Animation, Artistic Music with Instruments, Ballet, Culinary Arts, Dancing, Drawing, Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Fine Arts, Folk Art Graffiti Design, Graphic Design, Industrial Design Technology, Ink Design, Interior Design, Jewelry Making, Liberal Arts, Media Arts, Multimedia, Mural Painting, Painting, Photography, Poetry, Sculpture, Theatre, Video Production, Visual Merchandising, Web Design
I am not interest on meeting nobody; however, I would like to meet artists online. So, if you like to add me...go right ahead. But you have to be an artist of the arts!!!!
These movies are the ones that I could think of, that shows artisticly. If you know any more movies, let me know. Thanks! Frida, The Girl with Pearl Earring..
Val is really famous on youtube in her talents as an artist/painter, in the arts. Here's a clip of her videos on youtube. Every Sunday, she post a new clip of her painting creative pieces that maybe be painted about her everyday life. So, enjoy!Here's her profile on youtbe if yall like to add her on that site. Click here to do so.
These books are the ones I read personally. If there is any books that I haven't read yet, and is a great to own, let me know. Thanks! Frida Kahlo by Frank Milner, Frida Kahlo: A Modern Master by Terri Hardin, Philadelphia Murals and the Stories They Tell by Jane Golden, Robin Rice, and Monica Yant Kinney, with photography by David Graham and Jack Ramsdale, Mastering the Art of Oils, Acrylics and Gouache by Ian Sidaway, An Introduction to Art Techniques, Modern Art: The World's Greatest Art
My personal artistic hero is Frida Kahlo. Whats your personal artistic hero or heroes?