Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahim, La illaaha illallah Muahmmad Rasulallah salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, Yaa Rahman, Yaa Rahim, Yaa Musta'an, Yaa Allah, Yaa Muhammad salallaahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa sallam, Yaa Abu Bakar, Yaa Umar, Yaa Uthman, Yaa Ali, Yaa Hassan, Yaa Hussein, Yaa Yahya, Yaa Halim, Yaa Allah, walaa haula walaa quwwata illa bilahil 'aliyyil adhim, Shahamatul Fardaani, Yusuf as Siddiiq, Abdurrauf al Yamani, Imaamul 'Aarifin Amanul Haqq, Lisaanul Mutakallimiin 'Awnullah as Sakhaawi, 'Aarif at Tayyar al Ma'ruf bi mulhaan, Burhaanul Kuramaa Ghautsul Anaam, Yaa Saahib az Zaman Muhammad Al Mahdi wasaahibal 'unsur, Yaa Khidhir. Allahu Haqq
Sufism recognizes and nurtures the spiritual nature of human beings. Without nurturing the soul, any religion can become hard and dogmatic.
Islam's long legacy has been to nurture the spiritual nature of man........
The spiritual richness of Islam is the aspect that the fundamentalists and extremists have carefully extracted from their teachings, schools, and mosques.
This is something that has been systematically and consciously cultivated for many years.
Now, Islamic learning has become dangerously unbalanced without the teachings of its saints and shaykhs.
for the Extremist, Islam is about power. For the Sufis, Islam is about Surrender.
Sufism teaches the importance of balance. The whirling dervishes manifest this most eloquently in their dance.
Sufism teaches the importance of having a spiritual guide. The saints and shaykhs are our Tour Guides through the complexities and confusion of Life and the understanding of the nature of man and the Divine.
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