside on a broom. We let people kill our natural predators for fear of them. If they cease to exist, our natural balance is disturbed and our planet will suffer for it. Instead of looking to the stars wondering if we will have to live up there some day, why not protect what we have here, right now! I started out slow. First I stopped killing every little thing I saw that I didn't like. No more pesticides. I use natural friendly mixtures in my house and garden. Lets get educated on the important roles the creatures play in nature.People don't want the hunting of deer. Then stop killing their natural predators such as the wolves! There can't be life without death. Many people point their fingers at other Countries, saying that they should stop killing their wildlife. We need to look at our own Country and start here! Open your eyes and see your beautiful world. And help to stop it's destruction...

My Interests

Life Is Not Measured By The Number Of Breaths We Take, But By The Moments That Take Our Breath Away.
*The Cat Lady Who Almost Wasn’t*Although I've always had cats, I wasn't always known as the Cat Lady. I had a wonderful cat named Monkey.She was born in a litter from my cat, Jasper, and I kept her.She was born one month before my first child. Monkey was a dusty gray tabby,and she loved hot dogs. She always kept me company in my garden, or kitchen, or where ever i happened to be. When I came to meet my second husband, he said "I don't like cats!". Well... You know that is just a challenge that all cats love! She worked him good (lol). When we would sit to read the sunday paper, it was his lap that She had to lay on. Sprauling over what ever he was reading. When He would start the grill, she was right there waiting for Her hotdog (She didn't like them raw).She finally won His heart.She blessed us with many years.But as all of us do, She couldn't beat time, and old age took hold. I was so distraut watching her go down hill, i said "I'll never have another cat". I'd had her longer than my children. She was a huge part of the most special time of my life, and my children's.The 'Day' finally came when I could not bear it. I knew that she would not last the day, but I couldn't let her suffer any longer. this was the first time I had ever had to put an animal to sleep. My vet did surgeries in th mornings, so they said they couldn't get her in till 11 a.m. that was too long.I found a different vet and they said they weren't busy and to come right in. Well when I arrived the place was almost full. The girl told me that they had a rush all of a sudden. And that she was sorry to make me wait, but it wouldn't be long. So we sat there together. Monkey wrapped in a blanket, and me trying to hold my tears in. The day was two weeks before Her 18th birthday. More people came in. It was standing room only, and everyone, as they entered said "aww, you've got a sick kitty?" I was unable to speak to tell them, trying not to baul. Then after a nice lady had seen us, the receptionist quietly told her why we were there. She came to us and said that she bred Persian. And that she knows that I'm not ready now, but in a couple week, to call her and she would like to 'GIVE' me a kitten. I thanked her most sincerely, but I had decided that I couldn't go through this heartache again! she asked that I take her number anyways, just in case.We were finally called into the room, and as we waited alone, Monkey stopped breathing. Then she started again. We had a couple special minute to ourselves, and I told her it was all right to go. The doctor came into the room.The days dragged on. When you lose a 'constant' in your life, no matter what is is, your body and mind cannot function. Finally I said "I can't go without a cat in my life. It's just too empty." My husband assured me that Monkey would not want me to go without. So I called the nice lady. I remember the first time I saw my new kitten. She was the most beautiful little ball of fur. The lady (June) wanted to give me two so she wouldn't be alone, but I didn't think I could afford to care for two, and I worked at home so she wouldn't be lonely. So we came home, my Annabelle and I.Cats can definitely sense our sadnesses and Annabelle, as young as she was knew I needed her comfort. She kept a vigile by my side waiting for the pain to go. She became the constant in my life. She is the quiet Sentinel of our home.I believe that the Lord sent me to the other vet and filled the waiting room with people, so that I could meet June. And Monkey held on for that reason also. Just like I believe that the Lord sent all of my stray kitties to me through the years. The Lord had great plans for my future, even if I had no clue!

I'd like to meet:



Girly Comments & Graphics


*One Is Never Enough*One is never enough to go around. I had my loving companion, Annabelle, and I was a very content lady. Her favorite time was in the evening when I would get in my lazyboy with HER blanky. She would never lay with anyone else or any other blanky.Thus, the jealousy started to emerge. Until the words came from my 'I hate cats' hubby. He says to me," I need a cat too! One who will lay with me."Well, it didn't take me long to jump on that offer!*lol* Especially considering my concern for Annie. She was two now and had just gone through our second hunting season. Since she was used to me being at home all the time, when we went away for the weekends hunting, she was extremely distressed. What a wonderful idea to get a companion for her.I have always wanted a little girl to primp and pamper in frilly things, so I guess that's why I decided to get another Persian. And my Sister had just addopted three Persian from a Persian rescue. There are many people who think they want a Persian, only to find that they are much more work than they expected. So I thought, what a wonderful idea. And so my quest started.I had no idea where to start so I went to the newspaper. and there it was! A breeder. Her Sire had passed away and she was getting out of the buisness. She was selling one and two year old cats. Ones that people weren't looking for because they weren't kittens.When we arrived, it was a very sad environment. A singlewide trailer full of kids and cats with no airconditioning (in florida!) Their fur was in such poor shape that they didn't even look like Persians. They looked wore out from having too many litters.We looked the cats over, searching for a 'good match' for Annabelle.We knew we had to find one that was boisterous and forward to make the first move at being friends with Annabelle. She was too content with just being with me.Well, then it happened! She came strutting out of the other room. All full of herself. My hubby said"that's the one!" and so Princess Izzabelle was on her way to meet her new sister. To no surprise to us, she soon found out she had her work cut out for her with Annie.Izzy was sooo yearning for kitty contact(being raised with the other cats) I thought she would burst! It took her months to get through to Annie, but she never gave up. I remember the day she finally got up in the chair without waking Annie up. She slowly, with the gentlest touch, laid her paw on Annie and went to sleep.All was at peace in the home again. except for one thing. Mommy's chair was getting quite crowded......And Daddy was still lonely! hehehehe!


*Oliver Finally Found His Forever Home*It was the day before St. Patrick's Day, 2007. All was wonderful in my life. I had my two kitties that were in need of some food and litter, so my Son and I were planning a trip to Tampa to the big pet superstore.Of course the weather was not going to cooperate. There was 60% chance of rain. But we had to go, so off we went.We got there and found what we needed and were paying the bill, when the sky opened up and The Lord poured buckets out onto the parking lot."Well, that's just my luck!", I thought. Not wanting to get my Son soaked before our long ride home I thought we could go look at the kittys in the adoption section.(Animal Friends Rescue uses a section of the store.they get their adopties from the pound) Well...there they were. Two Persian kitties together in a cage.They were a sight.Their fur was mangled and chopped up. One sat at the front and was very friendly. But the other was the one who caught my eye. Not because of the way he looked. But that he was sooo pitifully sad. He would not even look at me. He just stared off into space. So depressed with his head down on his paws. I have never seen a cat that would not even glance at me! I was terribly distraught. I knew this would haunt me forever if I did nothing.The rain stopped quickly and we were on our way home.While I kept telling myself I couldn't afford another cat. And I was pretty sure they were selling them together(there was no attendant there to ask) All the other cages were marked $75 and theirs was$150. TWO? No way ! I can't! I timidly told my 'i hate cats' Hubby the story. He says "we'll go check them out tomorrow!" I was agas! I thought he would be the sane one to tell me NO!Then my sis-in-law came over and she was excited too! What's the matter with you ppl? You aren't going to save me from making this mistake? Then they both had said that it never rained at their jobs.Then I knew. God had made me stay to look.He's working me again! But how can I afford more, Lord?So first thing in the morn we were off to Tampa. The attendant confirmed that they needed to go together(brothers) but they were $150 apeice.(persians,but the money goes to help other strays so not so bad) Well I kept saying I don't know if I can afford four cats. My Hubby gave me no help, just kept saying it's up to me!Thanks! We stood there for quite a while, til the friendly one finally jumped on the other and they began to play. That was it! Hubby said "we'll take them!"I was feeling queezy and excited all at the same time.But I had a peace come over me knowing that this was the right decision.We opened the cage at home. And they came strutting out like the siamese cats on Lady And The Tramp.Looking for trouble.They weren't afraid of the girls at all. (the girls didn't like them at all) They were not afraid of their environment either. BUT... when ever the timid one saw us LOOKING at him, he'd bolt! I knew right then that they had been abused and I had my work cut out for me.The other one was starving for attention and we named him Dickens.We had quite a time matching the other one up with a name(I have never had that problem before) We finally thought of Oliver, and it fit(I don't know why).The only way we could get him close to us was to have a shoestring in our hand.They love to play,and why not? They were only 10 months old.As I soon found out, they came with ringworm. And yeast infections in their ears. All of the dipping and shaving and ear cleaning and poking pills down their throats didn't help Oliver warm to me. He was always in fear of what I was going to do next, even though I did things as gently as I could with reasureance by petting afterwards.Then, Dickens got reallly sick. The vet found that he has the feline coronavirus, and from his symtoms expected FIP which is fatal. I thought , maybe the lord brought them to me so Oliver would have a safe home when Dickens passed.But the worry of all my cats being affected and dying consumed me.I had become seriously attached to all of them. Miraculously(the vet said) Dickens got better. I was sooo stressed at this point and so was my pocketbook but I continued on.(we didnt get a clean ringworm culture til oct.) Oliver started to get better too. I could finally look at him without him running for cover. In fact, he started following me around all day while the others napped.With this courious look as if he were trying to figure me out. If I went outside, he'd sit in the sunroom and watch me til I returned.In the evenings, the Girls and Dickens would all find a spot in the chair with me. Oliver finally decided to start sitting beside the chair to let me pet him, but wouldn't sit with me. I figured that maybe this was how he was going to be. Some aren't lap cats. And that was ok, but I felt sad for him that he would never feel that comfort.Then, the most wonderful thing happened.It was the end of July. I had fallen asleep in the recliner. Hubby had too.I was on my side with my legs pulled up just a tad. I woke up and all the kitties had left me. But I could feel one laying curled up tight against me.In my lap. It was dear sweet Little Oliver.My husband woke within seconds of me and I said "LOOK!" We should have gotten up and went to bed, but we didn't want this moment to end, so we both went back to sleep in the chairs.He needed our love more than food or water or shelter. My heart has never ached so much with happiness. Not for my accomplishment (that was God's doing) But for Oliver's happiness. Oliver had finally found his 'Forever Home'.And that, my friends, was the birth of the Cat Lady!


My Oldest Son, for teaching me how to SURVIVE in this life. My Youngest Son, for teaching me how to LAUGH in this life.Save The World - One Click At A Time!
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Click here to post this on your page or 'blogPLANTS THAT ARE POISONOUS TO CATS: A GUIDE- IN MEMORY OF OUR FRIEND, Q-TIP Current mood: mellow Category: Pets and AnimalsThere are many plants that are poisonous to cats. They vary in their toxicity. Many are irritant rather than poisonous. Below is a list of houseplants that can be harmful or fatal depending on the quantity swallowed. Also, remember that cats that chew plants are exposed to any chemical pesticides or fertilizers that may have been applied directly to the plants or through the soil.Alfalfa Almond (Pits) Aloe Vera Alocasia Amaryllis Apple (seeds) Apple Leaf Croton Apricot (Pits) Arrowgrass Asparagus Fern Autumn Crocus Avacado (fruit and pit) AzaleaBaby's Breath Baneberry Bayonet Beargrass Beech Belladonna Bird of Paradise Bittersweet Black-eyed Susan Black Locust Bleeding Heart Bloodroot Bluebonnet Box Boxwood Branching Ivy Buckeyes Buddist Pine Burning Bush ButtercupCactus, Candelabra Caladium Calla Lily Castor Bean Ceriman Charming Dieffenbachia Cherry (pits, seeds & wilting leaves) Cherry, most wild varieties Cherry, ground Cherry, Laurel Chinaberry Chinese Evergreen Christmas Rose Chrysanthemum Cineria Clematis Cordatum Coriaria Cornflower Corn Plant Cornstalk Plant Croton Corydalis Crocus, Autumn Crown of Thorns Cuban Laurel Cutleaf Philodendron Cycads CyclamenDaffodil Daphne Datura Deadly Nightshade Death Camas Devil's Ivy Delphinium Decentrea Dieffenbachia Dracaena Palm Dragon Tree Dumb CaneEaster Lily EggplantElaine Elderberry Elephant Ear Emerald Feather English Ivy Eucalyptus Euonymus EvergreenFerns Fiddle-leaf fig Florida Beauty Flax Four O'Clock Foxglove Fruit Salad PlantGeranium German Ivy Giant Dumb Cane Glacier IvyGolden Chain Gold Dieffenbachia Gold Dust Dracaena Golden Glow Golden Pothos Gopher PurgeHahn's Self-Branching Ivy Heartland Philodendron Hellebore Hemlock, Poison Hemlock, Water Henbane Holly Honeysuckle Horsebeans Horsebrush Horse Chestnuts Hurricane Plant Hyacinth HydrangeaIndian Rubber Plant Indian Tobacco Iris Iris IvyJack in the Pulpit Janet Craig Dracaena Japanese Show Lily Java Beans Jessamine Jerusalem Cherry Jimson Weed Jonquil Jungle TrumpetsKalanchoeLacy Tree Philodendron Lantana Larkspur Laurel Lily Lily Spider Lily of the Valley Locoweed LupineMadagascar Dragon Tree Marble Queen Marigold Marijuana Mescal Bean Mexican Breadfruit Miniature Croton Mistletoe Mock Orange MonkshoodMoonseed Morning GloryMother-in Law's Tongue Morning Glory Mountain Laurel MushroomsNarcissus Needlepoint Ivy Nephytis NightshadeOleander Onion Oriental LilyPeace Lily Peach (pits and wilting leaves) Pencil Cactus Peony Periwinkle Philodendron Pimpernel Plumosa Fern Poinciana Poinsettia (low toxicity) Poison Hemlock Poison Ivy Poison Oak Pokeweed Poppy Potato Pothos Precatory Bean Primrose Privet, CommonRed Emerald Red Princess Red-Margined Dracaena Rhododendron Rhubarb Ribbon Plant Rosemary Pea Rubber PlantSaddle Leaf Philodendron Sago Palm Satin Pothos Schefflera Scotch Broom Silver Pothos Skunk Cabbage Snowdrops Snow on the Mountain Spotted Dumb Cane Staggerweed Star of Bethlehem String of Pearls Striped Dracaena Sweetheart Ivy Sweetpea Swiss Cheese plantTansy Mustard Taro Vine Tiger Lily Tobacco Tomato Plant (green fruit, stem and leaves) Tree Philodendron Tropic Snow Dieffenbachia Tulip Tung TreeVirginia CreeperWater Hemlock Weeping Fig Wild Call Wisteria Yews: Japanese Yew English Yew Western Yew American YewWhat are the signs of poisoning?The signs of poisoning can be vary - drooling, repeated vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, suddenly collapse, excessive irritation (red, swollen, blistering or raw) of the skin, the mouth or throat, .Skin reactionsIt's more common for plants to cause skin irritation in cats than to poison them. Contact with the leaves, stems or sap of certain plants can cause rashes and hypersensitivity to sunlight resulting in sunburn. In cats these plants can cause blistering or itching of the mouth and gums. Sneezing and eye problems can also be caused through contact with these plants.What to do?You should contact your veterinary surgeon immediately if your cat is showing signs of poisoning. If you see your cat eat something that you suspect to be poisonous, don't attempt to make it vomit. Take your cat to the vet with a sample of the plant or even better a plant label. Make a note of the time of eating and any symptoms. Several days may pass between the ingestion of the undesirable material and the effects.How to prevent the poisoning in cats?You can prevent your cat from chewing on plants by misting the leaves then sprinkling them with cayenne pepper. You might also want to consider planting a container of grass (regular grass, not the drug) for your cat. If your cats are digging in your pots, go to your local hobby/craft store and buy a few pieces of plastic needlepoint canvas. Trim it to the shape of the pot, cut a slit in it and then a hole in the center for the plant. Rest it on top of the soil and your cat will be unable to dig.Of course it's impossible for you to prevent your cat coming into contact with hazardous plants in neighbouring gardens but you can make a note of any toxic plants in their gardens. After gardening, ensure hedge clippings or uprooted plants are tidied up. Bulbs, rhizomes, and the roots can be the most hazardous parts of some plants.

My Blog


Since the beginning of time, nature has survived without our help. I realized that some of the things I was doing in my garden was making an impact on our earth. So I started reading about organic gar...
Posted by CAT LADY[&DA TWISTED WHISKERS] on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 07:02:00 PST

There’s a Conspiracy going on here! *LOL*

First of all... I'd like to say that I decided to bathe the escapees and not the good kitties. Although I'm thinking that they stayed behind as decoys while the others made their getaway. For those of...
Posted by CAT LADY[&DA TWISTED WHISKERS] on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 04:45:00 PST

why me mommy furry madd today; oliver’s story

dis is oliver da mommy is furry madd so me thought me tell you da story of whys. me mommy thought dat she could sleep in dis morning for da first time in three months.da daddy said he wouldn't call an...
Posted by CAT LADY[&DA TWISTED WHISKERS] on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 06:43:00 PST

The Begining Of A Great Love

When I was little, I wanted a kitten sooo bad. So for my 5th birthday my aunt gave me a black kitten from her cats litter.I named her Penny after the girl on "Lost In Space" cause i thiought she ...
Posted by CAT LADY[&DA TWISTED WHISKERS] on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 05:11:00 PST


My eyes are burning.Burning.Here they come again.The tears. There is no stopping them. You know what's next. Yes, the heart. The pain. The awful pain. I will never forget. I can never forget. Somethin...
Posted by CAT LADY[&DA TWISTED WHISKERS] on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 05:02:00 PST

boys can cry too

First let me say that i wish there never had to be war, but sometimes they leave us no choice. i ve kept this story since highschool, not so much because its about war, but because its a reminder...
Posted by CAT LADY[&DA TWISTED WHISKERS] on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 05:48:00 PST


I READ A STORY WHEN I WAS YOUNG,AND I'VE ALWAYS HAD A CAT IN MY LIFE EVER SINCE.THIS IS HOW IT WENT... When the animals came to render their homage to the Christ Child lying in the manger, t...
Posted by CAT LADY[&DA TWISTED WHISKERS] on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 11:57:00 PST

MY FAVORITE POEM i hope this inspires you

there is a special place in life, That needs my humble skill, A certain job i'm meant to do, Nobody else can fill.  The hours are demanding, And the pay is not too good, And yet i would'nt ...
Posted by CAT LADY[&DA TWISTED WHISKERS] on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 05:47:00 PST