Welcome to my little home in the land of myspace. There's not much I can really say here; I say just about everything in my blogs, which you can check out by browsing through some of the links in the index box down below, or read the most recent ones in the table above.
Enjoy reading the blogs, and feel free to leave comments and/or kudos as you see fit; I'd love to hear what you think about my writing.
Also, if you really like what you've read here, click the image below to grab a subscription so you can be notified on your homescreen whenever I post a new blog. Thanks for stopping by!
The following is a list of all the blogs I have written to date, arranged from oldest to newest. Feel free to browse them at your leisure.
01: Welcome to my office
11: People: the list
12: My opinion on opinions
13: Phone phools and their phollies
14: Pondering the past
18: Wow...
19: No clothes were shed in the writing of this blog
21: Try it...you'll like it!...
22: Noxious personalities decoded: Conversation Killers
23: Hello, my name is Erika...
23: I just about died laughing...
24: Now for something totally unexpected...
25: Who writes these things anyway?!
26: The road ahead: The beginning of an end...
28: Wish list: because I can do anything!
28: Love thy neighbors...do we have to??
31: It's all in the planning
01: STFU and leave me alone, please!
03: Noxious personalities decoded: MORE Conversation Killers
03: There was a little girl...
04: When is a blog not a blog?
05: Love is...?
07: Maybe I just need a hard drink...or two...or three...?
08: Celebrating...*gasp*
09: WORST DATE EVER (and what I learned from it)
10: Everyone's entitled now and then...
11: Was that really called for?
12: Yes, I like long car rides
14: Home sweet home? nah, not really
14: Dear migraine: go away!...please?
16: Dreaming in code
16: "Wanna grab some coffee?" (random silliness)
18: Erika unplugged!...can she even survive that way?!
20: Erika and the seven bears
22: My strange laundry encounter!
23: Third time's a charm
24: Outbreaks of DRAMA...but why?
25: The blog that never was
26: Side by side or miles apart...
28: When work should get done
29: Pieces from my past
31: The absent-minded professor...and friends
01: Let the countdown begin!
05: Myspace tactics
07: Food is overrated anyway, right?
08: "What DO you eat??"
12: Contrary to popular belief...
14: Conquering the coasters!
15: Soggy socks made me happy!
15: Spreading the love...
17: Excitement-inducers of the life variety
18: A quickie before I work (it's not what you think, perv!)
19: Is it all in the cards?
20: Negativity is not welcome here!
21: Cold hearted bitch?...or not?
22: The story of a remarkable man
27: MOVING: The back-story - for those not 'in the know'
28: Reflection and growing excitement
30: I don't want the world
01: Life's simple pleasures
02: Fascination with fall
04: It's a bird...It's a plane...
06: It's my last chance...
08: Musical moments and memories
11: 'Random' is an understatement
14: Just two more...
16: I can only be me, this is who I am
17: She dreams and it's so easy
20: What it's like to be unemployed
21: Accepting...
22: Cure me, please!
24: While you're carrying a grudge, they're out dancing
25: Sunday, October 29, 2006...
27: Now hiring...
29: So long, Astoria
31: Greetings from New Hampshire!
06: Wonderful nightmare?
13: Puzzle Pieces
16: Time for a joyride
26: I think, therefore I am making no sense
05: Role playing
13: Tomato sauce for the soul...?
04: The search for motivation
06: People: the list (repost)
11: Time for some interaction
13: People: the NEW list.
29: Perspective
13: Diamonds aren't my best friend, dammit!
19: Abuse has a tight grip
21: The universal language
22: Stop trying to take my damn money!
05: Bet you didn't know...
06: Downward spiral in advertising?
08: Proving my insanity one blog at a time
13: Life altering events
20: Dating disaster 1,432: The faker
26: Just a little monkey business
28: Thinking is good
09: Not quite gone
06: "The book"
08: Exclusive news coverage
16: What's wrong with people?