Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
How New Jersey Are You?
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Here's a bunch of shit for your viewing pleasure!
I need one of these really bad so all donations will gladly be accepted!!!I am me, I'm an average semi-antisocial guy, if you really need to know more about me then that you're getting all up in my shit like corn. JK!!!!! Feel free to ask anythin you'd like!
Guapo Hali Pj & Lily Dorian
Which famous dictator are you?
Adolf Hitler
You're Adolf Hitler! You're the most famous, psychotic, genocidal madman ever to taint the pages of history books! You're a fascist. Anyone who questions you is quickly dealt with... Sure, you're a little compulsive and needy but you've accomplished a LOT, as far as MURDERING, TERRORIZING and CONQUERING go! Bottom line: You're out of your mind and you have a superiority complex the size of the sun. You're one egocentric freak.
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How evil are you?
You were destined to have a Red Lightsaber.Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is
associated with energy, war, danger, strength,
power, and determination as well as passion and
desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of
the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst
for more of it.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
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Which country should you REALLY be living in?
The Republic of China
You belong in China sowing the seeds of global communism. For now, you lay low. Quietly. Like a tiger. But soon, you know your time will come and you'll have a job to do. For now, you are content enjoying the rice, listening to your rulers warp your mind and sipping all the tea in China.
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