~ Photos from the site or from "pics" can not be used without permission from wigwam.no ~
~ The Lay-out on this site is designed by Haney ~
~ Photos/sources: wigwam.no, aftenposten.no, melk.no, sa.no, legerutengrenser.no, scanpix, esctoday.no, dagbladet.no, sesam.no, dt.no, haldendagblad.no, vg.no, Sil-Yeah, Trine, Missy, Hanne, Eirin, Anita, Kathrine, Birthe and Glamboy ~
~ I like to show this pictures on the site, just to illustrate Glams gifted capability to play different roles. The pictures are from the musical CHESS (Photo by wigwam.no) ~
~ Message from Glam to the fans:
~ You Are The Stars In My Eyes ~
~ You Make me Rock Hard ~
~ Some Words by The Fans and The Critics.....
~ Glam is the wild one. He has the right kind of spirit. He got the magical soul of rock..n roll. ~
~ Ã…ge Sten â€Wig Wam†Nilsen, as The Arbiter, was the best performer in CHESS. With charming twinkle in his eyes, and with the powerful amination of Rock..n Roll, he was king of the stage in his musical performings ~
~ Top Score 6/6, to the musical CHESS, where Ã…ge Sten Nilsen had The Arbiter role; ~ This was a great performance, and Ã…ge Sten Nilsen was excellent in his part. It is very interesting to watch this artist uncover a wider part of his potensial. The beauty of this voice is over the top, and belongs in the musical elite ~
~ From an art point of view, Glam is kind of unique. He is a great performer. And a grand artist, one of the greatest of today. Not only regarding the obvious talents, but related to Glam as a whole personality. Glam is simply the genuine creation, of the soul of art ~
~ When I look at Glam, I see a brilliant performer. I see a man that is a whole artist, not just a part of him, like many of the other performers I..ve seen on the stage. Glam has this magical artist-personality. When I was watching CHESS, it was obvious. Glam is brilliant. Magical. He..s the "one in a million"-artist that owns the scene from the first second~
~ Glam has one of the most powerful and beautiful voices in the world today. Besides, I guess he must be the most fascinating creation in the universe ~
~ Glam has this amaniation, that you hardly ever see these days. He glows on the stage, just like the twinkle of stars in the dark. His spirit is brilliant. He is like a ray of spiritual sunshine ~
~ Beyond Words, beyond Dreams, beyond Fantasy. That..s where Glam belongs ~
~ Glam is very talented. He is a great treasure and a pleasure to watch on the stage ~
~ Glam is genuin and eccentric. A great personality ~
~ How could it be, that anyone can shine that surprisingly bright on the scene.....just as....well, diamonds on black velvet ~
~ Glam Is More Than a Rock..n Roller ~
~ Listening to Glams voice, is kind of candy to my soul ~
~ Glam in Wig Wam is more like a mystery. Just listen to that incredible voice. Just watch him on the scene. The guy is a crazy diamond. You just have to love him ~
~ Glam is a God Damn Masterpiece ~
~ Glam is my hero.He is a typical example of how important it isto believe in your dream,and never give up untilthe dreambecomes reality ~
~ Amazingly powerful, stands Ã…ge Sten Nilsen from Wig
Wam as "The Arbiter". He has a pronounced charm and elegance, as supplement to his grand voice. He is very welcomed to join our homely and more intimate musical theatres ~
~ Glam...? He..s got the power. Easy as that ~
~ They say that everybody can be replaced. But, to be honest, there is no one that could ever replace Glam. This man is one of a kind. There is only ONE Glam ~
~ His voice and charisma is unique.
Glam truly shines on the stage, and it is obvious for everybody to see, what a genuine joy he gets from singing....it..s in his blood and comes straight from the heart ~
~ He is our King of Metal, God of pop our Rock..n roll Messiah.
When he enters the stage and starts to sing he owns that stage...completely ~
~ As a gift of charity, Glam wrote the beautiful ballade "Bygone Zone". He did this to support the humanitarian organization Medecins Sans Frontieres/Leger uten grenser, in their grand and important work ~
~ Words by Glam:
~ Livet for meg, er å gi mennesker glede, og at "lille jeg" kan glede andre mennesker gjennom sang og spill er for meg en gave ~ Glam/Åge Sten Nilsen ~
~ Life to me, is to bring happiness to other people. Being able to bring joy to others through music, is for "little me", a blessing ~ Glam/Ã…ge Sten Nilsen ~
~ Vi ønsker å ta oss tid til fansen. Enten signerer man for alle, eller for ingen. Vi ønsker å gi alle det de vil ha. Vi er glade i fansen vår ~ Glam/Åge Sten Nilsen ~
~ We wish to use time with the fans. If we can..t sign for everybody, we don..t sign for anyone. We wish to give everybody what they want. We truly love our fans ~ Glam/Ã…ge Sten Nilsen ~
~ Vi velger å følge hjertene våre, og tror på det gode i mennesket ~ Glam/Åge Sten Nilsen ~
~ We choose to follow our hearts, believing in the good in human ~ Glam/Ã…ge Sten Nilsen ~
~ Det er ikkje alt her i verda som kan forklarast med enkle ord ~
Glam/Ã…ge Sten Nilsen ~
~ Every matter in life, cannot be explained simply by words ~ Glam/Ã…ge Sten Nilsen ~
~ Jeg elsker å synge, og jeg elsker å møte fans. Det aller beste jeg har opplevd, var å få en stor klem av en nervøs fan. Jeg kunne kjenne hvordan hjertet hans banket, og det gjorde meg skikkelig følsom. Jeg får ofte tårer i øynene, når jeg ser at fans på første rad, gråter under konsertene. Da glemmer jeg av og til tekstene mine ~ Glam/Åge Sten Nilsen ~
~ I love to sing, and I love to meet our fans. The best thing ever happened to me, was when I once get a big hug from a very nervous fan. I could feel his heart beat, and that made me very emotional. It often brings tears to my eyes, when I see our fans cry during the conserts. When it happens, I sometimes forget my lyrics ~ Glam/Ã…ge Sten Nilsen ~
~ Det finnes ingen dårlige dager, bare liten vilje til å snu dagen til noe positivt ~
Glam/Ã…ge Sten Nilsen ~
~ There is nothing such as a bad day. Only bad WILL to turn the day into something good ~
Glam/Ã…ge Sten Nilsen ~
~ Wig Wam: Sporty, Glam, Teeny and Flash
(Photo by wigwam.no)
~ Glam and the norwegian singer Jan Teigen on the scene (Photo by wigwam.no)
~ Words.....
~ A short time later I am in a comfortable dining room in an Oslo hotel and sitting across from me with the biggest grin in creation, is the most charming, witty and intelligent front man that I have ever met. There are no holds barred with Glam ….. he tells it to you straight, and as you’ll see he loves to talk … my kind of guy ~
Words by Dawn Irwin, Fireworks ~
~ Wig Wam is real cool ~Words by Bruce Kulick, Kiss ~
~ Words....
~ They..ve said rock..n Roll was dead since it began. It will never die ~ John Lennon ~
~ I start at extreme and go from there ~ Jim Steinman ~
~ I don't do drugs. I am drugs ~ Salvador Dali ~
~ When stormy weather comes around, it was made in heaven ~ Freddie Mercury ~
~ When real music comes to me -
The Music Of The Spheres,
The music that surpasses understanding -
That has nothing to do with me -
Cause I..m just the channel.
The only joy for me is for it to be given to me,
and to transcribe it like a medium...
Those moments are what I live for ~John Lennon ~
~ Singing Has Always Seemed To Me The Most Perfect Means Of Expression. Since I Cannot Sing, I Paint ~
Georgia Totto O..Keeffe ~
~ I Didn..t Become Something When The Beatles Made It. I..ve Been Like This All My Life ~
John Lennon ~
~ Youth has no age ~ Pablo Picasso ~
~ I figure all any kid needs is hope and the feeling he or she belongs. If I could do or say anything that would give some kid that feeling, I would believe I had contributed something to the world ~ Elvis Presley ~
~ Art is business, and business is art ~ Andy Warhol ~
~ When I meet a genius, I know ~ Marianne Greenwood ~
~ I Never Look For Trouble, But I Never Run ~ Elvis Presley ~
~ I Want What All Men Want. But I Want It More ~ f. "Troy" ~
~ If the Sun and Moon should ever doubt, they'd immediately go out ~
William Blake ~
~ Someone Must Have Blessed Us, When He Gave Us Those Songs ~ Jim Steinman ~
~ Laws were made by human. Human can be wrong ~
~ I am King. I Shall Lead ~
~ Comerades!
Beloved brothers and sisters in rock!
We are gathered here today to celebrate a true revolution!
A revolution of a state in which we believe
And a state in which we can finally be free
With justice and liberty for all mankind
With an urge to crank up load guitars
And gather in the spirit of rock and roll
United we stand
United we shall fall
United we shall overcome
Wig Wamania Forever
Wig Wamania forever ~
~ Wig Wamania, lyrics by Glam ~
~ Glams Poem ~
For the Fire in your Soul
For the Thunder in your Ears
For the Power of your Belief
For the Magic of your Mind
For the Blessing in your Voice
For the Light in your Eyes
For the Grace of your Spirit
For the Beauty of your Relations
For the Harmony in your Atmosphere
For the Treasures in your Universe
For the Jewels in your Thoughts
For the Sun in your Heart
....for this, I thank you ~
~ Wig Wam’s singer and front man find colours & shape interesting. He is an impulsive guy, with many projects going on, and often at the same time too. Glam is still a nice and humble guy, and very down to earth.
The singer in Wig Wam is also described as a real Casanova. He don’t manage to take himself so seriously and describe himself with the word, â€meâ€. Teeny on the other hand, says that Glam is an active creature and that he has symptom for AD/HD. Sporty thinks the colleague is an enthusiastic promotor and Flash finds him impulsive.
Glam got a passport to the world of music a long time before his vocabulary was finished, and The King, Elvis, was his biggest inspiration. Elvis died when Glam was barely seven years old, and many tears rolled down the little boys cheeks because of the tragic loss. As a ten-year old Glam was at his first concert with the famous band Uriah Heep, and that probably marked the boy for life.
Besides music Glam had other passions, especially in sports. Sarpsborg Idrettslag gained a lot of benefits from Glams good shape through the years, running like the wind around the midfield at the football ground (without platform shoes). His big idol was Kevin Keegan.
His talent for handball was more prominent than the football talent, either because of the fact that the guy is left handed or that he also played tennis and squash. In spite of bigger talents in these sports, it was football that really interested Glam. But the football shoes had to be put away for good when music took too much time. And this fact has had some unfortunate effects for his physical shape. By the way: Flash has beaten Glam in squash. A big humiliation, according to Glam.
Glam loves to draw, and his biggest dream (besides becoming a rock star), was to draw comics. His personal favourites among comics were Ernie, Lucky Luke, Billy and Asterix. Not surprising his favourite subjects at school were the drawing and the music lessons. When he grew older he studied trades & office subjects in Sarpsborg and got great marks. As the multi sided person he is, he is also quite good with graphics and loves working with it.
When Glam was a boy he had a boat and he loved being out at sea. As a matter of fact, he still does. Most of all he enjoys being in the middle of the sea in a canoe. He thinks it is like therapy for the inner soul. But even Glam have capsized...
Skiing and walks in the mountains is also highly appreciated by this active rocker. He loves both cross country skiing and slalom, and is actually quite good at coming down the hill in one piece.
Glam thinks of himself as an X-person., which means that he don’t have an inner watch. And his concentration, concerning writing songs, graphic design and that kind of stuff, is at its best at night time, because he thinks it’s easier to focus then. There is no secret that Glam prefer to sleep in the morning. Maybe this is the reason for his problems with being punctual? The thing is that he wants to do so much, and both Teeny and Sporty think that Glam’s perspective of time is the most imprecise thing about him. Teeny says that he often almost tear off his hair because of Glam’s late arrivals and that he always plan long tirade of yelling when he shows up. But none of them manage to yell because Glam has an ability to always come in the door with a big smile on his face. There’s a reason why Teeny ask Glam to show up in the studio at 11.00, when he actually don’t need to be there before 12.00… We have no problem to understand that Glam wants one day extra every week to finish all of his projects.
Even though you’ll never see him going under a ladder or wear two different socks, Glam don’t have any fobi. When he was a kid he was afraid of heights, so he never climbed trees. It is unknown if he inherited the fear from his mother, but afraid of heights or not, Glams mother is his idol. She is an important support for him.
If Glam is to experience the perfect TV-evening he have to lie in a lovely bed with big pillows at Plaza Hotels first class and have a beautiful waitress serving mussel, crab, crawfish, and lobster with a good white wine. To really hit the top of the pops he should also have some sushi. On TV there shall first be three episodes of Seinfeld, followed by a live aired KISS concert. When the concert is finished it will be time for a sensual movie. To really get a climax he wants a massage after the meal.
But the guy deserves it. Glam is full of great qualities, but what he likes most about himself is that he doesn’t want anybody any harm. Glam is a living proof of kindness! He’s not afraid of dying, but afraid of losing people he cares about. He gets pissed of whenever he experience injustice, and has more than once been tempted to go in a torchlight procession. But what hurt him most is children in pain.
Glam feels that 2005, the year of the breakthrough, did something with him. Now he finally can make a living from music, and his network of friends grown stronger every day. He’s travelling almost all the time, have had to learn to plan his life after different routines and sometimes he feels that he lives in a suitcase.
Before entering the stage, Glam is very unsocial. He plugs in his ear monitors and disappears into another world, just going around humming in circles. His most memorable concert was in Kulåsparken in Sarpsborg 3.June 2005. Wig Wam were just home from Kiev and in pouring rain thousands of people were standing and cheering for them. And it’s not every day you have Sweet as a support band, sings a duet with Bonnie Tyler and get a gold record for your album!
His passion is what keeps Glam going on as a vocalist in Wig Wam. To make music, be on the stage and being an artist. It’s not every time shape and mood fits the tour list, and sometimes he don’t want to enter the stage, but when he thinks of the people standing in front and really looking forward to the show, a spark of motivation run through him.
He thinks Wig Wam’s biggest challenge now is to carry on with the success and further development, and his goal with Wig Wam is to have a big tour around Europe with sold out concerts. But as the down to earth man he is, he sees himself in ten years sitting in Teenys studio working on a new album.
Of all the impressions Glam has got the last couple of months, it’s the Wig Wamanaics that have shocked him the most. All the fans that show up at the concerts and showing what the music means to them. Wig Wam used to be nothing more then “this nights amusementâ€, but now people is standing at the first row crying because Wig Wam play there own songs. And if you thought Glam was hard and priggish you’re definitely on the wrong track. To see how the fans relate to Wig Wam is very emotional to him ~
~ Written by Sil-Yeah ~
(Photo by wigwam.no)
Highly popular Norwegian band Wig Wam wil be releasing a new single in Norway. The song will be a single track, realeased for charity in Norway only at this stage.
Bygone Zone is a single made for the television show 'Doctors with Boundaries' which features the work that doctors do around the world in areas such as Africa. All money raised by the sales of the single will go to relevant charities assisting doctors and medicines in poor areas of the world. The track was recorded at Teeny's Firehouse Studio in Norway over the last few days.
Despite the busy touring and recording schedule, lead singer, Glam, took time out to have some fun with the kids, supporting another charitable event, the World School Milk Day on Wednesday. The excentric singer, who when presented with a bottle of Ukrainian Vodka at the Official Welcome Party for the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev, famously declared "Thanks, but I'm a milk drinker". He supported the campaign for school children to drink their milk as an important way of getting the right nutrients with the slogan "Milk rocks harder!"
~ Words written by
Barry Viniker/esctoday.com ~
~ My own writings on this site, is copyrighted by Jorunn Aandahl ~
~ Picture from the musical "Which Witch" ~
This myspace background was found at pYzam.com (I use them for graphics too).