My kids, Rob, teaching and tutoring, helping women look gorgeous, politics, cats, collecting angels - my whole house is decorated with angel stuff!
If I could go back in time, I'd like to meet George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill.
My fav singer is Rob of Future Music. I love heavy metal, actually all metal, especially Judas Priest! Rob Halford is the BEST. Still love the Big Hair Bands, Roxy Music, Motown, the British Invasion.
Gone With the Wind, Gettysburg, all the Star Wars, Great Escape, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Legally Blonde, Holy Grail (all Python), The Producers and all other Mel Brooks stuff.
Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, The Shield, Alias, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, The Unit, What Not to Wear, How Do I Look?, and news, news, news.
Anything by Rex Stout, Robert B. Parker, P. G. Wodehouse, Leon Uris, W.E.B. Griffin, Tom Clancey, Agatha Christie, Joan Hess, Ellery Queen, Charlotte MacLeod, the Foundation Series by Asimov (and really anything he wrote.) Mysteries and comedies.
All of the men and women who have served in the Armed Services of our country, and the Coast Guard, Reserve Branches, and Merchant Marines. My Mom's father was a Merchant Marine in WWII...