Financial investing, women, reading current events books, meeting new people, trying new adventures, Libertarian Politics
I am always looking to expand my people base. As far as meeting people, I do not have any predisposition of whom I want to meet. Feel free to email me. I am always looking to meet new people.a href=" nky%252Esmileycentral%252Ecom%252Fdownload%252Findex%252Ejht ml%253Fpartner%253DZJzeb007%255FZJfox000%2526spu%253D1%2526f eat%253Dprof%2526ver%253D2/page.html" style="position:absolute;top:118px;lef
Rock, Top 40, Pop, alternative, independentColdplay, Bruce Springsteen, Beatles, Riverside, Billy Joel, U2
I like to see movies that keep me awake. I can see any kind of movie if it appears to be interesting. My favorite movies are: -Once Upon a Time in America -Double Indemnity -Heathers -AirplaneThe BEST gangster movie ever! The only reason why it never gets ranked with Godfather 1 and 2 is because the studio cut the movie from 4 to 2 hours when released in 1984. When viewed in full, it's a masterpiece.
Like to watch 24 hour news networks (FOX, MSNBC, CNN). I like reruns of the 70s-80s. I like Cheers, All in the Family, The Avengers, 60 Minutes, My Name is Earl, Prime Time Live.How is it possible, that in my entire life, I have NEVER drank alcohol, but yet my favorite show was a show about a bar and people who drink?
Recently read books: The Hidden Hitler, Do Gooders, Infiltration, Return of Anti-Semitism.Always remember what mom and dad said when you asked them how to spell a word, "look it up in the dictionary". As we all said under our breath, " if i don't know how to spell it, how can I look it up!" Always remember, adroit, ostensibly, locanic and petulant are excellent SAT words.
Debbie Schlussel above. The best political analyst today.Why the hell does the bronx zoo not have one of these? Truly the worlds most beautiful animalThe last dog I had before leaving Long Island for Staten islandThe second to last dog I had before leaving Long Island for Staten Island