!!!!! ATTENTION PLAY !!!! ATTENTION PLAY !!! show good a on put lets so ,it on constantly are we and stage our is world the
Fire performance, new stilt designs and stilt walkers, outrageous costumes, tarot, magical happenings, humor..humor...and more humor, sweet sugary things, honesty and truthfulness, fireworks and things that go BANG for fun, the finer things of life, eachother, unicycles and unicorns, art, music that makes you move, aerial arts, beds of nails, juggling and jugglers, croquet on stilts, PIRATES, Gypsies, sparkley things, cats & dogs, great ideas, THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX.....DAMNIT!, getting paid what we are worth, giving to charity, children of all ages, performing..performing...performing, most clowns and buffoons, the circus--but not the ones that abuse their animals...and we know who you are! Individuals, self awareness, dark hole in the walls, traveling to new places, the moon and the sun, our sons and daughters, most of our family--extended or not, good food...yummmm!
Butts, noses, and all other parts soft and squishy, fine wine and company, getting paid WHAT WE ARE WORTH. Mummery and mayhem, mummies and mommies, playing instruments, fabrications and fabric, beautiful eyes, and whatever else strikes our fancy.
Oh yeah, no crooks, shnooks or poor taste in books! You know who you are and what you are.
We honor all forms of culture.
Yeah that's right, we are talking to you...the one looking over our buddies shoulder.....or at Grannies clown booty! photo by P.Demers
We love these guys!
Other people with vision and talent to help heal this crusty world thru HUMOR, CREATIVITY, MAGIC, MUSIC, BUFFOONARY, CLOWNING, STILT WALKING, JUGGLING and just good SILLYNESS. This troupe is a polymorphic interactive theartical ambient cornucopia of talent and there is still a little room for a few more on this train. If your imagination runs wild, we'll run wild with you! Because we've been all around the world and the world all over, we've done seen a million things and a million things done seen we. And when the world is done with it's game, we will all walk away winners, might not all finish....but winners we'll be! So come on all you puppeteers, jesters, and baffoons alike.....lets humor these people with our antics. They say the world is your stage, and lets show them it's true. As Spittle says,"You don't need the skill, you need the compassion and drive." The truly beautiful!!
What's not to love about it, the good the bad and of course the fugly!
I think Filsee has been making one about us since 2000, if not, he should!
Now here is a DAMN fine movie!
Photo by P.Demers
Soggi Milktoast and his first Monkey Coffee!
Winston Winthrop showing Bing how to have a ball while attempting to be a circus geek!
Who has time for it? Unless of course we are on it!
Except for this one!
Now this is the kind of bed we lay in, but we wonder....how did our photographer snap this picture on his nap?
What type of Fae are you?
Now You See It Now You Don't, The Art Of Theatrical Pickpocketing, Creative Clowning, Learned Pigs And Fireproof Women, Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom, the Dictionary, Comic Books, Vodou Visions, Divine Inspiration, any and all books on art, Masks, Creative Cooking, How To Start A Business On A Shoestring Budget, Gon Yee Fut Choy, and many others to come.
To be or not to be....the Monkey? That's YOUR question.
Soceity and it's lack of empathy is just another page in Lifes' book for We.
Our family, friends, and all that support what we do. Not to forget the most important....our audience, thank you all for your moments in our lives. Help keep us on our toes and stilts and we will do our best ta keep ya thinking and laughing!One may NEVER stand so tall UNTIL they bend down to help a child!Now here is a REAL man, Nikola Tesla, check out his video because we think it's cute!
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Disorder Rating
Paranoid Personality Disorder : Low
Schizoid Personality Disorder : Low
Schizotypal Personality Disorder : Moderate
Antisocial Personality Disorder : Moderate
Borderline Personality Disorder : Low
Histrionic Personality Disorder : Moderate
Narcissistic Personality Disorder : Moderate
Avoidant Personality Disorder : Low
Dependent Personality Disorder : Low
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder : Low
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