The Mirror - by Natalia Lincoln profile picture

The Mirror - by Natalia Lincoln

Coming soon from Space & Time Books: The Mirror, by Natalia Lincoln

About Me

Available on . Or order your copy of The Mirror direct from Space & Time Books -- Click here.
Also available at Gothic Renaissance, 108 Fourth Ave., NYC 10003.
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Unkempt black hair to his waist, almond-shaped black eyes, long black duster.
Mari froze.
Two eyes dark as bullet holes burned into her with cold hunger. Soil and blood clotted his hair. The smell of dank earth enveloped Mari.
The black eyes stabbed hers. Mari felt pushed down a well, falling violently into narrow black depths.
Suddenly she was standing again, staring at a man who stared at his own reflection in the mirror, behind her.
Man and reflection: two emaciated, pale faces, neither breathing. Two pairs of eyes, like live fossils entombed in stone, fixed upon each other in utter bewilderment.
Watch this space for ordering information, updates, and reviews of award-winning author Natalia Lincoln's The Mirror, appearing on September 28.

My Interests

being read, and re-read

I'd like to meet:

I'm just trying to fit your bookcase.


Unto Ashes, Infected Mushroom, Nystagmus, Mahler


is the opiate of the people


Circles in the Hair


members of CITH, other authors, readers, publishers, book reviewers, and of course Johannes Gutenberg, without whom I would be nothing.

My Blog

Read "Revival" here.
Posted by The Mirror - by Natalia Lincoln on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:35:00 PST

Read an excerpt from The Mirror...

Mari did not believe in dying for love.She'd fled it a thousand times, slammed the door on it, sworn the old charms and curses on her threshold to keep it out. And, for a while, it had stayed out, dec...
Posted by The Mirror - by Natalia Lincoln on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 05:45:00 PST

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Posted by The Mirror - by Natalia Lincoln on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:51:00 PST