X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson profile picture

X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson

Hookah for Jesus

About Me

Hookah for Jesus
and so what?!?

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free."
Galatians 5:1
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony;
and they loved not their lives unto the death."
Revelation 12:11
Okay, let me share a bit about myself on my front page. At one time, I had my testimony here, but it was so long that it took up so much space. Five minutes to scroll down simply takes up too much precious time. So, who am I in a nutshell? Well, first of all, I’m a nut. Let’s just get that out of the way, okay? I admit it, now let’s move on.
I'm a nut. Get over it.
Throughout my life, I have been through so much. As I’m certain, you have as well. I believe that we all have an internal time machine that takes us back through our past and replays our life stories over and over again. Sometimes to our detriment. Like me, you may wish that you could go back in time and live a part of your life over again. Sure, there were some good times. But let's admit it, some times were simply hellish, right?
Sometimes, I think that if I were able to go back in time, I would make wiser choices and be able to start all over from scratch. Oh, how my life would be so much better if I could do that, right? There would be no more pain, sorrow, or grief. Likely? Doubtful. I believe that there would simply be new problems and difficulties. Maybe even worse than the ones that I'm working through now.
No more pain, sorrow, or grief.
Although I’ve written out most of my testimony and life story in my blog, let me share just a taste of who I am. I was raised in a seemingly Christian home. My parents were very involved in Christian ministry. My mother was ordained as one of our church pastors when I was about ten years old. I was the typical preacher's kid. Everything was peachy keen. Life was great. To the outside looking in, we were the perfect Christian family.
From a very early age, I was happily involved in Christian ministry whether it was cleaning the church, teaching Sunday school, or ministering in other churches vocally. I was performing on a local religious television program from the early age of five. In the opinions of some rather warped minds, I was the perfect little Christian girl. I even had close friends that were often chided by their mothers to "be more like Cindy." In recent years, when I first heard about this, I grieved deeply for my friends and the lack of acceptance that they felt as young children.
If their mothers only knew.
In reality, our home was filled with emotional, physical, and sexual violence. I had been sexually violated by my father, and beaten and raped by an older brother from as early as three years old. So much for the perfect Christian family, hunh?
I hear you asking, "Cindy, where are you at now? Emotionally and spiritually?" Honestly? I have long enjoyed complete healing from the residual effects and memories of the sexual violence that I have experienced in my life. I love my father and forgive him. Some people find this hard to accept. But seriously, I'm NOT the "walking wounded" that some people think I should be. I refuse to allow Satan to gain a foothold in my life. What a waste of time! I'm so over it. You should be too!
Time for healing, don't you think?
It has been through Christian counseling and truly seeking the heart of God and His will for my life that has enabled me to come out on the other side. It's not necessary or advantageous to hang on to anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness in your life. If you've got a mess in your life, do what I did! Turn it over to Jesus! He'll clean it up and make all things new!
In reality, I'm just like the next person. Experiencing both good days and bad days. Ups and downs. However, my struggles and trials of life are no longer dictated by my past abuse. Struggles and trials are just facts of life. It rains on the just and the unjust.
It happens every day. People are deeply wounded by the words and actions of those around them. And it affects them for the rest of their lives. I hear this phrase all the time. "Wounded people wound people." "Hurt people hurt people." How ridiculous. All that phrase serves is to label people in a negative way. People hurt people. Period. We've all been there - we've all been wounded and we've all wounded others. But it's time to become "wounded healers," loving and protecting the people around us.
And in spite of what today or tomorrow may look like, I continue to fall in love with my Savior more and more everyday. I long to serve Him and follow His lead the rest of my life. Pure joy!
I'll respond to ministry opportunities when they are presented. Whether in or out of the church. Or on the street. My goal is simply to love others as Christ would love. Without love, we have nothing. Everything else is secondary. I Corinthians 13.
"And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love."
So, you may ask what I am doing today. Fair question. Overall, I spend my days wallowing in my addiction to MySpace. I’ve enjoyed a wonderfully boring career specializing in human resources and organizational development in the corporate world for over 20 years.
I am now working in ministry with Annie Lobert and several others to lay a solid foundation and launch Hookers for Jesus. I also support Heather Veitch and JCs Girls in an operational capacity. Additionally, I provide marketing and administrative support for the Saving Sex City project, which is a joint media project of Hookers for Jesus and JCs Girls. Annie and I are fortunate to serve under the loving guidance and spiritual covering of Pastor Benny Perez, The Church at South Las Vegas, and the Association of Related Ministries.
Hookers for Jesus is a nondenominational, faith-based organization reaching out to men and women who are currently associated with or working as prostitutes, porn stars, pimps, and exotic dancers. Our vision includes promoting spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness in the lives of those who have been affected by sexual trauma and related forms of abuse in the adult entertainment industry.
Our goal is to love others as Christ loves us. We follow His example. We are not here to pass judgment on the sins of others. We are here to demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ. As scripture says in Romans 2:4, it's the love and kindness of the Lord (as demonstrated through us) that leads to repentance.
While Annie serves as the chief executive officer and leader of the organization, I serve as Vice President and Director of Development. Basically, jack-of-all-trades. Annie oversees the evangelistic scope of the ministry, while I assist her by focusing on business management and organizational development. Additionally, we both enjoy the support and assistance of a strong board of directors and an advisory board encompassing various members of the Christian community.
The unity and anointing that is on this ministry and the people involved is absolutely amazing to watch. Let alone experience! Check out our website located at www.hookersforjesus.net .
If you have questions about our organization, shoot us an email at [email protected]. To request an interview or to book a speaker at an upcoming event, conference, or festival, please contact us through our booking office at [email protected].
Additionally, if you are currently working in the sex industry and would like to talk with someone about getting out, please contact us. We're here to talk. You're not alone. You can reach us at [email protected].
We also appreciate donations in order to assist men and women transitioning out of the sex industry. Hookers for Jesus is a nonprofit organization and as such, we rely solely on gifts and donations for sustaining the ministry. We invite you to partner with us, believing in faith that God will meet the needs of this ministry. Again, we appreciate your prayers and financial support.

To fill the "fun time" hours in my day, I enjoy "dabbling" in photography. I used to take in quite a bit of freelance writing and/or graphic design projects. However, my focus is on developing the ministry of Hookers for Jesus. I'm also pursuing a college degree in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries studying with the Las Vegas Leadership Institute through the satellite campus and distance learning program of Oral Roberts University.
I long to make a contribution that changes lives. To that end, I enjoy participating and/or volunteering with community and statewide service organizations in a variety of roles. Until recently, I was serving on a couple of Washington State Commissions and State Boards that focus on public health issues. However, I am now focusing on ministry development full time. This is where God has called me. And I'm certainly looking forward to seeing lives changed!
“You’re somewhere in the future,
and you look much better than you look right now!”
Right now in my life, I believe in nothing of higher value than my salvation. I believe in sharing my heart no matter the cost... as hard as it might be. I believe in divine healing and restoration of the soul. I believe in living a sanctified life. I believe in speaking the truth in love. I believe that a soft answer turns away wrath. I truly believe that laughter is the best medicine. I've learned how to laugh in the midst of severe pain and hardship. And I've discovered that I can cry from places within that I didn't even know existed.
Now, it's your turn. What's your story, morning glory?
© Copyright 2006-2008. Cindy Nelson. All rights reserved.

My Interests

You wanna know some things about me? Okay, here goes. Buckle up, baby!

My name is Girly, but you can call me Super Girly. Princess will do in a pinch. You've probably heard of me. According to some folks on MySpace, I'm trouble. Tell me about it, stud!

I crave worldwide domination and long to become the most googled person in the world. People say I look like the love child of Drew Carey and Nicole Kidman. (If they had a love child.) I agree. As far as personality, I'm told mine is a mix of Sydney Bristow and Phoebe Buffay. Other than that, I'm a pretty normal chick.

My creative side musically includes singing and writing songs. I play several instruments, including a mean conga. Taylor Guitars, baby! Nothing better.

Artistically, I enjoy sculpture, photography, and watercolor painting. During college, I studied graphic design, art history, film production, cinematography, interior design, and everything in between. However, my passion is writing.

Throughout my life, you may have also found me on stage at a regional theatre or off in a corner writing a song or a new line of poetry.
Hookers for Jesus T-Shirts!

Only $25 per shirt!
(indicate # at checkout.)

I love to go to the mountains (Rockies) and I enjoy whitewater rafting. I love to travel. Anything from weekend road trips to Europe and the South Pacific. So far, I really haven't traveled much outside of the U.S. other than the Caribbean. My dreams and lifelong plans have always included visiting either Italy or France. I would also love to visit the Holy Land. However, I may have to settle for Vegas. Again and again.

In reality, I'm just another hippy on the beach. In my dreams, I'm in the south of France.

I'd like to meet:

"You're only as good as the company you keep." I believe that our home, friends, and surroundings are a reflection of who we are. And if that's the case, then I think I'm off to a good start.

Some of the more famous people that I've met and shared time and/or a meal include: Keith and Melody Green, Marie Osmond (met her brothers too, but they're weird), Wayne Newton, John Denver, Andy Grove (CEO of IBM), David Packard (HP co-founder), Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (Apple founders), Laurance Rockefeller (cousin), Patty Duke, John Travolta, Jane Russell (cousin), The Beach Boys - 1983 (Dennis' death deeply affected me later that year), and John Mellencamp (probably shouldn't mention that though).

I'm a family historian. Sometimes people ask. So, here goes. My fourth generation surnames include Nelson/Nilsson, Ashley, Parks, Tanner, Gerkin, Dooley, Russell, and Leonard. I am both a Germanna, as well as Mayflower descendant. We hail from Sweden, England, Ireland, and Germany. The rest is European DNA soup. In the States we can be found primarily in Colorado, Washington, California, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Iowa, and Nebraska. Think we're cousins? I would love to meet you!

I have great friends, whether from my childhood, teen years, college, or moving out to the big city or Podunk central, they're my lifelines. Always. Friends for life. Overall, they tend to be a rather confident lot with a twisted sense of humor. And even though I don't get to see some of them as often as I'd like, they're always there. And whether they're getting married, living with me, or finding a way to stand me for hours on end in the office or on the weekend laughing our tail feathers off, they're the best friends a girl could wish for.

Friends for life.
My friends list includes various people that I have made a connection with either on MySpace or in person. They have all touched my life in one way or another. Musically, spiritually, or simply able to provide a reason to laugh. They are a reflection of who I am. Additionally, the icons on my space reflect a part of who I am.

I often rotate my frontpage friends based on my mind bent at any given moment. But let it be known, just because someone is on my back page on any particular day is certainly not a reflection of where they are in my life or in my heart. So, feel free to check out ALL my friends. Yeah, baby! Be forewarned, what you find may surprise you.
Be blessed my pets.

(please read before messaging me)
I am not on MySpace to get into theological debates over disputable matters. I'm all about love, baby! I want to show the love of God and let everyone know that Jesus loves them regardless of how bad they think they have messed up.

While most religious people that send me messages tend to preface their comments with "I'm not being judgmental, but..." I realize that many may not be intentionally trying to pass judgment on me. However, I am inclined to share the following scriptural verses:

"Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God." (Romans 14:1, 4, 12, 22)

Please understand that I'm not a perfect person or a perfect Christian. Far from it. I'm learning daily to follow the Lord and His desire for my life. I'm learning to listen. And I'm moving forward. Choosing to forgive. And choosing to love. Still.

"Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the LORD looks at the heart."

If you are still itching to send me a message because you disagree with my music, mayhem, or methodology, please understand and try not to be offended when I neglect to respond.

Friend requests? I luv 'em! However, if you're a self-professed prophet or apostle, chances are slim to none that you'll be approved. No offense intended. It's just that my experience with people of this background and belief tend to step on toes and pass judgment all in the name of their "calling." Spiritual abuse in the name of the Lord. I would prefer to guard my heart in this area. If God has something to say to me, He'll let me know through the Holy Spirit as He works and speaks through trusted friends and family, as well as godly men and women that He has placed in my life.

One other thing... I LOVE comments! But can I make a small request? Will you please refrain from turning my profile into a bulletin board to sell your wares or post your videos, teachings, or articles on various topics?

If the audience for your teaching is the masses at large, I would appreciate reading your teachings on your blog. That's what your blog is for! Also, please don't post any floozy hoochie mama pics. Those just scare the dickens out of me! Thanks for understanding!


While I would be completely lost without tunes to help me get my "groove" on, I generally gravitate toward indie artists. Acoustic, alternative, and blues. I appreciate music that can make me dance and take me away from the ills of the world. My tastes are quite eclectic.

A lifetime ago...

Right now, I'm in pursuit of worship music. Especially prophetic worship. I have to be honest. Worship is my latest favorite pastime. Bring it on! Lately, I’ve been listening to Ricardo Sanchez, Jason Upton, and some Hillsong stuff. My favorite hymnists include Fanny Crosby, Henry Francis Lyte, and Philip Bliss.

If I’m just getting my groove on, I like Maroon 5, Rob Thomas, Jeff Buckley, Sarah McLachlan, Prince, Missy Elliott, Gwen Stefani, Lenny Kravitz, Pink, and Tyrone Wells.

Then there's Elvis Costello, Elvis Presley, Diana Krall, Joni Mitchell, Sheryl Crow, Carole King, Jim Croce, and Cat Stevens.

And of course, there's also
Sam Phillips, T-Bone Burnett,
Neil Young, Harry Chapin, Jackson Browne, CCR, and Carly Simon.

Yep, I'm rather eclectic.


PUSSYCAT PREACHER! Citizen Kane (really), Fargo, Crash, Big, Boys Town, Forrest Gump, Grease, Girl Interrupted, The General's Daughter, The Great Santini, Melvin and Howard, The Sixth Sense, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Big Fish, Elephant, The Breakfast Club, You've Got Mail, City of Angels, Back to the Future, Pirates of the Caribbean, Anne of Green Gables, Shawshank Redemption, and any really good action flick or romantic comedy. Like to add... just about any documentary.


If you read a lot of books, you're considered well-read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you're not considered well-viewed.
Years ago, I used to watch a lot more television than I do now. The shows that I have enjoyed in recent years include Will & Grace and Raymond. Now? CSI. SVU. And the Chelsea Lately Show. So, shoot me. Then go away while I watch my show.
I also like to watch historical documentaries. Anything to do with the Civil War, the American Revolutionary War, and the forming of our country.
And last but not least, all the cooking shows including Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen. In my parallel life, I'm a graduate of the California Culinary Institute.
Generally, I either TiVo the shows that I want to see, then watch them when I'm good and ready. Or I watch them online. I don't live according to a set television schedule. My life revolves around other things. Not intentionally, it just seems to happen that way. Go figure.
Besides, I'm addicted to MySpace.


Generally, I gravitate toward biographies and creative nonfiction. However, I should say that I am currently reading Lisa Bevere's "Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry" and a bunch of books on healthy living. Relearning some things due to a recent health setback.
My all time favorite book is "The Velveteen Rabbit," by Margery Williams. I also like "The Gift of the Magi," by O. Henry, and "The Grapes of Wrath," by Steinbeck. Actually, anything by John Steinbeck. I also like the classics including Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and Anna Karenina. Reading is a great way to escape on a rainy day.
I also enjoy reading any book by and about Smith Wigglesworth. "Cry of the Spirit," "Wigglesworth on the Anointing," and "Ever Increasing Faith" are good ones. Then there is "Mere Christianity," by CS Lewis and "Addicted to Mediocrity," by Franky Schaeffer.
I am also very fond of EM Bounds and his books on prayer. My third great grandfather served with him in the 3rd Missouri Infantry. Bounds was the Chaplain, while my grandfather was Sergeant. They shared a Paul and Silas experience in the Anderson Prison and became lifelong friends.
If you only have time to read one book today, I would like to suggest the Bible. Pick it up and dive into the heart of God. Many people tend to shy away from the Bible, choosing to read literature that is more “contemporary.” However, it is important that we always read Christian literature and books as a supplement to reading our Bible. Only the Bible contains the complete inspired word of God. All other books are a poor substitute for the real thing.


Jesus Christ, my mother, my brother Mike (Meko), Tracy Carter (wherever she is), Angie Woods, Marlise Kast, Bernice Flaherty, Danny Lehman, Elie Weisel, Ko Nishimura, the 7th Earl, and sex industry and spiritual abuse survivors who have overcome their past, live what they believe, and experience true joy in the midst of their pain. All of the friends on my profile are my heroes. Yes, brother dear, this includes YOU!
Who else?
Annie Lobert and Heather Veitch. My chickie-chicks. They are the furthest thing from "people pleasers." Three-strand cord. Real and authentic. How rare these days. I am blessed.
Catching waves:

My Blog

Cowboys in Church

(I got this in an email from my friend, Jesse)One Sunday morning an old cowboy entered a church just before services were to begin. Although the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore ...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 09:18:00 PST

Fire, fire everywhere!

I've been hearing a lot about the Refiner's fire lately. It always makes me think of the analogy of the Lord as the Potter and each of us as the clay, as mentioned throughout scripture. You know, ...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:57:00 PST

Walla Walla?

So, it's like this. I saw this thing on someone else's profile yesterday that said "Profile Snitch." Hmmm... What's that? So I checked it out. I'm a curious little sneak sometimes. Turns out that it ...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Tue, 20 May 2008 01:52:00 PST

Giving the Benefit of the Doubt

Giving the Benefit of the Doubt by Staci Freneswww.myspace.com/stacifrenesI wondered today where this phrase originated, and found out it has its roots in legal speech; it has to do with deciding som...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Fri, 09 May 2008 02:59:00 PST

Resurrection at the Rainbow (Spokane)

Volunteers bring Easter worship and brunch to East Sprague bar Virginia De Leon Correspondent (www.spokesmanreview.com)March 22, 2008A few hours after the exotic dancers call it a night and custo...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:09:00 PST

Goodbye My Friend

Larry Norman"The Father of Christian Rock Music"April 8, 1947 - February 24, 2008I'm kinda stunned. I first met Larry when I was about ten years old. I was a little girl in love with his long blonde h...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 05:23:00 PST

A Tree and Its Fruit

A Tree and Its Fruit Lord, Lord, I have raised the dead.Lord, Lord, did I not do what you said?Lord, Lord, did I not prophesy?Lord, Lord, did I not bleed myself dry? But you don't know ...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 05:01:00 PST

Hookers for Jesus Ministry Update

For those of you that are not aware of what I have been up to over the past several months, I thought I would take some time to share some of my passion in ministry. I have partnered with Annie Lobért...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:29:00 PST

Hookers on the 700 Club

Check out this video! Then go to Annie's blog at http://blog.myspace.com/annielobert and let her know what you think! ...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 04:50:00 PST

They Wont Go When I Go

"They Won't Go When I Go"by Stevie Wonder and Yvonne Wright No more lying friends Wanting tragic ends Though they do pretend They won't go when i go All those bleeding hearts With sorrows to impart W...
Posted by X-Hoochie Cindy Nelson on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 02:17:00 PST