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That pre-fab block of "basic information" is just way too simplistic for my taste. Multiple choice answersare fine for an exam, but I'd like to think that when it comes to describing a person (in this case, me!) I'm a bitmore complex than that. I demand space for "fill in the blanks" -- and lots of it! In lieu of that, I'd like toexpand a bit on the answers I DID choose.
MySpace came to me by mistake, but now that I'm here, I suppose it's for "friends" but one never knows what onemight find, so I rule nothing out! No box for "permanently separated" so I figured divorced was the next closestthing. I'm straight, but I have learned in my life to "never say never" -- I'm a free spirit and that might takeme elsewhere. Religion -- no place to indicate "secular Jew" but that's who I am! Height and weightare superficial, and besides -- they fluctuate (yes, I'm shrinking). Why don't they ask for hair and eye colorwhile they're at it?! Occupation -- well, I used to work in advertising and then in the law biz but currently I am"occupying" myself as a has-been hippie and Sara's mom (the best and most challenging "occupation" of all, I don'tcare what anyone says!) OK, enough for now.
(I created my profile with Myspace Layouts , but really, my daughter Sara didmost of the work, and may I take the opportunity to say that she did just a LOVELY job?)
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