(((SeMpEr fI tHaI))) profile picture

(((SeMpEr fI tHaI)))

FORTITUDE... tHe StReNgTh tO PeRsIsT, aNd tHe CoUrAgE tO EnDuRe!!!!

About Me

sEe wHaT hApPeNs wHeN u f*cK w/ MARINES... hahaha!!! *GET SOME!!!*
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How to make a "HaRdCoRe KeLvIn"
0 part fEaR
3 parts hOnOr
1 part cOuRaGe
1 part cOmMiTmEnT
Combine in a tall glass half filled with hot brass. Add motivation to pain & sweat! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
Go-Quiz.comI am a Thai-American born & raised in Southern Kali. In my short life I have made many memorable changes that I often look back on to only question my past with the "what if(s)" or the "I should have(s)". And one of the most memorable change came for me the day I enlisted to become one of,"The Few, The Proud, The Marines." The change didn't come for me right after becoming a U.S. Marine, but rather where I went as a U.S. Marine. I spent most of enlistment deployed over seas; that is where I have endured most of the aches and pain from all the intense training as well as the sense of emptiness from being away from family and friends. The hardest change came for me at the beggining of 2003, shortly after my prior deployment to South-east Asia; I was called for a tour of duty to Iraq for "Operation Enduring Freedom" & "Operation Iraqi Freedom." In Iraq, I served as a Team Leader/Assistant Patrol Leader, and Designated Marksman in one of the most respected Infantry Units. Through the war and conflict, that is where I also I stared down the eyes of the "Iraqi Grim-Reaper" and cheated death in numerous occasions. The fact I am back from my undesirable destination today, has been a real blessing. It has open my whole world up to a new sense of "Life" as well as a new sense of "Hope" for a better tomorrow if not yet today... MARINES LEAD THE WAY THROUGH THE WORSE TO ONLY MAKES THINGS BETTER FOR THE LIVES OF ALL OTHERS!!! DaRe tO rEcOnGnIzE tRuE HoNoR aT iTs FiNeSt...
K KiNkY w/ tHe LaDiEs...
E EnTiCiNg tO bE wItH...
L LoVeD bY aLL...
V VaLuAbLe aSsEt...
I InDeViOuSLy cHaRmInG...
N NoNcHaLaNt bAbY!!!
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My Interests

fIrSt aNd fOrEmOsT, mY "mOmMy", SuRvIvInG & nOt dYiNg, wItNeSsInG mOsT oF iRaQ bUrN dOwN!!! sHoOtInG fOrEiGn nAtIoNaLs, iSLaMiC rAdIcALs, aNd iRaQi iNsUrGeNtS tHaT hAtE tHe U.S. , tHe LaKeRs, aNd oF cOaRsE... MuAy ThAi "kICK-bOxInG!!!"

I'd like to meet:

Everyone that owes me my lunch money from elementary til now, The shit-heads that are shooting at my Marines in Iraq, myself in a parallel universe, the "Smurfs", and my long lost but not forgotten friends... and last but not ever least, Cpl Kemaphoom Chanawongse 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines Regiment... You will always be remembered as not just a Marine but rather as my beloved friend that served in the same Battlefields of Nasiriyah, Iraq... With Love, Honor, & My Utmost Respect... Till we meet again in the after life and fight alongside defending our Kingdom of Heaven... "


aNytHinG bUt cOuNtRy... UnLeSs iT's "cOuNtRy gRaMmEr"!!!!


i onLy LikE mOvIeS wItH "NO" : vIoLeNcE, sEx, hOrRoR, oR aNyThInG tOo gRaPhIC fOr mY vIrGiN eYeS... i aCtUaLLy pReFeR mAsTuRbAtIoN iNsTeAd... oOps!!! i mEaNt "mEdItAtIoN" iNsTeAd cUz i'M a vErY dIsTuRbEd cHiLd, gRoWiNg-uP iNtO aN eArLy aDuLtHoOd... aNd tHe tRuTh iS; i dOn'T wAnT tO gRoW-uP, cUz i'M a "tOyS R uS kId"... hee-hee!!! LoL!!!


aNy TV sHoW bUt fRiEnDs cUz i aInT gOt aNy fRiEnDs... sO wiLL yOu pLeAsE bE mY fRiEnD iNsTeAd???


iF i couLd hOnEsTLy rEaD; mY fAvOrItE bOoK wOuLd bE, "THE BOOK OF LOVE" bY wHo eVeR tHe heLL wRoTe iT...


My Heroes are those that have given their Lives selflessly to better our very own, and other U.S. MARINES that have fought and are still fighting for their cause and preserving my FREEDOM in Life... "DaRe tO rEcOgNiZe tRuE hOnOr aT iT's FiNeSt..." ~USMC~"Semper Fi...."

My Blog

wHaT wOuLd yOu dO fOr yOuR FrEeDoM?

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for ...
Posted by (((SeMpEr fI tHaI))) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"MaRiNeS rUnNiNg tHe sHoW"

For all my fellow devil dogs in, out, or otherwise. OORAH! "We live like soldiers, talk like sailors, and slap the crap out of both. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy, an...
Posted by (((SeMpEr fI tHaI))) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The American Soldier...

It is the Marine/Soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the Marine/Soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the Marine/Soldier, not the...
Posted by (((SeMpEr fI tHaI))) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST