Come to PodCamp Europe this Tuesday , 12-13 June 2007!
What is PodCamp Europe? It's a free conference of podcasters, bloggers, and new media professionals & amateurs for two days in Stockholm, Sweden to share, explore, challenge, and grow our abilities in new media. Learn about audio and video podcasting, blogging, Second Life, Twitter, and all kinds of other new media. Whether you're a veteran or interested in getting started, PodCamp is for YOU.
Click here to learn more and register for free!
Why's it called PodCamp Europe instead of PodCamp Stockholm? Our venue sponsor, VON, is giving us a gigantic huge room to do with as we please. We figure it's big enough to allow anyone who wants to attend to be there, so no matter where you are in Europe or beyond, come on by!
The beauty of PodCamps is that YOU are the experts. Bring what you know about the above topics and share your knowledge. Learn, grow, share, make new relationships, and discover the fun of PodCamp.
Stockholm International Fairs
S-125 80 Stockholm, Sweden
Mässvägen 1, Stockholm/Älvsjö, Sweden
Cost: FREE! Did we mention this is free? No money. No Euros. No pounds. No dollars. Free.
You're invited to PodCamp Europe, the free UnConference being held in Stockholm, Sweden June 12-13, 2007. Join bloggers, podcasters, and new media professionals to learn, share, and grow your new media skills. Visit today! Estás invitado a Podcamp Europa, la InConferencia gratuita que tendrá lugar en Estocolmo, Suecia, el 12 y 13 de Junio de 2007. Únete a bloggers, podcasters y profesionales de nuevos medios para aprender, compartir y aumentar tus aptitudes en nuevos medios. Visita hoy ! Vous êtes invités à Podcamp Europe, la conférence gratuite **** le 12 et 13 juin 2007 en Stockholm, Suède. Joignez-vous aux bloggeurs, podcasteurs, en professionels de nouvelle média pour un environnement d'apprentissage et de développement de vos habiletés dans le domaine. Visitez aujourd'hui pour en savoir plus! Du bist hiermit zum PodCamp Europe eingeladen, eine kostenlose UnKonferenz, welche vom 12-13 Juni 2007 in Stockholm, Schweden stattfindet. Treffe Bloggers, Podcasters und andere neuartige Medienspezialisten zum Erfahrungsaustausch und Erweiterung Deiner eigenen Faehigkeiten in Sachen Medien. Besuche noch heute unsere Webseite: ! Siete invitati a PodCamp Europe, l'UnConference che è tenuto gratuitamente a Stoccolma, Svezia dal 12 al 13 giugno 2007. Uniti i bloggers, i podcasters ed i professionisti di new media per imparare, condividere e migliorare le vostre abilità di new media. Visiti oggi! Du är inbjuden till PodCamp Europe, en gratis "unconference" som hålls i Stockholm 12-13 juni 2007. Träffa bloggare, podcastare och andra som är verksamma inom nya medier, för att lära, dela med dig och öka dina kunskaper om nya medier. Besök idag!Where else have there been PodCamps?
* Podcamp NYC at The New Yorker Hotel
* Podcamp Atlanta - March 16-18, 2007 at Emory University
* Podcamp Toronto - February 24-25, 2007 @ Ryerson University
* PodCamp Second Life - January 26-28, 2007 in Second Life
* Podcamp Germany - January 12 - 14 in Berlin
* PodCamp Copenhagen - December 10, 2006 in Copenhagen
* PodCampWest - Nov. 18-19, 2006, San Francisco
* PodCamp Pittsburgh - Nov. 10-12, 2006
* PodCamp Boston - September 9-10, 2006. The first-ever PodCamp!