Mike Gaglio profile picture

Mike Gaglio


About Me

- So what does a slow movin, once quick-draw outlaw got to do? -___________________________________________________________ - - - - This is my Acting Demo Reel - - - -_____________________________________ - Here is a collage of film clips - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My Interests

I like knowing how stuff is done, fun and interesting stuff, and I don't play golf! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My IMDB- http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0300907/

I'd like to meet:

Your result for The Badass Secret Agent test?...

Remo Williams

Trained to use your mind and your body. You are the thinker. Extremely calm under pressure and with a hint of venom you strike. You know how bad ass you are and that it doesnt mean that you have to show off.. No... It is what you dont show to people that proves how badass you are. When someone hears your name... its quickly followed by how badass you are.

Take The Badass Secret Agent test? at H ello Q uizzy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Here is a video I made from our adventures in the Middle East, it is one of a series that I will post. Hope you like it, and let me know: - - - - - - - - - - - -


Add Bruce Springsteen to your page TEY - - - The Siegel Schwall Blues Band - - - Bob Dylan - - - Tom Waits - - - Bruce Springsteen - - - Steve Earle - - - Steve Young - - - The Yardbirds - - - Marty Robbins - - -Howlin' Wolf - - - Muddy Waters - - - Otis Redding - - - Jimi - - - The Rolling Stones - - - Waylon Jennings - - - Johnny Cash - - - John Lennon - - - The Beatles - - - David Bowie - - - Led Zeppelin - - - Eric Clapton - - - Robert Johnson - - - Rock & Roll - - - The Blues - - - Folk - - - Western - - - TEY.


The Thing - - - Jaws - - - Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid - - - The Day The Earth Stood Still - - - The Left Handed Gun - - - all Frankensteins - - - all Draculas - - - in fact all of my beautiful monsters - - - Carrie - - - Unforgiven - - - Bronco Billy - - - The Quick and The Dead - - - Rolling Thunder - - - Who'll Stop The Rain - - - The Outlaw Josey Wales - - - The Long Riders - - - The Halfway House - - - Death's Door - - - (I'll keep adding as I think of them.)


The Unit - - - Prison Break - - - The Simpsons - - - Smallville - - - CSI Las Vegas - - - - - - I miss NYPD Blue - - - and wheres my Star Treks? - - - fun newer stuff - - - LOST (Dan got blowed up!)- - - NCIS - - - Las Vegas - - - Medium - - - (there's more, It'll come to me---)


Sherlock Holmes - - - James Bond - - - Poe - - - adventure, mystery, thrills - - - you get the idea - - - Great heavens, man! If you have read this far on all this stuff, may I suggest a good book?


My ever patient family!