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The OFFICIAL Orgy Profile

About Me

THE WAIT IS OVER!!! ORGY DVD - Trans Global Spectacle is IN STORES NOW!! Features live and backstage antics from 1997-2004!
The best rock music always combines raw power and absolute panache. It should pulse with sexuality and pathos, but look damn stylish in the process. It can forge heavy, almost Paleolithic riffs yet retain intelligence, cunning, and pure pop hummability. In short, the best rock is utterly savage, unabashedly stylish, and entirely guilt free. But records like that dont come along very often. Enter Punk Statik Paranoia, the latest and greatest Bacchanalian musical salvo from L.A.-based death-pop quintet Orgy.
We want to make people stop in their tracks, says vocalist Jay Gordon. We may have gone a little bit out there musically on our first two records, but this time we focused on the songwriting. Its just time to really connect with our fans. We just want people to go, This is worthy. And of course we want the girls to think, I want to sleep with every member of that band.
A cursory listening of Punk Statik Paranoia should have music fans scurrying to lock up their daughters, sisters, and/or moms. Its that good. The first single, The Obvious, pours layer after decadent layer of sweet distortion over subterranean fuzzbass and deep rhythmic grooves, all infused with a pop hook thatll haunt your head like a hangover. And its danceable.
Throughout the disk, Orgy spin decadent lyrical yarns of love, medication and psychotic associates over addictive arrangements that alternate between chilly, electro-glazed soundscapes and monstrously heavy metallic pop. Dark gems like Leave Me Out, Inside My Head, and Vague are some of Orgys most focused and catchiest works to date and ironically their loudest.
Im screaming a lot more on this record but I kind of needed to, laughs Gordon. Its been the hardest of all three to write, and its definitely taken the longest. Wed finally finish a song the band was happy with and Id be like, Hey, are you sure theres nothing else? Have we exhausted every tip, trick and rule we know that can make this thing better? Im a total neurotic perfectionist.
Neurotic perfectionism has served Orgy well thus far. Releasing their 1998 debut album Candyass on Korns Elementree label as the flagship act inside a year of forming, Orgy struck the singles charts twice with a bruising cover of New Orders Blue Monday and the dynamic follow-up Stitches. As the record soared to platinum-sales status, pundits tagged the Orgy sound a number of ways (electro-rock, industrial synth, sleaze rock, techno-goth). But they all seemed to agree on one thing: Orgys brave new mix of prismatic synth lines, pulverizing guitar, and New Romantic vocal stylings was fresh and welcome. Even attendees of Korns notoriously heavy Family Values Tour approved.
It was really weird to see how people responded to what we did on that tour, Gordon says. We were just being as ridiculous as possible trying to try a bunch of new things. But it worked out whatever kind of twisted message we were trying to get across, I think we achieved delivering.
Several more tours, most notably with label-mates Videodrone and 80s goth-rock pillars Love and Rockets, helped expand the fan-base, and by the year 2000, Orgy debuted its sophomore album, the sci-fi concept piece Vapor Transmission, at No 16 on Billboards Top 200. The sound was harder this time out, the songwriting more complex, and the record garnered even better reviews than had Orgys first, spinning off a pair of strong singles in Fiction (Dreams in Digital) and Opticon. More successful touring followed, with Orgy once again headlining.
All well and good, but the past is the past. And Orgys always been a bunch with a collective eye on the future.
Forget looking back, Gordon states emphatically. We dont walk around with copies of our first two records or anything like that. We certainly arent into the VH1 Where Are They Now nostalgia circuit! But I was afraid if we didnt get this record out soon that I was going to start getting phone calls from them. Instead, I hope the new stuff has VH1 making documentaries like, Why are they still kicking ass? Why are they still blowing shit up? Why are they still pulverizing the planet?
While VH1 has announced no plans to create a series called Why Are They Still Blowing Shit Up?, Punk Statik Paranoia may well accomplish a different goal of Gordons: Converting the few people still out there who remember Orgy mainly as those guys who did that cover song. Gordon thinks this record will do it. And if not, well thats fine with him too.
You know, thank god everybody doesnt like just the same old thing. Thats why we have fans in the first place, he says. Theres never any one set way that things have to be. I think our three records prove that. Were just doing what were into. I always wanted to be in a band with a bunch of Bruce Lees, where everybody was just sick. And were getting there we may only be white belts right now, but we will yet achieve that ultimate dopeness that we so crave.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/14/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: ORGY is:
Amir Derakh - Guitar Synth
Bobby Hewitt - Drums
Jay Gordon - Vocals
Paige Haley - Bass
Ryan Shuck - Guitar
Record Label: D1 Music & Associates
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Music Videos

For those of you that haven't checked it out yet- "Blue Monday" from Candyass and "Vague" from Punk Statik Paranoia have been uploaded to the Orgy videos!  Enjoy!!!  (More coming soon :) ) H...
Posted by Orgy on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:38:00 PST

D1 Music Message Boards

Hey Everyone,The D1 Music Message boards are finally back up. Thank you for your have to register to view the forums. -Colleen, D1 Staff...
Posted by Orgy on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 02:14:00 PST

Regarding the Orgy websites

Hey everyone,As some of you may have noticed we are experiencing some technical difficulties with our servers, so it's causing several error messages to appear when trying to access the sites. The sit...
Posted by Orgy on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:59:00 PST

Message From Jay

Hey Everyone,I would like to thank all of you guys for your continued support for the Orgy cause. We are all doing our own thing right now, but we haven't forgotten about ORGY.  I will update yo...
Posted by Orgy on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 06:23:00 PST

MORE Fake Profiles

Hey Everyone, I posted this a while ago, but just want to make sure everyone sees it- Just wanted to let everyone know that the profile found at is not Jay, nor is ...
Posted by Orgy on Tue, 02 May 2006 09:11:00 PST

Link change

MySpace has changed our link from /transglobalspectacle to /orgy. Everything else is the same. If you have our profile bookmarked or saved to your favorites please update it. Thanks!...
Posted by Orgy on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 05:58:00 PST

Another fake profile...

There is only one official Orgy profile on MySpace, it is you are sending messages to or using an aim name that was given on another profile to talk to me...
Posted by Orgy on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 08:29:00 PST

Just in case you weren't aware....

The Orgy forum has moved from PSP to D1. Please join us there!
Posted by Orgy on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 03:38:00 PST

ORGY break up rumors....

There have been some rumors lately that Orgy has broken up. They are not true. If the band were to break up there would be an announcement here and on D1 Music. Everyone is working on side projects bu...
Posted by Orgy on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 09:17:00 PST

Contest Winners!

We would like to congratulate our friends that won the D1 and Entity contests! Thanks for supporting D1 and the bands we work with!   If your name is on the list below please send us a message (s...
Posted by Orgy on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 12:20:00 PST