Team Sovereign for the Cure! profile picture

Team Sovereign for the Cure!

I am here for Networking

About Me

My husband and I have teamed up! We are going to do the Breast Cancer 3-Day. We will be walking 60 miles in 3 days. It will be a long journey with many challenges, but if we can help one person to live free of breast cancer it will be well worth it!Currently our team consists of two people. It's small, but full of love and power!My name is Amanda Sovereign. I am 32 years young and a mother of two wonderful children. My husband and I have been madly in love for 15 years, and married for 10 1/2 years. We have survived some rough waters and came out smiling.Why do I want to do this walk? I'll tell you! I've wanted to do this walk for three years now. I've been inspired and moved to tears by other peoples stories. I wanted to help. What stopped me?? I was so heavy that just walking around the mall completely wiped me out. I always told myself that if I lost the weight I would reward myself with this walk. About a year and a half ago I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 100 lbs. I feel great now and have so much energy! I'm ready! I'm willing! And now.. I'm able! I'm going to do it! I am doing it! I don't have anyone on my side of the family who has breast cancer, but that doesn't mean that it won't effect me or my children. So who am I walking for? I'm walking for you, your children, and those that can't walk. I am walking for those suffering now and those who have already passed. I am walking so we can help end the pain. I am walking because "everyone deserves a lifetime."
I am Amanda's husband Sean. A few months ago she asked me if I would join her in doing the 3 Day with her. To be honest, at the time I knew very little about the walk. I had heard of it but wasn't exactly sure what it was all about. Here is why I am doing the walk. My aunt Francis , we call her Fufi, suffered a stroke about two years ago on her birthday. One side of her body was practically useless but through hard work and support she is able to walk on her own and talk very well. Sounds great doesn't it. Well, about a year into her recovery she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She started treatment but then later found out it had spread to her bones. She is now on oral chemo and seems to be getting by for now. In this day and age you would think that there would be something we could give people that would make them healthy immediately. Unfortunately there isn't. So we will do this for her.
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My Interests

Did you know: Without a cure, 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer. More than 200,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and almost 40,000 will die from the disease. A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 3 minutes. Every 13 minutes, the disease claims another life. MEN CAN DEVELOP BREAST CANCER TOO! Approximately 1,500 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and 400 will die from the disease. The diagnosis may come out of the blue - detected with a mammogram, during a visit to the doctor's office or through a breast self-exam at home. That's if it's detected at all. Almost half of American women over 40 don't follow the recommended guidelines for clinical examination and regular mammography. Many of them don't have a doctor or are too afraid of the results to find out. Ninety-five percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer at an early stage (confined to the breast) survive for more than five years. The death rate from the disease is declining - people are surviving. But in order to do so, they need access to medical care, screening, education and treatment. AND ULTIMATELY NEED A CURE! For more information about breast cancer, contact: Susan G. Komen for the Cure 1-800 I'M AWARE or

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Would you like to help us on our journey? You can! Take a few moments out of your day and check out our sites. You can choose to donate in one large sum or take advantage of the delayed donations. The delayed donations must be a minimum of $25 and can be spread out up to 4 months. Everyone can donate a little each month. Think what a huge difference you will be able to make! You can even dedicate your donation to someone special. Check it out! I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Click Here to DonateThank you for your help. Everyone benefits from your generosity.


More facts: WITHOUT A CURE, an estimated 5 million Americans will be diagnosed with breast cancer - and more than 1 million could die - over the next 25 years. WITHOUT A CURE, an estimated 25 million women around the world will be diagnosed with breast cancer - 10 million could die - over the next 25 years.


WHERE DO YOUR DONATIONS GO? Eighty-five percent of the net proceeds raised from the Breast Cancer 3-Day will benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure, which is leading the global movement to end breast cancer forever, by funding research and community outreach programs. Fifteen percent of the net monies raised will benefit the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, a special field-of-interest fund that will provide support for breast cancer initiatives including research, treatment, prevention and education.


More about your donation: Your donation is tax deductable! Both Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the NPT are non profit organizations. The tax ID number for the Breast Cancer 3-Day is 23-7825575. When you donate online you will be e-mailed a receipt. Print it out and keep it for your taxes.


The women and men fighting with this horrible disease. Those who have lost their battle, those that are struggling through it, and the mighty who have come out on top. They are my heroes! They are amazing! I would like to share with you my favorite quote: "I am going to cry, because my tears don't compromise my strength."

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My Blog


This clip was just shared with me. It's the first I have ever heard of this. A doctor friend of mine wrote this in her e-mail: Hi Guys, I think this is important enough to pass on to everyone I know...
Posted by Team Sovereign for the Cure! on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:15:00 PST

Donating to the Breast Cancer 3 Day

Good Morning Everyone!!!!Are you interested in donating to the Breast Cancer 3 Day, but you don't know if you can afford to? Well, hopefully I can put your concerns to bed.You can donate any amount $5...
Posted by Team Sovereign for the Cure! on Thu, 24 May 2007 10:26:00 PST

Calcium Cliff Notes

Calcium Cliff Notesby Avery Hurtpublished by Better Homes and Gardens May 2007So you've decided to start taking calcium supplements. But which ones? There's a bewildering array at the drug store, all ...
Posted by Team Sovereign for the Cure! on Thu, 24 May 2007 10:00:00 PST

Avoid the Ache of Exercise

Avoid the Ache of Exercise by Kathleen Parrishpublished by Better Homes and Gardens May 2007You know as soon as you walk away from a killer spinning class that you're going to feel it the next day. Mu...
Posted by Team Sovereign for the Cure! on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:49:00 PST

Six Steps to Inner Joy

I was looking through my old magazines and found this article. I thought you all might enjoy it. Six Steps to Inner JoyBy Leigh Anne Jasheway-BryantPublished by Family Circle 10/1/05These days it seem...
Posted by Team Sovereign for the Cure! on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:46:00 PST

Worse than scurvy, AYE!!

Posted by Team Sovereign for the Cure! on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:59:00 PST

My Tempe/Phoenix Training Walks

Good morning Arizona Breast Cancer 3 Day walkers!I am one of your training walk leaders. I wanted to let you know that I have posted training walks for the next three weeks. I will try to have them ev...
Posted by Team Sovereign for the Cure! on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:18:00 PST

Check your self regularly

Breast self-exams: One way to detect breast cancer Breast self-exams  along with clinical breast exams and mammography  raise your awareness of your breast health. Find out about what breast familia...
Posted by Team Sovereign for the Cure! on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:16:00 PST