Welcome to the MACHINE THEORY myspace page from Phoenix, Arizona. If you like what you hear, please pass the word on to others and be sure to leave us a comment. We will do our very best to keep in contact with you. For more information, to hear more songs, or just for something new, please visit us on the web at www.machinetheory.netMONSOON RADIO COMMENT
HERE'S WHAT TAD Z of MONSOON RADIO HAS TO SAY: I have been to many shows and support many different styles of music yet when I run across a band with such a unique sound as these guys, its always welcomed! A cross between Trent Reznor, Filter, and just their own unique style. These guys from Homegrown Phoenix, Arizona really compliment each other and all of the recording is done themselves! I suggest anyone whom may be into anything from Industrial to just some great tunage to kick back with a set of headphones on & check out these guys. Machine Theory- Hats off guys, and we keep you in the play list and proud!Tad Z