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Jesus Loves You

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Christian MySpace GraphicsWorld politics and economics change so fast that in a few days the direction of an entire country is changed. In our daily lives, we keep a calendar to mark down appointments and schedule our days. We are always searching for ways to streamline our lives, to simplify daily living.But what about the geater issues of life and death? DO WE PLAN? Do we need to search for answers to the deep moral and spiritual questions so that our lives are more orderly? Man has always thought so, which is why we have philosophers and theologians. Today, however, much of the world, in search of knowledge and fulfillment ignores God.Within each of us is a deep-seated frustration; "I ought to be better", " I was made for something more", "There must be more to life than this". Why am I so empty?Such feelings, often subconscious, cause us to struggle toward some unknown goal. We may try to evade this quest, we may detour into a fantasy world, we may even regress to lower levels of life and seek to escape. We may throw our hands in disgust and say; What's the use? I am O.K. Just working and keeping out of trouble. But somehow, deep inside is a compulsion which invariably leads us to take up the search again.From every culture, every country - from those who cannot read to Nobel Prize winners - there is the age-old phenomenon, the mystery of "anthropos" the "upward looking one", the one who is searching, inquiring for life's deeper and often hidden meaning.

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Add to My Profile | More VideosJesus said: "Love one another as I have loved you...By this shall all people know that you are MY DISCIPLES"

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A remarkable fact for all seekers of God is that belief in some kind of god is practically universal. Whatever period of history we study, whatever culture we wxamine, if we look back in time we see all peoples, primitive or modern acknowledging some kind of deity. Man has worshiped the sun and carved idols. Man has worshiped a set of rules, animals and other men. Some seem to worship themselves.Some people give up the pursuit of God in frustration, calling themselves "atheists" or "agnostics" professing to be irreligious. Instead, they find it necessary to fill the vacuum left within them with some other kind of deity. Therefore, man makes his own "god" - money, work, seccess fame, sex, or alcohol, even food.Today many use their nation as an object of worship, espousing the gospel of nationalism.They mistakenly attempt to displace the true and living God with the religion of nationalism. Other make a god of their cause.Failure to find the true God, millions declare their allegiance to lesser gods and causes. They find no ultimate answers or satisfaction.CAN WE REALLY KNOW "GOD"?Scientists cannot see God in a test tube or a telescope. God Is God and the mind of man is too small. How can a created, finite human being, limited by time and space, understand an infinite God?Our failure to understand God fully should not strike us as strange. After all, we live surrounded by msyteries we cannot explain. God is far more complex than some of the earthly phenomena we cannot understand.Many evidences and arguments suggest God's existence, yet the plain truth is that God cannot be proved by intellectual arguments alone. If the human mind could fully prove God, He would be no greater than the mind that proves Him. Ultimately, you must come to God by faith. Faith is the link between God and man.


"With humility, gentleness and patience bear with one another in LOVE endeavouring to keep the unity of the spiritin the bond of PEACE"


"Through LOVE serve one another fervently with PURE HEARTS"


"If we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin"


"Each one of us shall give account of ourselves to GOD, therefore, let us not judge ONE ANOTHER anymore"
