Satire! |
Hello Friend, This profile is a satire on political operatives. A few of them convinced the next president of the United States, Senator Barak Obama, and some MySpace executives, to gi... Posted by Steal This Profile! on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:13:00 PST |
Satire for justice! |
Blog writers who support Senator Barak Obama's bid for the presidency are invited to submit blog articles satirizing the triumph of political operatives over the little guy. If you think that paid pr... Posted by Steal This Profile! on Thu, 03 May 2007 12:56:00 PST |
Hillary Clinton, propuso hoy legalizara entre 11y 12 millones de indocumentados |
San Diego.- La senadora y aspirante a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, Hillary Clinton, propuso hoy en la Convención Estatal Demócrata de California legalizara "entre 11y 12 millones ... Posted by Steal This Profile! on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:31:00 PST |
WASHINGTON. ABRIL 4, 2007 (NOTIMEX).- El precandidato presidencial demócrata Barak Obama inform |
WASHINGTON. ABRIL 4, 2007 (NOTIMEX).- El precandidato presidencial demócrata Barak Obama informó hoy que hasta ahora ha recolectado 25 millones de dólares para su campaña interna, cifra muy cercana a ... Posted by Steal This Profile! on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:29:00 PST |
Barak Obama according to Wikipedia |
Barack Hussein Obama (born August 4, 1961; IPA pronunciation: [b?'??k o?'b?.m?]), is the junior United States Senator from Illinois. The U.S. Senate Historical Office lists him as the fifth African Am... Posted by Steal This Profile! on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:23:00 PST |