USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* profile picture


"Be Blessed And Always Be A Blessing!

About Me

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Make Your Friendships Last Forever..Remember In Order To Have A Friend It Takes You Being A Friend!
Cherish All The People God Allows You To Connect With ..The Least Of Them May Be The One That Blesses You The Most!
David and Jonathan provide us with a very good model for true friendship. Jonathan’s love for his friend caused him to act in several specific ways:
He warned David of possible danger (1 Sam. 19:1–3).
He spoke well of David, even to a person who considered David an enemy and who was angry with Jonathan for having David as a friend (1 Sam. 19:4).
He sought to do what David needed him to do (1 Sam. 20:4).
He risked his life in defending David (1 Sam. 20:32–33).
He helped David to escape death (1 Sam. 20:35–41).
Jonathan voiced one of the greatest statements of friendship in the Bible when he said to David, “Go in peace, since we have both sworn in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘May the Lord be between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants, forever’” (1 Sam. 20:42).
Now, that’s friendship!
Paul describes Christian friendship in what we have come to call the love chapter of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13.
He describes Christian friendship as:
patient, kind, and humble (v. 4),
polite, selfless, unruffled, and positive (v. 5),
magnanimous and rooted in truth (v. 6),
and supportive, hopeful, and enduring (v. 7).
Such love, Paul said, never fails. And such friendships are divine blessings in our lives, God’s rich rewards to us on this earth.
Remember: "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Matthew 25:40)
And always recognize the requirement to care for exactly what God has established.

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Creative Spiritz
imikimi - Customize Your World
Blessed and Not about No Mess, so don't come with any!!! Come in the expectation of a blessing! Just here to tell Everybody about Somebody who can make a difference in your life! _________________________________________ I grew up going to Church..I remember as a young child whenever something was going wrong, I would sneak off and go around the corner from my house and sit on the church steps of Antitoch Missionary Baptist Church and just pray and talk to the Lord. Seems every thing changed then and I would feel so much better. I was always drawn to the Holy Spirit of God and it's no different now. God is my everything! My All and All!
My Church is The West Point Church... Founded and Pastored by Marcus Cathey.
I love the Lord truly and I thank Him for saving me and keeping me. He just keeps on blessings me time and time again!
Thank you for taking time to read about me. I'm humbled and so appreciate of your being here. I'm blessed by your presence here on my page and in my life and I know God is going to do great things in our connection and fellowship as friends and family!

My Interests

imikimi - Customize Your World

I'd like to meet:

Those that truly know what it means to:
Also I would love to meet people who not only can respect others but themselves as well...Having self respect overflows into respecting other people!
God bless each person that comes here to this wasn't by accident that you are here...God's got a blessing with your name on it!
Remember, what the enemy means for bad ..God still gets the Glory out of it! So be blessed, very blessed and know this..God loves You and So Do I!!! Always!


I would also like to meet Jesus! When I leave this earth but for now Lord, send me: Some More For Real People! Real Men and Women Of God Empowering Your People with Your Word!I would like to meet some more real people like the ones already on my friend's list..all of you are the best there is...and I thank God for giving us this media and opportunity to meet here and touch each others lives. Some may not use it as such but for us "MySpace" is a blessing.


Jesus and You are My Heroes!


My Blog

The Joy Of The Lord Is Your Strength!

..Doesn't matter what you are facing on this day..just remember that thru it all..God is there for you.   Reflect on the footprints poem..when you get tired and only see one set of foottprints i...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 06:51:00 PST


FINDING AND KEEPING A LIFE PARTNER       & nbsp;          by Dov Heller,  M.A       &...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:01:00 PST

God does Exist!

This is one of the best explanations of why God allows pain and suffering that I have seen... I especially like it because being a retired hairstylist and Barber myself , I remember all my opportuniti...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Sun, 04 May 2008 08:10:00 PST

About Change:Looking in The Mirror at Ourselves

Hey Family's been a while since I blogged but here goes: .. WHO HAS BEEN HINDERING YOUR GROWTH?One day all the employees reached the office and they saw a big signon the door on which it was writ...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Sat, 03 May 2008 11:32:00 PST

My Redeemer Lives!

My Redeemer Lives....  Was it for me, the nails, the spear, The cruel thorns, the mocking jeer, That rugged cross, ’twixt earth and sky- Was it for me He came to die?He loved me so! He ...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:30:00 PST

Good Morning!!! Happy Day After Christmas!

Good Morning!!! Happy Day After Christmas! ..   Pictured: My Nephew Gary "Keyon" My Baby don't He look like me? LOL Good Morning and Happy Day after Christmas...No time to really blog today...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 11:08:00 PST

Stomping on the enemy's head!

This blog is taken from my yahoo 360 page ..check it out there as well for a more detailed view! Just Look At Me Now..STOMPING ON THE ENEMY'S HEAD!! LOL .. Why I'm walk...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 04:46:00 PST

The Man or Woman in the Mirror Of Your life!

Have you noticed how double minded people are..they tell you I am blessed one minute and the next minute you see them behaving in negative ways or you look on thier blog pages and they have obscene it...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 11:04:00 PST

Now this is Love and Godliness! Robert & Keisha's Engagement

  .. You gotta see how this young man proposed to his girlfriend! Read the paragraph below and then click on the link preceding the paragraph to view the slideshow. The site has received so...
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:31:00 PST

My Brothers, 7 Ways Too Ensure A Woman Dumps You In Heartbeat!

..> ..>   My Brothers, 7 Ways Too Ensure A Woman "Dumps" You In Heartbeat! By Rev Cal M   Check out more of Rev Cal M's Blogs on Yahoo 360:
Posted by USEEV * U SEE VICTORY! *U SEE VAL!* on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:48:00 PST