memere-means grandma profile picture

memere-means grandma

There is no life in you....without Jesus!

About Me

Well Im A mom of 3 and a memere of 5. Ive been married to my husband Steve for 30 years.My 3 children are Steven and Anthony and Heather..My grandbabies are Natalie and Joseph and Benjamin and Kaitlin and Bradley..What Sweet Joy the grandbabies bring to our lives..A true blessing from God... There is not a day in my life that I thank the lord to watch over them my little ones. . . .I must say life has been very good to me. Im blessed with a wonderful family. I had a very sad day 9 years ago with the passing of my mother, but I know she is an angel watching over us. She will always live in my heart. I do have more to say but I'll sum it up very simply. Jesus is the center of my life and I have him to thank for that. He gives and still gives. Oh yes, I want to thank my daughter in law for helping me make this page. Thank you Jennifer. Jennifer you are truly a blessing to me..Thank you for all the love you spread in our family..IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVE

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My Interests

Enjoying my family, scrapbooking, talking on the phone with people who are far away and that i miss, cooking, music, reading a good book, and most of all enjoying life and all it has to offer...
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I'd like to meet:

Right at this moment, to see my my son Steven walk through the door. Steven is overseas..
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I like music very much! All kinds like christian, rock, country, oldies, Elton John, Bette Midler, Whitney Houston, Nicole C Mullen,and much more
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Steel Magnolias, Mississippi Burning, The Passion Of The Christ, Transiberian Orchestra The Ghost Of Christmas Eve-The DVD-The greatest story ever told, and Schindlers List, and all of Al Pacino's movies
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I like to watch EWTN, Fox News, All My Children, and Oprah
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I read a lot of Christian books
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Oh my this is a hard one because I have many. First Jesus, my whole family, and the eyes and faces of my grandbabies and many more who I hold close to my heart
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