The Heart of Moses |
"God is not silent. It is the nature of God to speak. The second person of the Holy Trinity is called "The Word."-A.W. Tozer There are two groups within the church today. The first are those who see... Posted by John Bevere on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 06:52:00 PST |
The Attitude of Israel |
"I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with religion...I want all that God has or I don't want any." A.W. Tozer I have discovered that there are two major gro... Posted by John Bevere on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 08:24:00 PST |
Building Character |
When we seek God diligently, He will always give us a glimpse of where He wants to take us. In our earthly mind, we see that glimpse of our future and we plan our steps accordingly. It's similar to cr... Posted by John Bevere on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:51:00 PST |
Empowering Grace |
"The greater perfection a soul aspires after, the more dependent it is upon divine grace." Brother LawrenceA deceptive thought process is present in our modern church. It has been conceived and brou... Posted by John Bevere on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 08:40:00 PST |
Friends of God |
"Unless he obeys, a man cannot believe." Dietrich Bonhoeffer Have you ever heard a message that proclaimed that all who receive Jesus are now His friends? Hopefully you now realize God is not a chea... Posted by John Bevere on Tue, 29 May 2007 06:52:00 PST |
The Greatest Invitation of All Time |
"The best of it is, God is with us." John Wesley There is a call coming from the heart of God and with each passing day its intensity increases: "Why are you satisfied without My presence; why do yo... Posted by John Bevere on Mon, 14 May 2007 06:56:00 PST |
Mother's Day Blog from Lisa Bevere |
When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine." "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come." His mother said to the servants, "Do whatev... Posted by John Bevere on Tue, 08 May 2007 07:54:00 PST |
The Burning Bush |
"You never have to advertise a fire."-Leonard Ravenhill It's true isn't it? It's amazing how we are attracted by disasters, so my question to you today is, do people see that your heart is on fire for... Posted by John Bevere on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 08:49:00 PST |
Preparation for Change |
"Character is always lost when a high ideal is sacrificed on the altar of conformity and popularity."-Charles Spurgeon Have you ever been or are you in a wilderness? A place of desolation seemingly se... Posted by John Bevere on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 07:44:00 PST |
Welcome! |
Hey! Welcome to my myspace! I'm currently in Iowa speaking at a Teen Mania Battle Cry event. I'll be in Kentucky tomorrow and then back to Iowa on Saturday. I'm really excited ... Posted by John Bevere on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 05:08:00 PST |