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13 Haziran 1982’ de Izmir’ de dogdum. Ilk ve orta okulu Izmir’ de, liseyi Balikesir’ de okudum. Universiteyi kazaninca Istanbul’a geldim, ama Istanbul’da yasama arzumun ilk sebebi muzikti elbette :) Universite egitimine basladigimda, 5 yil surecek bir grup calismasinin icinde buldum kendimi. 2005 yilina kadar calistik. 2007 Nisan ayindan itibaren grup calismalarima CESNI ile devam ediyorum.Muzikle kucuk yaslardan itibaren ilgilenmeye basladim. Sekiz yasindan itibaren kendimce sozler yazip melodiler turetmeye basladim. Ama ilk ciddi bestemi 14 yasinda yaptim. Sonra da devami geldi.. Parcalarima soz yazarken genelde, etrafimda gelisen olaylardan esinleniyorum veya bir hikaye uyduruyor ve onun icindeymisim gibi davraniyorum :) Sadece iki parcamin sozleri tam anlamiyla benim duygularimdan olustu, Eksik Dusler ve Hoscakal Omrum...I was born in Izmir, 1982, June 13th. I went to primary and secondary school in Izmir, high school in Balikesir. I moved to Istanbul when I entered into college, but of course, music is the first reason of my desire about living in Istanbul :) When I began my college education, I found myself in a band practice which would continue 5 years. We worked until 2005. Since 2007, April; I keep on working with CESNI.I started to deal with music in my early times. Since age of eight, I started to write some pieces of lyrics and derived some melodies. But I composed my -really first song- at the age of 14. And then it went on.. When I write lyrics to my songs, generally I originate from the events that unfold around me or I dream up a tale and think as if I am in it :) Only two of my songs are absolutely formed from my emotions, Eksik Dusler ( Missing Dreams ) and Hoscakal Omrum ( Bye my life ) ...