SnowMoon profile picture


I am lying next to you in silent lucidity.....

About Me

This is the part I hate...talking about me. Well if you've taken the time to look at my profile, you've already guessed that I am pagan. It took a long time to reach my path and choice of religion. A yes, it's a relgion. There are times when I still feel that I am/should be Christo_Pagan, if you don't know what that is ask.
I live for music and my furry friends that invade my
home..better know as my adorable cats. You can see
them somewhere in my blog. I'm always adding new ones, you
just can't have enough of them.
I have been told I'm a very complicated person. Could be
true...but then it keeps people busying trying to
figure me out and me laughing at them going insane.
I hate television and only turn it on if there's some world
shattering event that I need to view. Occasionally
you'll fine me watching a video of some romantic
comedy but I'm never sitting there watching it, as I
alwyas have to be doing something.
I love coffee,kittens,black and white art, snow and
donuts. Find intelligent men very sexy. Most often
you'll find me riding my Harley. Tattoo's..have them.
I have a few hates, other than the idiot box. I can't
stand the taste of chocolate and ignorant people drive
me insane. If you don't know about the subject matter
that you're going to voice your opinion on....don't
speak. Ask questions or read a book and they give me
your opinion. And....President Bush. But then again
who doesn't hate that moron.
Just returned to univerity, decided to change my major to
Communications and Social Work, if all goes well I
will be starting a company that will speak for the
children and parents that have been shafted by our
children protective services (it's called DYFS here,
not sure what it's called where other's live). I
am in the midst of opening a .. store and with it
a physical location.
And scroll down and check out my newest business. A music needs work, but make me rich and shop in
my store.
Spell of the Day.....Goddess of the Week.....Rituals
ImblocImbolc - Northern HemisphereFebruary 1, 2Other Names: Imbolg (im-molc)(em-bowl'g) (Celtic),
Candlemas (Christian), Brigantia (Caledonii), Oimelc,
Festival of Light, Brigid’s (Brid, Bride) Day, La
An Fheille Bride, Candelaria (Mexico), Chinese New Year,
Disting-tid (Feb 14th, Teutonic), DisaBlot,
Lupercalia/Lupercus (Strega), Groundhog Day, Valentines
Animals & Mythical Beings: Firebird, dragon,
deer, burrowing animals, ewes, robin, sheep, lamb, other
creatures waking from hibernation.
Gemstones: Amethyst, garnet, onyx, turquoise.
Incense/Oil: Jasmine, rosemary, frankincense,
neroli, musk, olive, sweet pea, basil, myrrh, and
wisteria, apricot, carnation.
Colors/Candles: Brown, pink, red, orange, white,
pale yellow, silver.
Tools,Symbols, & Decorations: White flowers, marigolds,
plum blossoms, daffodils, Brigid wheel, Brigid’s cross,
candles, grain/seed for blessing, red candle in a cauldron
full of earth, doll, Bride's Bed; the Bride, broom,
birchwood, snowflakes, snow in a crystal
container,evergreens, homemade besom of dried broom,
orange candle annointed in oil (see above)can be used
sybolize the renewing energy of the Sun’s rebirth.
Goddesses: Virgin Goddess, Venus, Diana, Februa, Maiden,
Child Goddess, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Vesta, Gaia,
Brigid, Selene(Greek), Branwen(Manx-Welsh).
Gods: Young Sun Gods, Pan, Cupid/Eros(Greco-Roman),
Essence: Conception, initiation, insight, inspiration,
creativity, mirth, renewal, dedication, breath of
life-path, wise counsel, plan, prepare.
Meaning: First stirring of Mother Earth, lambing, growth
of the Sun God, the middle of winter.
Purpose: Honoring the Virgin Goddess, festival of the
Rituals & Magicks: Cleansing; purification, renewal,
creative inspiration, purification, initiation, candle
work, house & temple blessings, welcoming Brigid, feast
of milk & bread.
Customs: Lighting candles, seeking omens of Spring,
storytelling, cleaning house, bonfires, indoor planting,
stone collecting, candle kept burning dusk till dawn;
hearth re-lighting.
Foods: Dairy, spicy foods, raisins, pumpkin, sesame &
sunflower seeds, poppyseed bread/cake, honey cake,
pancakes, waffles, herbal tea.
Herbs: Angelica, basil, bay, benzoin, celandine, clover,
heather, myrrh, all yellow flowers, willow.
Element: Earth
Gender: Female
Threshold: Midnight
Goddess of the Week
Goddess of the week: FREJA (aka Freya, Freyja)
If you feel awed by the wonder of veins in leaves in the lush green
trees and feel your knees go weak at the joy of being alive, the
passionate goddess of love is working in you. Freya's gifts are those
that make us overjoyed to be alive!
~ I live in love
~ Love gives me wings
~ I am visible, and I matter
~ I stand in complete satisfaction
~ I embrace life in its absolute fullness
~ At this moment, I have all that I need
~ Each moment is a precious gift in BEing
Related essences: Goddessence KWAN YIN 100% pure essential
oil blend to make the heart chakra
Related gemstones: Rose quartz, pink tourmaline, emerald
(pink or green stones)
It is from the Nordic Goddess of love and fertility's name that we
derived the name "Friday". Freya loves all things that
give pleasure, she indulges in love, romance and
lovemaking - always walking in
harmony and beauty. Her power brings men and women
together to create new life, and she is the gentle goddess
who ends life in order to
perpetuate the circle of life with love and trust.
According to Nordic myth she was also the Warrior Goddess who was hostess
to fallen war heroes in her great hall.
Freya represents passion: Passion in love, Passion in war, Passion for
the things in life that bring us pure joy. She lets us be
moved to tears with gratitude for what we see
around us, her gifts are tenderness, grace, compassion,
delight and laughter.
If you are feeling that you are living your life without
intention,stop for a while. Devote this
Friday to her namesake, and spend at
least a minute with your eyes closed, listening to your breathing.
Notice every noise around you and every smell that comes
your way.
Mentally list 5 things you are grateful for. Build on
this list to think about your passions - have you been
ignoring them lately?
Well, Friday is the day - get back to your passion, and
get yourpassion back!
Spell of the Day
Star Anise Wishing Spell
Choose a candle to represent your wish. Carve and dress it
with oils to suit your personal situation. Arrange
four star anise seeds around the candle in each of the
four cardinal points. Fill in the rest of the
magic circle with clove buds and burn the candle.
Snuff out candle when your ritual work is complete.
(never blow out a ritual candle)
1. The altar cloth- It is usually a specific color that relates to the purpose of the altar. It covers the table before anything else goes upon it.
2. The working cloth- This is a cloth that goes over the altar cloth. It is a cloth that is safe to drip things on, like wax or oil. This is to protect the usually more expensive altar cloth.
3. The quarter candles- These are four candles in colors that are appropriate to the element and quarter they represent. Yellow or White= Air and East; Red or Burgandy= Fire and South; Blue= Water and West; Green or Brown= North and Earth. Quarter candles are not always on the altar. Many circles will put free standing pillars or stands to place these candles upon on the out side edge of the sacred circle for ritual. This is one of those areas where a ritual altar may differ from the home altar used daily.
4. Earth bowl filled with Soil- is optional. I put it there because we like to have something that represents each element on the appropriate side of the altar. 5. Wine Chalice- this is a wine glass or some other container used for drinking sacred wine that has been consecrated for magickal use. This is also the Chalice that symbolizes the Goddess.
6. The Goddess candle- is a silver or white candle (provided that the East candle is yellow and not white) that represents the Goddess.
7. The God and Goddess figures- These are usually statues that represent the God and Goddess. I have a beautiful have two beautifully framed prints (that I edited to look like canvas) done in the sepia tone of Aphrodite and Eros. Use anything that repreents your chosen diety.
8. Incense- This is a container that holds the powdered incense that is burned over charcoal in the cauldron in ritual. In some cases, especially in the home altar, you will light a stick or a cone form of incense and place it here.
9. Illumination candles- are there to provide light. Often, you will beworking in a very dimly lit room, if there is any other light at all. These are important to see what you are doing. They are optional, it depends on how much other light is available.

10. The non-wine chalice- is there for those who are in your group, if you chose to bring others into your ritual. I practice alone, so I skip this.
11. The Cauldron- is used for so many things in the Craft that there isn’t enough space here to discuss all of them. On the altar, it is usually used to hold a piece of self-lighting charcoal for which to burn incense.
12. The lighter- can be on the altar or not. I usually have one there as a matter of convenience. As with everything else on the altar, I chose one that is ornate and beautiful. You want everything you choose for your altar to be special and beautiful.
13. Holy Water- is consecrated water that has a special recipe. This is used for a variety of things. Again, we will place this on the West side to represent the element of Water.
14. Earth bowl filled with Holy Water- This bowl is used to combine Earth and Water symbolically. There are several significances in magick for this.
15. Consecrated Oil- is on the altar for a number of things, the most important being the anointing and blessing of tools and circle members or the solitary practitioner.
15. Consecrated Oil- is on the altar for a number of things, the most important being the anointing and blessing of tools and circle members or the solitary practitioner.
16. The Altar Bell- is used in many places in magick and spiritual work.
17. The Wand- is used for channeling energy to a specific direction.
18. The Athame- is used as a blade on planes other than the physical one. The Athame can be used to cut the circle or the door in the circle.
19. The Candle Snuffer- is used to put out candles at the appropriate time. There are many viewpoints on weather of not this should be used in place of simply blowing them out or snuffing a candle with wet finger tips. On this, we feel there is no right or wrong way. I alway use the snuffer because I feel it is cleaner and safer. If you have a candle that has been burning long enough for a lot of liquid wax to be present, blowing it out can also get hot wax in your eyes or on the other altar things near by. Snuffing candles with your fingers, even if they are wet, can cause injury as well.
20. The Penticle- represents Earth and is used as a grounding tool. When I do magickal things on the altar, they are often done over the penticle to ground the energy. When the altar is not in use, I usually will place the penticle on the North side of the altar.

Goddess Rituals
Invoke the Goddess
Beauty is not a size or a shape, it is a feeling. Learn to feel beautiful during week one and cultivate goddess energy.
Embody the Goddess
Become skilled at embracing new ways of thinking and projecting your new found goddess energy. Understand how your body language affects your feelings and people around you. Learn to project and receive the energy of attraction.
Worship the Goddess
Explore different ways to accentuate and worship your beauty. We will cover tips and tricks the pro’s use from make-up and hair, to clothing and cleansing. I can’t wait to show you small, easy changes that will make big differences in your life!
Be the Goddess
Dress like a Goddess. Make or buy a special ritual outfit, skirt and top or ritual cape.
10 things about Wicca....and why I am Wiccan
1) No conversion or recruitment is necessary... Wiccans have no insecure compulsion to convert everyone to their way of thinking. People come to Wicca when and if they are ready/interested. Furthermore, you are not required to accept or do anything you don't feel comfortable with.
2) No artificial code of morality... Out of all the creatures of this Earth, only humans are forced to live under unnatural moral codes. Wiccans have one code - "An it harm none, do as ye will."
3) Progressive Reincarnation... Wiccans believe we are here to learn and progress, not suffer eternal damnation if we 'slip up' in someone else's eyes.
4) No discrimination... There is no such thing as being the 'right' race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin to be Wiccan - all are welcome! :)
5) No middle man/woman... As soon as you know all the basics, you can be your own 'minister' or 'priest', you need never rely upon some religious dictator for spiritual guidance, you can go straight to the source.
6) Be yourself... By sharing a common interest with others in Wicca, you do not lose your identity as an individual. You are unique and can and should stay that way without becoming a blob in a homogenous mass.
7) No repression... Wiccans are not forbidden from reading, learning, eating, drinking, or saying anything. You can actually even disagree with someone without being 'excommunicated'.
8) Contribution... No! Not money, but knowledge! The Craft has always, and will always, be an experimental religion. If it works, we use it. Then we share it so that all in the Craft may benefit.
9) No rigid dogma... Wiccans DO NOT believe that their way is "the one and only path". The only 'True' path is the one that works for you. All paths are equally valid as long as they Harm None.
10) Self-Empowerment... Wicca allows you to to truly feel your own power, if you will, and a true sense of self. You are 'allowed' to be the best person that you wish to be with all the love and support that you can possibly hope for. Wicca allows you to take your hopes, dreams, and most heart's desires and manifest them in this reality. All is possible. All is real.
If you want to know me...ask me.
"Please somebody put my head in a tub, I could really use a cerebral scrub."
I just loaded my shoppe can stop by and search but in the next few days, I'll be customizing the shoppe to sell music that I want and not what the standard "shoppe and click" wants you too. So keep stopping by....and BUY!
Come on...stop by my shop. You know you want to make me rich.

My Interests

I can't even begin to list them all here. I am really open minded and love to experience something new everyday. Life is for learning and if you live your life in a shell you've wasted it. Learn something new...even if it's just a new word. There's just about nothing I won't try to do, if I fail...I failed..

If and the key word is "if" I fail at least I can say I tried. I've done everything from car repair, rebuilding a Indian(motorcycle, that is), putting in a new heating system in my house, fired a civil war cannon, sky dived, put a roof on a house and installed windows, paint, and name it, I've done or tried it.
I never give up....ok. Only one thing has driven me insane....I can't figure out Photoshop. I have been studying religions of the world, am pagan and spend alot of time studying that. Anything else just ask.
You Are Midnight
You are more than a little eccentric, and you're apt to keep very unusual habits.
Whether you're a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence - you like to experiment with your lifestyle.
Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it.
You enjoy staying home, but that doesn't mean you're a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends. What Time Of Day Are You?

I'd like to meet:

So many people from all walks of life, generations, rich or poor, famous or's hard to choose.

Bill Clinton and Hillary because despite his "loose" morals was a great president and Hillary because she was compassioniate enough to forgive his wrong judgement and continue the marriage.

Angelina Jolie, she's beautiful, intelligent and an great example to men and women for her open mind, her giving and caring manner, she's independent and for the moment a single mother of three.

Marilyn Manson, hate his music or not, unless you have read some one one personal interviews with him, you have missed a conversation with an extremely intelligent noless very musically gifted man. I could go on and on but will stop for now.

I've gotten to meet a ton of great people.....famous and not.

There's only one person that I want to meet more than most cherished friend forever and always, IC and OOC....Tleilax/Scott. Guess I should remove this...only he and a few others know why. Fuck...I'm the only one that does'nt know the reason why. Oh well...'tis life.


My list is endlessly long. I hate country, hip hop and rap. Sorry but rap is not music...anybody can talk quickly and for the most part the vulgar nature of this music turns me off. I won't listen to music that puts women in such disrepect...for the most part rapper's think women are for one thing....screwing.

The Rolling Stones
The Cure
Pearl Jam
Temple of the Dog
A Perfect Circle
Blue October
The Who
Led Zepplen
Concrete Blonde
Queens of the Stone Age
Dave Matthews (not Dave Matthews Band)
The Mars Volta
Velvet Revolver
Days of the New
Stone Temple Pilots
The Doors
The Misfits
Iron Maiden
Type O Negative
Nine Inch Nails
Marilyn Manson
Third Eye Blind
The Ramone's
Sex Pistols
Blue Man Group
Stevie Nicks
INXS (the old and new)
Blind Melon
Siouxsie & The Banshees
Elliot Smith
John Coltrane
Robert Plant
Three Doors Down
Everlastmore to come.....

And not to pull your halo down Around your neck and tug you to the ground But I'm more than just a little curious How you're plannin' to go about makin' your amends To the dead.....Written by GOD

Pearl Jam in Vegas
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The Notebook
The Blue Max
Frankie and Johnny
Priscilla Queen of the Dessert(the funniest movie ever made)
Ben Hur or any epic movie of that nature (the original version)


Unless there is a major event that warrants me turning the idiot box on, it stays off. I can't stand to sit still that long and most of what is on television is garbage.


I collect hard bound books on the Civil War, Paganism and Wicca, Beading, Black and White Photography, Erotica (not to be confused with porn),music and bands, and building personal altar's.

Right now I am reading....5,000 Spells to Cast.

Just bought Dragonlogy, it's a gorgeous book.

The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe

Sonnets of the Portuguese


My Father who died years ago..way before his time. Where ever he's at I know he's having a party with somebody. I would also have to say his mother, who dispite her handicap of two unrepairable hips which made walking or almost anything impossible, she continued on, raised two children whome both died before her. She was an amzing lady who only went to third grade. I miss them both everyday.
Other than those two people, the only true hero's are those soldiers who put their life on the line everyday in this fucking war that Bush got us into. I have a hard time putting the word hero on someone's name just because they are for example a sports person, police officer or reporter, as they chose those jobs. The men and women who defend are country, did chose those jobs but for a very different reason.
There are people that I admire for all different reasons...children who are with or suffer from incureable disease's and continue to live life to the fullest, handicapped people or those that are mentally challenged and those peole that give of themselves so that other's might have a easier life. I could go on and on with this list but I'm sure you got the point. John F. Kennedy,George Clinton and all our soldiers who were ordered to go fight in the war in Iraq by our moron of a President. To the families, husbands, wives, girlfriends and boyfriend that have been left behind, often forgotten about and to all those who have lost their lives or whose lives because of horrendous injury will never be the same.
Single parents are on my list also....I don't you how you do especially single parents with deadbeat ex-spouses. To all children that have been emotionally destroyed by a parent or adult and whose childhood was taken away from them, leaving them a shell of their former selves.
My first website...needs major updating.

My Blog

Music and thoughts

Read this on somebodies profile today...and the words just struck me. For all my friends.... (Sorry....for fans of this band, this is the first I've heard of them) I hope the days come easy and the mo...
Posted by SnowMoon on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 12:24:00 PST

Goddess of the Week

No Goddess of the Week....Yahell screwed up my account and I can't get into the mail account. But I did find this interesting link for all my Pagan friends...
Posted by SnowMoon on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 06:18:00 PST

Wiccan Altar

The first step to create your wicca altar is to thoroughly clean the room that will contain your altar. It is best to mix sea salt into water. If you can't find any sea salt to use (any new age shop ...
Posted by SnowMoon on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 08:08:00 PST

Death and Love

Everybody expect their parents to live forever. They always say a parent should never have to bury a child. A child should never have to bury their parent. This is my Dad...he was taken away from me w...
Posted by SnowMoon on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 09:58:00 PST


Why does love hurt so much? Matter's not what kind of of a friend, love of a parent, love from a lover, love of your spouse....why does it hurt? Why do we hurt those that love us? Why do t...
Posted by SnowMoon on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 03:26:00 PST


I am in love with Three Days Grace....this song says it all. Pain LyricsPain, without lovePain, I can'>Pain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allYou're sick of feeling numbYo...
Posted by SnowMoon on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 01:52:00 PST

Goddess of the Week....Venus

Goddess of the week: VENUSSUGGESTED MANTRA: SUMMER SASSThe Roman goddess born of heaven and sea, revered for her gifts offertility, sensuality and above all, love.SUGGESTED AFFIRMATIONS:~ I am valuabl...
Posted by SnowMoon on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 08:33:00 PST

The meaning of.....

A few people have asked me why I always end my message safe.I never say good bye to anybody.There is only one reason to say goodbye. If your never going to see or talk to that person aga...
Posted by SnowMoon on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:37:00 PST


This is my last blog entry.....for different reasons. This goes out to a few people that have been/or were a part of my life....I could name names, but that's not my style. You know who you ...
Posted by SnowMoon on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 01:19:00 PST


My friend assures me "it's all or nothing"I am not worried I am not overly concernedMy friend implores me for one time onlymake an exeption. I am not not worriedwrap her up in a package of liessend he...
Posted by SnowMoon on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 12:33:00 PST