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Layout Provided By - Myspace LayoutsInvite (people) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful Preaching, and argue with them in the best ways." [16:125]On his way back to Madinah after the conclusion of the peace agreement of Hudaybiyah with the unbelievers of Quraysh, the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, received revelation from Allah. It was Suratul Fat'h which starts with the words: "We have granted you a victory which is clear victory." [48:1]"Was this a victory, O Messenger of Allah?" One man asked. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, answered. "Yes, by whom in whose hand is my soul, it is a victory."Why did the man ask? What kind of victory was it? And what is the lesson for us in this kind of victory?The man -he was no less than Umar ibnul Khattab- asked because the term of the agreement were apparently not in favor of the Muslims who had come to perform Umrah, which was something of a right to all Arabs during the Jahiliyyah period. However, the Quraysh who were in a state of war with the Muslims saw in their performing the Umrah a kind of victory for them, despite the Prophet's repeated assurances that their intention was purely religious, and that they had no intention of fighting. Quraysh insisted however, that the Muslims could not perform the Umrah that year but could come to do so next year on certain conditions. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, agreed and signed with them an agreement for the cessation of hostilities for ten years. But the agreement, which in fact lasted for only two years, included the stipulation that:If any man from us came to you, you must return him even if he accepted your religion."..
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