Paul Plagens profile picture

Paul Plagens

Paul is dead

About Me

Paul Plagens is a proudly old-school songwriter with a sophisticated, wise, sometimes dark and often slyly humorous lyrical bent. A product of solidly classic musical influences(Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jonathan Richman, Hank Williams, Cole Porter, etc.), Paul adds a very distinctive and unique perspective based on a life lived intensely, with pain and beauty equally represented.Paul has had his shares of highs and lows in the music business. He was the lead singer, songwriter and dress wearing frontman of the band Greta, who were signed to a big record deal with Mercury Records and publishing deal with EMI/Virgin in the early nineties. It was the grunge and "alternative" days, and Greta combined Paul's melodic songwriting with the aggressive elements of the time a la Nirvana and Janes Addiction. Of course, as most bidding war scenarios go, the band was over-hyped and and expectations were too high. Greta would have had to go platinum to have been a success to Mercury . Drugs and drama also played a part in the demise of the band. So after two CD's, some MTV exposure (including two very memorable Beavis and Butthead episodes), lot's of touring(with the likes of Motorhead, X, and Catherine Wheel among others), the band was quietly dropped.What followed were years of different projects. Paul continued writing and formed several different bands, including Peal with Rusty Anderson, guitarist for Paul McCartney. He played guitar and sang backup for Sinead O'Connor and had many songs licensed for TV and film.After three years in Olympia, Washington, Paul is back in his hometown of Los Angeles. He is currently writing, recording and putting a new band together.The CricketSoda Myspace Profile Editor

My Interests


Member Since: 4/21/2004
Band Members: Baron Von Ploggenz - vocals, guitar. Various other lost but not forgotten musicians.
Influences: Bad relationships, run-ins with the law, success, failure, addiction, childhood, depression, mortality, LA, 60's folk/pop/rock, old blues, old country, old jazz, post expressionist abstract paintings, punk, new wave, no wave, long russian novels, good relationships, insanity, nostalgia, bad true crime TV, animals, pop art, good poetry, bad poetry, the weather, old, weird america, the newspaper, politics, food, family, friends, money, sex, religion, nature, anger, love and hate. Not really computers.
Sounds Like: Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious
Type of Label: None