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Support DV One

:::::Support DV One:::::

About Me

AT 3:00PM
DV One’s sentencing date has been set for Friday, December 14, at 3:00 p.m., at the King County Courthouse, Judge Canova's court, W817. Only about 45-50 people can sit in the courtroom.
Are You Coming?
To help with this, it would help to tell the court how many people plan to attend. DV One’s attorneys probably will not be able to call more than a few witnesses to testify live about Toby's character. Those that wish to attend the sentencing, please provide your name(s) no later than December 1, 2007 by sending an email to [email protected]. As stated in the beginning, only 45-50 people can fit in that courtroom.
How You Can Help
DV One’s attorney will file a pre-sentence report about one week ahead & would like to attach letters that supporters of DV One have written to that memorandum. The deadline for this is December 1, 2007. His attorney would like to reference some of the letters & statements in what she writes. The letters should be addressed to:
Hon. Gregory Canova
King County Superior Court
King County Courthouse
516-3rd Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104
But please do not mail the letter directly to Judge Canova. Instead send it to Lisa Daugard, either as a PDF by email -- lisadaugaard@yahoo,com -- with "Toby Campbell letter" in the subject line; or by regular mail to
Lisa Daugaard
The Defender Association
810-3rd Avenue, 8th Floor
Seattle, WA 98104
Again, the letters should be sent no later than December 1, 2007, so that Lisa can attach them to a pre-sentence report. Preference is a handwritten letter.
On behalf of DV One and his family, he thanks you all for the overwhelming support that you've shown.This is the Official Support DV One page. This will be the page by which you can get information leading up to the day of the trial.
*** DV One Trial***

Friday, October 26, 2007
Please Read
October 26, 2007
Seattle, WA
The jury finished their deliberation this afternoon around 3:30pm, finding DV One guilty on all charges. He could face up to 5 years in prison.
More details as to the date to the sentencing to follow. Please stay tuned.
On behalf of DV One and his family, he thanks you all for the overwheliming support that you've shown over this past week. At times it was standing room only in the court room, a testament to the number of supporters he has in this ordeal.
October 24, 2007
Both sides have been heard. Police for the prosecution, police for the defense, witnesses, doctors and DV One. Now it's in the hands of the jury.
Closing arguments were heard today and the jury is now in deliberation. It could be a day, a couple of days or a week.
October 23, 2007
The DV One Trial continued on Monday October 22nd and Tuesday October 23rd.
Today DV One took the stand. DV One (Toby Campbell) testified that there was no assault on officer Boggs and gave his account of the events.
His daughter Andrea took the stand today and gave compelling testimony regarding the events. The brave young lady cried on the stand as she remembered how she was treated by Seattle Police.
October 17, 2007
The DV One Trial began today. There was great support from the community and local press. Jake One, J Moore, Julie C, Ghetto Prez, Kun Luv, Beyond Reality, and others were there as opening statements and the testimony of the Seattle Police Department was heard today.
The jury of thirteen only included three people of color. None of which were African American. However, don’t let that or anything else steer you from showing up.
October 16, 2007
After many false starts, the DV One Trial has officially started!
Jury selection for DV One’s trial concluded today and testimony starts tomorrow morning Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 9am.
September 4, 2007
The DV One Trial that was slated to begin the week of Thursday, August 30, 2007, has been delayed yet again. The police involved in the incident were not available to appear in court.
On behalf of DV One, "Thank you for your support and well wishes throughout this ordeal. It is greatly appreciated."
Please continue to come back to check for details as they become available.
May 2, 2007
Just got an update from DV One’s attorney.
It is unlikely we will actually have a hearing on our motion to strike the jury venire in DV One's case Thursday May 3, 2007, when it was scheduled.
Please don't come to the King County Courthouse unless you get more information from me or Toby. The prosecutor needs more time to respond to updated data we expect to receive from the Sentencing Guidelines Commission about the rate of disqualification from jury service due to felony convictions by race.
It may be heard on Monday, May 7, 2007 but I will write back to update you as soon as I know.
May 1, 2007 On Thursday, May 3, 2007, a hearing will take place at the King County Courthouse where a judge will decide to whether or not the case will be dismissed. A strong presence this Thursday, will be appreciated by DV One, his daughter and family. There is strength in numbers so please make every effort to come down to the courthouse this coming Thursday, May 3, 2007. Tentatively in room E1201 with a start time of 8:30am. I will have the times and courtroom confirmed shortly from his attorney.
If the case doesn’t get dismissed, then he’s back on the trial calendar for Monday, May 7, 2007.
April 5, 2007 Today we got some new dates: May 3 for our jury motion (to invalidate the King County jury pool because of racial disproportionality) and May 7 for the trial (if the motion is denied). As before, May 7 is not a firm day for trial, just the first day DV One will come back on the trial calendar.
March 29, 2007
We are on "standby". There are many other cases standing by with the same prosecutor and with higher priority because the defendants are in custody. Nothing is certain but it is very unlikely that we will actually be called in this week or next. So please save your show of support & days off until we actually get assigned to a trial court, which is unlikely to happen before next week.
March 29, 2007
... still with other trials ahead of us. I doubt we will start next week. Will keep everyone posted.
March 28, 2007
We are now on standby for Thursday 3/29. I would not expect it to start that day either. Next week is much more likely. Thanks for everything you are doing to support DV One.
March 27, 2007
The prosecutor has been sent out on another trial so we are NOT on the trial calendar at all for Tuesday, 3/27.
March 26, 2007
Lisa Daugaard (attorney for DV One) filed a motion moving to strike the jury pool due to racial bias in the criminal justice system, which leads to the disqualification of a disproportionate number of African-American jurors based on felony convictions. There is a second argument that the exclusion of potential jurors who cannot afford to pay their court fines and therefore do not qualify to restore their civil rights (including the right to be a juror) violates equal protection.
When we finally know the firm date, we will email, call, etc. to alert folks. It should be a 3-4 day trial so most people should be able to find a time to drop in.
Please stay attentively tuned to these blogs and posts, as its the only way I can communicate with y’all. And bear with me, I’m receiving 100's of calls and a multitude of emails. If it takes me awhile to get back to u please understand. I love all of u for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
-DV One
Below is video from the DV One Hearing on September 27, 2006

My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2007


    Accused Cop-Assaulter DV One Is Still Waiting for His Day in Court - Seattle Weekly - May 30, 2007

    Not The Only One - Seattle Weekly - March 14, 2007

    DJ DV-One Attacked by SPD - The Stranger - September 20, 2006

    Blog of DJ DV One Assaulted By Police - The Stranger - September 20, 2006

    A DJ, a cop in a fight -- who's to blame? - The Seattle Post Intelligencer - September 23, 2006

    Disc jockey pleads not guilty to assaulting police officer - The Seattle Post Intelligencer - September 28, 2006

    Hip Hop DJ Toby Campbell rallies support in cop case - The Seattle Post Intelligencer - October 13, 2006

    The DV One Case - Seaspot - October 13, 2006

    Hip Hop Responds to the Ongoing War on Terror-Police Terror - - November 28, 2006

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

UPDATE: DV One Trial Delayed

:::::UPDATE::::: Trial Delayed Please Read March 14, 2007 Seattle, WA Unfortunately, as often happens, the trial is not going to start on Monday 3/19 as scheduled. The prosecutor is in trial in a ca...
Posted by Support DV One on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 08:38:00 PST