GLAMAZON profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm very indecisive and want to do so many different things in life. I love being spontaneous and random and known to be a little crazy at times. I enjoy going out but also like relaxing at home. I love taking risks. I'm the kinda person that does things now and deals with the consequences later. I believe everything happens for a reason and know that God has a plan for everything. I am extremely outgoing and energetic and love to have a good time. I am very competitive and love taking charge. I hate ignorant people and fakers. I get bored easily and need to be constantly entertained. I always speak my mind and don't care who hears it. So if you don't like what I have to say then screw you! I can be your worst enemy or your best friend. I don't have too many girl friends cuz they cause too much drama. But those ones I do have I love to death. I am very misunderstood so don't judge a book by its cover. Don't think you know me just cuz you read my info here. If you really wanna get to know me then send me a message and start up a conversation!
Glamazon on Myspace
I joined Myspace back in the day when everyone had Friendster and Findapix. I found out about this new online community through someone on Friendster who claimed that this "Myspace" site was gonna be big. WHAT? BIGGER THAN FRIENDSTER?! NO WAY! Nevertheless, I joined and now everyone and their mama has it. Damn..what was life before Myspace like?
I didn't join Myspace thinking "Damn..I want thousands of friends!" You stack up friends after 5 years ykno? So fuck the haters! I love all my friends on here cuz you guys give me something to do when I can't sleep at 2 in the morning :]
A Little Note --------------------
HEY GUYS!! I try to keep up with all the requests and messages but I get and so overwhelmed with all the nice notes :] It's hard for me to reply to everyone, so write something that stands out and catches my eye!! Don't expect me to write back if you write some stupid shit..Look below =)
And let's get something straight here.
No, I will not...
-give you my number/sn/address
-go on a date or sleep with you
-call you. Don't leave your number.
-send you any naked pictures
Yes, I will...
-promote you, your band, or company if it's something I am interested in.
-reply back to you if you can strike up an intelligent conversation.
-do TFP/TFCD if the concept is something I can't pass up.

My Interests



I'd like to meet:

GO AWAYHIT ME UPADDMORE PICSMY LIFEI'm a pretty outgoing person..some may say a little crazy at times. I like to party and have a good time but I also know when it's time to settle down. I believe in living for the moment cuz you never know when its gonna be your time to go. I'm a pretty laid back person but once you cross me that's when the total asian bitch comes out. I believe everything happens for a reason. Even the hard shit we have to go through in life makes us who we are and that much stronger. I value my family, my and son, and my friends. I live and breathe for them and without them I would be nothing. I'm currently stationed in Kansas right now but I think I've reeked enough havoc here so I should be going back to Cali soon. So watch I come! :]

No other person has come into my life and made me feel the way that he does. He always manages to bring a smile to my face and I don't know what I would do without him. He is my other half and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.


My Blog

If you wanna be featured in my Artist Spotlight..

send me a message with a little bit about yourself or your band. I'm gonna try and pick out a couple artists each time around, and if chosen you'll be featured in the Artist Spotlight on my page! (**c...
Posted by GLAMAZON on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 10:52:00 PST

Quick blabber =)

I was trying to post some stuff and update my myspace at work but the stupid proxy won't let me do anything except read messages. I can't even reply or comment back...arghhh sucks. I guess I shouldn't...
Posted by GLAMAZON on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:10:00 PST

Catch me on Sirius Radio!

Hey guys!Check me out on Jamie Foxx's radio show on Sirius tomorrow night at 7pm! Let's all pray that I don't have a blond moment live on air =/
Posted by GLAMAZON on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:20:00 PST