Islamic Nasheed welcomes you!!
JazakAllah for visiting, please come back again soon!!Asalaam U Alaikum...My name is Saeedah, i'm a is everyone? i hope everythingz good InshAllah....i hope u all like the music that i put up...i'm taking requests so if u all have any questions or comments, send me an email or mssg me..i also have another music page, if you'd like 2 see it, its the 1st display pic on my top 8 friends list :"Islamic Nasheed Part 2" so check it out..hope ya like it..Feel free to download the music add it 2 ur page, or use the pictures that i have on my page ......i hope everyone has a blessed day and take care...dont 4get 2 leave me some comments...take care email address is [email protected]
-Saeedah :)Really good video on Muslim Unity!!