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Chi-Town Tony

Official Chi-Town Tony Space

About Me

About Me:Before anything go ahead and send me an add request! I want you as my friend. Why not,I don't bite!? Well... actually... I've been known to knibble a little.And for those of you who have been to and were wondering..... Yes, I too use Acnekil, I will not deny that even at my tender young age... ahemmm, acne can be a threat especially before a photo or movie shoot. It's the hollywood secret to Acne free skin. works and I know of other people in the industry who would not be caught dead without it!Ok, now my blurb about me, I truly hope you find a part of me in you. (that does not sound right or does it?) a part of me inside you? Hmmmm....I'm just another guy doing what he loves to do. My career somehow chose me. At least that's how it feels.I like the fine things in life and enjoy simple things like peanut butter and jelly!I'm no different from you. I work everyday and live life (by choice) to the fullest. How do you choose to live your life? Here is my take...Hey, we are here for a short time, so why not make the best of it? You only get one shot to make it count. Make no excuses! The world is yours, you just don't know it yet!!! Well, now you do! Make a difference, it's all up to you! What one can conceive, one can achieve. If you dream it, you can do it! NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I was born in Chicago on January 1968 in the Humbolt park / logan Square area of Chi-town.
I know about the fame my "neck of the woods" has throughout the nation. There have been more murders in my city than in bagdad!
Yes, it is a gangster town. For those who give in. For the rest of us it's just the will to survive the concrete jungle.
Yes, I know where I came from! I would never deny it. A talent agent (Myrna Salazar) many years ago made a statement about me and it was something like this " You can take the boy out of Humbolt park, but, you can't take Humbolt park out of the boy!"
To this day I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult!
Depending on how I feel at the time it feels one way or the other in any case I am a Chi-Town Baby and proud of where I came from.
It builds character to roll the dice every so often.
Yea, I know it sounds froggish, and un-professional. Yet because of my background I'm always ready to jump on it!
I am a survivor and I need no one to make my reality, mine.
I have never joined any of the street gangs and I have the scars to prove it!
I did hang out, but never felt the need to be a part of something that was not my style! It was tough, but I knew that I had to be me and stand up for me not some turf and a crazy conception of a failing brotherhood to the death.
I walk to the beat of my own drum, even today, I do what feels right in my heart and in my mind! I never follow, I make my own path. Remember: It is impossible to soar with the eagles if you surround yourself with turkeys. You become a part of your environment, as it becomes a part of you. Just a little tid bit of the things that I ponder in my mind.
I had the great honor of attending Lane tech in Chicago, a high School that at the time was the place to be if you had some kind of brains. I met amazing people there who to this day I think of. Back then and I guess even today dancing was the main factor in the lives of the youth. There were dance groups and dreams to die for. As life went on it seems that some lost their dreams to drugs and other bad choices. God bless them all! Yet there are some who have made tough choices that made them the butt of every joke and thought of as fanciful. Those choices have made them serious professionals who are respected in their industries and are people to be proud of. I was a break dancer and also battled with the rest of the free style dancers. I was not ableto practically live in Jenal's like many of my friends did. My father made sure I stayed in line. Thanks Dad! Still I can say those were the best days of my life. Thanks to all the people who made it real.Fortunately for me I had some insight and always sought out and surrounded myself with great, creative and spartan type people to guide me, inspire me and help my dreams soar. Life has not always been a bowl of cherries, yet I must admit that I would not trade my life time experiences for that of another.
Life is what you make of it. You are the author.
I've always been a self starter. I live to dream and live the dream. I was discovered as a talented person by NBC Channel 5 in Chicago in 1984. There is where my life really began to enrich my library of experiences. For those of you who need representation in the tv/film industry in Chicago I recommend my personal friend, the incredible and may I say attractive, Susan Acuna.
President and Owner of Encore Talent Agency in chicago, she is simply the best! I hope she does not mind me putting her out this way. I just can't help bragging about my incredible friend and representative. I met Susan while I was acting in the early 90's. I was then represented by Salazar & Navas Talent Agency. Suazan still today is as warm and fuzzy with me as she was over 20 years ago and boy, what a dish! She reminds me of a Latin Angelina Jolie!!!
You must be truly talented or you will be wasting everyones time should you decide to contact her. With that said:
I've been involved in the Tv-Film industry starting at a young age of 14. First starring in a docu-drama for NBC named still a stranger. Worked in the music industry as a D.J and have worked in several National and International films and national commercials. My professional stage name is David Hernandez.
I am a partner in a Real Estate Investment company that specialize in foreclosure and distressed properties.
Acting is something that never leaves the system. I was discovered on the corner of Augusta and Rockwell in Chicago by producer and director Sylvia Giannini and Jack Ginay, both very wonderful people and a great inspiration to me at the time(NBC channel 5)during the research and footage shoots of Still a Stranger NBC national DOCU-Drama.
You can see David Hernandez in films such as "Original Gangstas", The upcoming "Quebec" in the summer of 2007, Code Of silence, Lady Blue, Jack and Mike, Night Of courage opposite Lili Taylor and more. My main claim to fame has been with made for television programs.
Thanks you Myrna Salazar & Trina Navas for representing me then and today Susan Acuna of Encore Talent Agency. Susan is an incredible woman who has beat the odds. Kudos to you Susan!
I dropped out of the industry for many years to run my own business and work with some of the local boys & girls in the community. Just when I thought I was outof the movie biz for good, they pull me right back in! Now I'm here to stay!
I'm a Hard working professional looking for new friends and possibly projects with possiblities.
Sometimes a guy needs a little different perspective. I'm down to earth, very friendly and understanding. I'm told I have a great sense of humor and a big heart. I do want to know you. I like making friends and new business associates. I am truly a people person.
I've been involved in the production of a new theatrical film by: Dimension Films coming this summer named Quebec. Starring John C. Wriley, Lili Taylor, David Hernandez,Sean William Scott and other great local Chicago talent ( Some talent was represented by the beautiful Susan Acuna President of Encore Talent Agency in Chicago). Release date June 6, 2008, may be a limited release... we will see.
Lately it has been all work, no play...Darn! Yet, I love my business and would have it no other way!
I have met some great people here on Myspace. I have also contacted a few of them for casting opportunities. There are so many talented and just downright interesting people here on my space that I'm now hooked!
Yes! I have been Myspaced! I try to get to everyone. The amount of mail I get is overwhelming. I do answer my own mail.
Humboldt Park the movie is now shot in my old neighborhood! With John Leguizamo, Freddie Rodriquez, Alfred Molina and many other very talented actors. People wonder, whats with all the facial hair I have grown lately and the ethnic pictures. It's for Humbolt Park the movie and possibly Go For It both feature films.
Thanks Guys for having me!!! Especially Mr. De villa, keep up the great work.
News flash: "Go For It" this film will be coming from LA to be shot in the Loagan Square area I got the news and auditioned for it and fell on my face! A murphy's law kind of day. I can't believe I'm sharing this with everyone. But, hey... It happens! I was so embarrased I don't know If I can ever face Carmen Marron again. I blew it I suppose. Darn!!!
I can't wait for it to begin shooting anyway. Who is Carmen? The author of "Go For It" the movie. Written by an old school friend of mine Carmen Morron. I met Carmen in High School, she was this thin unassuming yet tough, young girl with a passion for life, friends and a dancing dynamo. We were in Aspira together, LAC and always ran into each other when the crews got together. She seemed to be out of place when we first met, then proved to be a shining star amongst all the cool kids. I can still remember her big red glasses and that infectious smile. I have to hand it to her, she really made a difference. Now with GO FOR IT the film, she will do it again. YOU GO GIRL! I'm positive Carmen did a bang up job on the script, no doubt. I have to get my hands on it! I'm dying to read it... LOL!
I want all of you who read this rant, to search for the film on line and if there is ever a Carmen Marron myspace or GO FOR IT myspace, please click add! Let's give her the support she deserves. I don't think she will ever read this and that's ok. I'm still proud of my friend carmen, She kicks ass!

My Interests

Real Estate, Video Production, Film, Editing,Music promotions and the new fully Automatic Transmission motorcycle.
Yes, it has a 3 speed transmission!,
The Hollywood secret for fast weight loss in diameter! I guess it will not be a secret for too long!

I'd like to meet:

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Profile Cursors

Age, Race, Religion or planet does not matter! Be yourself thats all I require.
I don't mind the promotion of artists and people who need exposure to show the world their dreams and aspirations, In fact I encourage that. I value friendship and expect my friends to communicate with me. Add me as your friend.


All types of music are appreciated, even classical!

Click - My friend Marilyn Fernandez


Scarface especially and al Al Pacino flix!

Scar Face, Blues Brothers,


The Holy Bible, Think and grow rich by Napolean Hill, The Secret.


My heroes...That's easy! My Mother and Father.

My Blog

Humboldt park the movie " Snipet" David Hernandez in center with beige coat. Alfred Molina Threatning the guys, john Leguizamo in Black and behind him in Dark brown is Freddie Rodri...
Posted by Chi-Town Tony on Thu, 29 May 2008 08:47:00 PST

New movie to be filmed in Chicago

Ok everyone,for those of you who were able to get through to [email protected] were checked out and those of you who have made the cut will be meeting with my Los Angeles producers, writer and p...
Posted by Chi-Town Tony on Tue, 06 May 2008 03:31:00 PST

Severe Acne or other Skin Conditions

Ok folks, it has been known that we all have Acne even as an adult. What about the guys after shaving or like my brother that had bad acne on his back. If you have acne or even severe acne.... What ha...
Posted by Chi-Town Tony on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:18:00 PST