My current interests are focused on:Comics and graphic novels. Making things that didn't exist before. Interesting permutations in space rock. Tiki bars, dives, and anywhere with pleather seating. Biker flicks of the 60's and 70's. Italian suits and matching footwear. Space chicks of the bubble helmet and jet pack variety. Magnetic personalities and the people who wear them. Live and rowdy punk shows. Dining out in swanky restaurants. Vintage monophonic synthesizers. Nightlife adventures in San Francisco. Excuses to go bowling or mini-golfing. Pressing vinyl records. Lots of silly costumes and funny voices. Strange and unique happenings. Creating television. Backroom drama in any industry but my own. Crazy neo-celebrities and has-been superstars. Slack, slack, and even more slack. Learning lots and lots of new skills.
1. Strange and wildly interesting folks who have similar interests.
2. Outrageously beautiful mutants with funny hair.
3. Anyone who has a voice like Jennifer Tilly.
4. Bargain basement superstars on their way up or on their way down.
5. People who'd like to spend their hard-earned money in my funnybook shop.
My musical obsessions include, but are not limited to:Plasmatics, Blondie, Gwar, Elvis, Motorhead, Throw Rag, Devo, Zombina & the Skelletones, Blackouts, Dollyrots, Merle Haggard, Kraftwerk, Freddie Fender, Peter & the Test Tube Babies, Chrome, Kiss, Couch Flambeau, Quarkspace, The Units, Bloodstar, Cookie Mongoloid, Don Williams, Sleep, Von LMO, Street Dogs, Charlie Pride, The Cars, Dave Brockie Experience, Cockney Rejects, Spectremen, William DeVaughan, We Are Wolves, Space Surfers, Danzig, Joan Jett, Mozart Rottweiler with Sinister Undertones, Phil Gnarly & the Tough Guys, Saint Vitus, Richard Cheese, Husker Du, The Other, Jack Shit, 35007, Ronnie Milsap, Toy Dolls, mc chris, Behold! The Living Corpse, Avengers, Real McKenzies, Killdozer, Hi-C, Crucifucks, Hawkwind...and PINE-am
I've been thinking about these movies recently:Electra Glide in Blue, Videodrome, Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Metropolis, Wild One, The Blue Dahlia, Chrome & Hot Leather, Space Thing, Wild Angels, Sin City,
Last year I read mostly non-fiction books about people with strange jobs, outlaw biker gangs, Andy Warhol's Factory, unproven business theories, true crime in the world of black metal, and odd roadside attractions. This year I plan on reading books about quack science, Semiotics and Communication Theory, a biography on Liberace, and medical nightmares of the 20th century.And lots and lots of comics.