Mr. Miyagi profile picture

Mr. Miyagi

Not wax on wax off.. . WAAAAX ONNNN! WAAAAX OFFFF!

About Me

I'm a War and Yakuza refugee; escaping both harsh realities from all family and loved ones; to reside in America where I have lead a very reclused life helping others in need. Daniel-san is my counter-part in giving; by aprenticing him with my traditional heritage of martial arts, he has proven his worth by friendship; and trust, that martial arts lies in Mind and Spirit, rather than the fist. But after my return to Okinawa (my home), I find my past still haunts me with old grudges left by childhood friend; and arch-nemesis, Sato; here challenages my decipline, and honor to save a lifelong friend; by teaching Daniel-san courage, and truths comes first.

My Interests

Helping Others in Need, Martial Arts, Meditation, Bon-sai Trees, Fishing, Gardening, Pruning, Plumming, Painting, Sanding, Sake, Restoring Classic Automobiles & Repairing Bikes, Hand Friction Remedy, Stump Balancing, Fly Catching, and Tea Ceremonies. You Make Miyagi Proud! Here, Take Your Pick:

I'd like to meet:

The Next Karate Kid is You! BONZAAAAIIIIII!!!!!!!! -Mr.Miyagi .. classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" flash/,0,0,0" width="550" height="525" id="draw" align="" Arch-Nemesis:


50's & 60's Goldon Oldies


Rebel Without A Cause, A Westside Story; Anything with; James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo