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About Me

10 % luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will 5% pleasure, 50% pain And a 100% reason to remember my name!

My Interests

anime, motorcycles, mix martial arts, surfing/snowboarding, ballroom dancing (salsa/merengue/swing/waltz), video games, dodgeball, attending events


80's, hiphop/R&B, rock, reggae, J-Pop, Asian American music, Pacific Islander style


80's movies, teen high school type movies, Hong Kong & Japanese movies, military movies, dark noir movies, Asian American Films, independent films


Black Hawk Down, Kendo The Definitive Guide, Money Number One Single Man's Survival Guide to Pattaya, comic books/manga

My Blog

Newswoman's nice words

thoughtful and motivating words from San Diego KGTV Channel 10's anchorwoman / executive director of San Diego Asian Film Foundation:
Posted by Angelo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

R.I.P. LCpl Jeffrey Burgess

Came a shock to me that a friend and fellow Marine was killed last week in Iraq. Heard it on the new but got my confirmation from my friends who were attached to his unit. I've served with LCpl Burges...
Posted by Angelo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

internet interview

check out then click to 'media' then click to 'page 2' under San Diego Asian Film Festival 2003 then you'll see my interview esp. when im drunk cuz i tried to play it off by being sobe...
Posted by Angelo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST