Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical) profile picture

Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical)


About Me

Turkey born composer Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (mtfyz) is a composer who has written, arranged, and conducted musical scores for films,documentary films,animations,video games,advertisements and album productions. His powerful blend of ambient, electronic and classical orchestrations enhances the emotional and dramatic impact of each production and his ability to constantly raise the bar for cinematic, imperssive music for the visual medium is a trademark of his scoring career...He has written music for over 50 products..Employing his background in producing records and collaborating with a wide variety of recording artists, his approach generates original scores with an authentic production value while maintaining the integrity of a film score. By joining forces with the filmmakers, he provides a musical voice that compliments the director's vision, and befits the film. His devoted team spirit in combination with his personal drive to explore new ideas and push the creative envelope, make he a filmmaker whose distinctive music and intimate style are unique in the industry...
He enjoyed a highly successful career as a music producer and film composer in his native land Turkey...For other details visit his offical website...Mustafa YAZICIOGLU onMustafa YAZICIOGLU's Soundtrack pageMustafa YAZICIOGLU onMustafa YAZICIOGLU' SOUNDS onYou can find some of His Soundtracks atMustafa YAZICIOGLU @ online radioMustafa YAZICIOGLU's composer page..
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Member Since: 8/9/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Sounds Like:HHD&MTFYZ ALBUM:"All musical themes by Hasan Huseyin DEMIREL and All arranged by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU...(symphonic / Turkish style acustic) BUY THE ALBUM AT " (CLICK HERE)MTFYZ ALBUM:"Mustafa YAZICIOGLU's first solo album is coming soon...(electro-acustic / ethnic)"
DIDEM ILHAN..(Didem ILHAN's Electro/Acoustic Maxi Single coming on April/ Arranged by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU)..DENIZ T.T.: "All songs arranged by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU..(electronic / pop)..album is soon..."POISON OF VOICE / FIL (2008)...(COMING SOON)LUCA / FILM (2008)...(COMING SOON)IFTIRA/ FILM (2008)...(COMING SOON)NAGASAKI-1945 (EPISODE 1)/DOCUMENTARY FILM (2008)...(COMING SOON)NAGASAKI-1945 (EPISODE 2)/DOCUMENTARY FILM (2008)...(COMING SOON)NAGASAKI-1945 (EPISODE 3)/DOCUMENTARY FILM (2008)...(COMING SOON)NAGASAKI-1945 (EPISODE 4)/DOCUMENTARY FILM (2008)...(COMING SOON) NAGASAKI-1945 (EPISODE 5)/DOCUMENTARY FILM (2008)...(COMING SOON) NAGASAKI-1945 (EPISODE 6)/DOCUMENTARY FILM (2008)...(COMING SOON)Merry Christmas / Film (2008)...(COMING SOON) Survivor / Film (2008)...(Coming Soon) The Door / Film (2008)...(Coming Soon) Deadly Sin /FILM (2008)...(Coming Soon) Getting Out Of Dodge / Film (2008)... (THE FILM IS ONLINE) Deli /Film (2008)...)... (THE FILM IS ONLINE) Hayata Tutunmak /Documentary Film (2008)...(details soon) Odünc Hayat /Film (2007)... (THE FILM IS ONLINE) Virus /Film(2007)...(details soon) Code Of War/Film(2007)...(details soon) Lucifer/Film(2007)...(details soon) Dark Dancer /Film (2007)...(details soon) Pathetic /Film (2007)...(details soon)Scare Face Of The Clown /Film (2007)...(details soon) Jungle /Film (2007)...(details soon) Arcadia /Film (2006)...(details soon) Somewhere in Time /Film (2006)... (more view)After The Funeral /Film (2006)... (more view)Violent /Film (2006)... (more view)
Suicide /24 Hour Challenge /Film (2005)... (more view)Over The Weekend /Film (2006)... (more view)Paradox /Documentary Film (2006)... (more view)Barbarian Pismire /Documentary Film (2007)...(details soon) TheIndia /Documentary Film 2006)... (more view)Deep Of Ocean /Documentary Film (2006)... (more view)Kefren /Documentary Film (2001)... (more view)The Himalayas /Documentary Film (2002)... (more view)Tarantula /Documentary Film (2007)...(details soon)Cumhuriyet(Republic) /Documentary Film (2005)... (more view)Anatolia Daily /Documentary Film (2001)... (more view)Killer Bees /Documentary Film (2007)...(details soon)Experiment04 /Video Game (2007)... (more view)Interlaced /Video Game (2005)... (more view)Turkuaz Tv 5.Years Advert. Music/Toronto/Canada Sunrise Palacide Hotel Advert. Music Sunrise 2 Hotel Advert. Music Sunrise 3 Hotel Advert. Music Sunrise Garden Hotel Advert. Music Sunrise Royal Hotel Advert. Music Steinberger Hotel Advert. Music Rihena Hotel Advert. Music Mavenrick Hotel Advert. Music Calimera Hotel Advert. Music Alaiddin Hotel Advert. Music Alibaba Hotel Advert. Music Condrad Hotel Advert. Music Amera Hotel Advert. Music Ince Kum Hotel Advert. Music Vikingen Hotel Advert. Music Capitol Hotel Advert. Music Alaiye Hotel Advert. Music Baran Hotel Advert. Music Golf Hotel Advert. Music Belinda Hotel Advert. MusicFor Listen Mustafa YAZICIOGLU's All Advertisement Music... CLICK HERE
Record Label: mtfyz studio
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Need a Sponsor(s) for Ray Guiu’s 2 Big Film Projects !!

Hi All,We Need a Sponsor(s) for 2 Big Film Project !! The First Film is a Romantic Comedy called "LIFE IS A CELEBTATION "...It has a budget of $300,000 The Second Film is a Romantic Comedy Musical cal...
Posted by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical) on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 07:48:00 PST

AYSE KAHYAOGLU (1982-2008)

AYSE KAHYAOGLU (1982-2008) 1982 yilinda Istanbul'da dogdu. Flut egitimine 1996 yilinda Istanbul Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi'nde Evrim Gündüz ile basladi. Lisans egitimine Yildiz Teknik Universitesi ...
Posted by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical) on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 01:36:00 PST


Deniz Tugba Album is coming can listen her 2 songs on her page Songs;1-CELISKI ; Lyrics by Sema BARUTOGLU Music by Deniz TUGBAArranged by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU...
Posted by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical) on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:28:00 PST


H0 All, Our new album released..We hope you will like it.. Direct Link;   Content Of Album: PRODUCER : ADA MUZIK (TURKEY) All Musical Themes By Ha...
Posted by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical) on Sun, 11 May 2008 05:15:00 PST


Hi All, You should listen Odea !!! She is great songwriter and composer..She has wonderful songs at her myspace page..We are going to work together in next days..Our new songs and arrangements are com...
Posted by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical) on Sun, 11 May 2008 05:32:00 PST


Hi All, Didem ILHAN’s first song of her maxi single is completed...The Song is online now.. Song Name:  "AZSOLISTIN KARIYERI" Music & Lyrics:  Didem ILHAN Arranger:  Must...
Posted by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical) on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 05:25:00 PST


Our last film project "GETTING OUT OF DODGE" film... Production: Parisi Production Film Maker / Director: Christina PARISI You can watch the film from this link;
Posted by Mustafa YAZICIOGLU (offical) on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 07:34:00 PST